Thursday, February 23, 2012

When Writers Gather

Debby (L) visits with Love Inspired author Missy Tippens (R)
Debby Giusti here!

Ever wonder where writers meet and what they talk about when they get together?  Often they gather at local or regional writers' meetings.  Last Saturday, I joined with other members of my Georgia Romance Writers' chapter for our monthly get-together and presentation.

We arrive at 9 AM for breakfast at an Atlanta-area hotel, and a business meeting follows the meal.  Our chapter president shares information on upcoming events, and board members discuss various projects with which GRW is involved.

A regular part of the format is when we share good news.  The sale of a book, writing awards, even rejections are celebrated.  How can a rejection be good news?  Because it means the member is submitting his or her work to editors and agents.  Just because a story didn't sell this time, doesn't mean it won't the next time, and as we all know, a manuscript can't sell if it hasn't been submitted.
(L to R) GRW President Anna Stefl chats with board member
Nancy Norcott and critique partners Larissa Hoffman and Denise Plumart.
On Saturday, Author Jana Oliver presented a fun and thought-provoking program entitled, "The Best and Worst Advice I've Ever Received."  She laced her presentation with plenty of humor and even gave the audience a chance to share advice they had been given over the years.  Jana closed with the following challenge: Trust the gift, the story, the characters and yourself.
Missy (far R) and Susan Carlisle get ready for the book signing.
A book signing ends the formal meeting, and by 1:30 PM, folks were heading back to their families and their computers.  Next month, we'll spend another morning together, talking about books and publishing. Stop by if you're in Atlanta!
Best-selling suspense authors and GRW members
(L) Leslie Tentler and (R) Kate Brady

Happy reading!  Happy writing!

Wishing you abundant blessings,
Debby Giusti
Faith with an edge...cross my heart!

THE OFFICER'S SECRET, book 1 in Debby's Military Investigations series, and THE CAPTAIN'S MISSION, book 2, are still available in print or e-book.  Be sure to order your copy through


  1. I see some of my favorite people! Lovely summary of what happens at a writer's meeting, Debby. I could have used this before my first one. Thanks!

  2. I wish I were there! Imagine getting to see both Debby and Missy and a slew of others at the same time!

  3. Given my work-from-home status, I have to admit, I live for these meetings. A room full of like-minded adults, who are also game to offer recommendations for books? Yes, please! Great photos, too!

  4. Hi Larissa,
    Love the pic of you and Denise!

  5. Pam,
    I always enjoy when you post pictures of your area writing events. Too bad we can't bi-locate! LOL

  6. Noelle,

    I always come home from the meetings energized and ready to tackle my WIP with new enthusiasm.

  7. Looks like a fun time, Debby! :) Blessings, Patti Jo

  8. It was a great meeting! Thanks for sharing the photos, Debby. I always get energized by the meetings, too. :)

    Pamela, come on! We'd love to have you any time. :)

  9. Hi Patti Jo!

    You need to join us someday.


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