Friday, December 30, 2011

Ask Elnora--About Starting Over? Lenora Worth

Hello, lovely end-of-the-year friends. Elnora doesn't make New Year's Resolutions. Elnora is resolved on a lot of things already. But I do so believe in starting over. I think the hip term these days is a "do-over." Sometimes, it's the only way to make things right, right?? For example, Elnora loves pie. Chocolate pie, coconut pie, pecan pie, and sweet potato pie. In fact, I've had sweet potato pie for breakfast all week long (and yes, I know it's off the charts on Weight Watchers points.) But ... there is something so comforting about a piece of pie and a good cup of coffee. Comfort food--it wraps us in memories like an old quilt. With each bite I take, I remember my mother making home-made pies. She'd stand at an actual pie safe (does anyone else know what one of those is??) and roll out the pie dough on the big enamel counter. The smell of a home-made sweet potato pie is like nectar from heaven. So I kind of feel that with each bite of that sweet pie, I get a nice do-over of some good childhood memories. Now, Elnora trying to bake her own--that might turn into a nightmare. I attempted gingerbread cookies last week, as some might recall. I have a big container of them sitting on my counter. They turned out pretty good, except one must dip the little brats in coffee in order to soften them for proper eating. I call them my biscotti gingerbread cookies. Not bad with a latte, let me tell you. I might need a do-over on how to bake cookies, too. But I digress. On to the new year and fresh, new perspectives. There is something enchanting and enticing about a blank calendar. There are no mistakes to white out. We have a whole new twelve months to get things right or discover something new and challenging. We'll have plenty of time to explore all the possibilities that stretch over months and months of pure white just begging us to pencil something in. Some people pick a new word for each new year. Some people decide they will finally do that one thing they've secretly wanted to do and oh, joy, they have a whole year to follow their bliss. A new year offers everyone a second chance or a first adventure. So let's discuss. What will you do with the next twelve months? I hope we can all fill that white space with lots of notes and exclamation points so when those twelve months are up, we can look back and nod and say "That was a good day" or "I'm so glad I tried that and succeeded." Are you ready for new beginnings and a few do-overs? After all, it should be as easy as pie, right?


  1. Instead of resolutions, I have picked a word, "learn," and a Scripture to go with it, Matthew 11:29. It is about making myself more intentional about growing this year. Last year, I spent a lot of time having lessons thrown at me.

    My daughter is starting the new year with skydiving lessons. Her wedding was called off this fall, three weeks beforehand, by the groom. It was one of those moments a parent dreads, watching tragedy happen to an adult child and only being able to do so much. She has made an incredible journey in the last three months and is intentionally working to create a new and fabulous life for herself. Whew. Skydiving is one of those challenges that helps you take other risks!

    Blessings to all in the coming year. May we all find hope, build our faith, and experience joy in 2012.

    Peace, Julie

  2. Julie, your daughter sounds incredibly brave. Bravo to her!! Thanks for your comments!! I hope we can all learn together.

  3. Oh, Julie, that hurts me just to hear about it. I'm sure it's been a rough few months for your family. Good for her for rebounding, though. But skydiving??!! That's probably tough on a mom as well. :)

    Lenora, I don't do resolutions, either. But I do like to review the previous year and set new goals. It's a true time of reflection for me. Or at least it used to be before my kids were old enough to stay up with me! LOL

  4. Thanks, Missy. I think as we get older, our New Year's resolutions change a lot. I have to admit, it's not one of my favorite holidays. I'm always too ready to get on with things to stop and celebrate. But ... I'm trying to mellow in that department and savor each moment.

  5. I love the idea of starting over. Really, that's what resolutions are all about, right? But whatever you call it, I'm grateful for a neew beginning. Oh, and my favorite pie is chicken pot pie. Yes, I know. I'm very strange. But I am blessed not to like sweets.

  6. Contradiction alert! In my post a few minutes ago, I said I'm blessed not to like sweets, but in my post two days ago, I mentioned a fictional Aunt Sally's pie. That was meant as an example more people could relate to. For me it would be another helping of Aunt Sally's sour cream mashed potatoes and giblet gravy. Heehee.

  7. And who doesn't love mashed potatoes and gravy??? That works for me, Louise!


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