Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Down time

For the past year writing wise I've had no down time, but I have for the past week. I'm waiting on hearing about a proposal before finishing the rest of the book so what do I do with myself? It's not enough time to delve into a new book. It's not that I don't have things to do. I do--lots. But I'm a goal oriented person and right now I don't have a writing goal. That's a big deal to me. I'm walking around the house aimlessly. What do I do?

I could clean my house. Ugh. Not my favorite thing to do, especially the dusting. I'm not sure why dusting is what I hate the most but it is. I could read the 8 books I received Monday. I'm a judge for the RITA contest and I am a slow reader. I could spend time with my granddaughters (I did on Monday and loved it). All of those activities I am doing, even going to lunch with a writer friend to brainstorm today, but I need a writing goal. Writing is what fulfills me. Do you have something like that?


  1. I'm learning not to write ahead on proposals. I used to. So, I'm working on another proposal.

    And, thanks for the heads-up. I'll start looking for my RITA books.

  2. Margaret,
    I too, wander around feeling lost when I'm in between books. I'm not as goal oriented as I should be in this business, but when as book or proposal goes in, I do the happy dance for a day and then start avoiding chores. Isn't it funny how our minds work?

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does it. Thanks, Pamela and Pat.


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