Friday, October 2, 2015

Buzz Words and Key Words at NINC2015--Lenora Worth

Hello. I'm at NINC! That's Novelists Inc, an organization for published writers that works hard for advocacy and diversification. NINC deals a lot with the business side of writing. We are at the lovely Tradewinds Resort in St Petersburg, FL. Just a hop and skip from where I live.

What have I learned. That I love sunshine and palm trees. And that the world of writing is going GLOBAL. Yes, we are striving for World Domination!!! It's all about global markets and how we need to get our books into foreign markets and many languages. And with mobile technically and e-book editions, we can do that.

Meantime, my head is exploding with possibilities.

So here are some words that I've heard:

Street Team--small or large, make sure your street team members are willing to review your books and spread the word. In the old days, this was called word of mouth.

Chunky Method (yay to Allie Plieter!!!) We all write in different ways and one way is not always the only way. I've been writing in chunks since I got here and it's working out okay. I'm getting words on the page in little increments even though I'm more of a LONG Chunky writer.

Other words that you can search for on twitter or facebook through #ninc15:

ALLi (Alliance of Independent Authors)

Germany (Big, big market for mobile books there. Readers read on their smartphones these days so we all need to go mobile)

A lot of D words:
Direct Communication
Designated Market Areas

Metadata and Microtargeting--both about key words and really targeting a specific market.

Sell through instead of lots of returns. POD is a hot topic, too.

And finally, bookstores, book buyers and book lovers--get reacquainted with all of them!

And the longest word I heard at NINC: entrepreneurialism

Say that really fast three times!

I'm having fun and learning a lot. But I sure need a nap. No time for that. I'm off to another workshop :)


  1. Thanks so much for sharing, Lenora.

    I hope you're not being affected by Joaquin's winds. The pictures I've seen look lovely.

  2. I've been wondering what NINC meant - - now I know! :)
    Thank you for sharing this, Elnora. Enjoy the rest of your time there!
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  3. Thank you so much for sharing. I really wish I were there!


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