Thursday, March 14, 2013

Leigh Bale Talks About Time with her Mom

Howdy from Nevada!  By day, I work at an institution of higher education and we’re about to embark on our Spring Break.  While I’ve got a little extra time off from my day job, I’m going to get my hair and nails done with my mom and go out to lunch.  We love doing these girly things together.  We visit about nothing and everything and just enjoy one another’s company.  I hope sharing times like this will sustain us years later, when one of us isn’t around to just pick up the phone and call and talk for awhile.  Sometimes, my dad makes us tuna fish sandwiches.  We call it Tuna Tuesday.  He makes the sandwiches with Mom’s home bottled relish and they are SO delicious.  How about you?  Do you share some fun moments with special family and friends in your life?  What do you do together?

In the meantime, stay warm.  Especially you Easterners who are getting snowstorm upon snowstorm without reprieve.  We’ve had that kind of weather here in Nevada before and you have my sympathy.  J



  1. Hi Leigh, so glad you can have that quality time with your MOM, have missed mine who went to Heaven in 1998. we never know how much we will miss someone until they are gone. I lived many states away but went home often and just visiting together doing nothing in particular were great memories for me. glad you are making your memories for the time when you will need it.
    Paula O(

  2. Leigh, your nails look gorgeous!

    I'm so glad you've had fun with your mom. I talk to my parents a few times each week. They live about 6 hours away, so I don't see them often. But I hope to go see them next month!

  3. Paula, I'm the same. We love to just sit and talk and watch TV together.

  4. My mom and I email every day. It's a special time for me. Every once and awhile my dad will do it too! We call too. I'm very close to my parents and any contact we have is very important to me. So glad you have that time with your mom.

  5. Paula, I'm sorry for your loss. This is one reason I cherish my mom and dad so much. I figure we don't need to lose someone to understand how much we love them. Thanks for sharing. :)

  6. Missy, thanks. I'm glad you like my nails. My daughter tells me I should get more done with them. Paint them or add some design. I usually just get them clear or light pink or something conservative. But I figure no matter how old I get, I can always smell good and have nice nails. HAHAHA!

  7. Valri, tell your mom I said 'hi.' With our similar roots, I figure we're probably related somewhere down the line. :)

  8. Paula, since you were the first "poster" on today's blog, I'd like to give you an autographed copy of my Golden Heart-winning book "The Healing Place." If you'll send me your mailing address, I'll get that into the mail to you. :)

    Email me at: Leigh

  9. Leigh,
    How lucky you are to have your Mom to do such things with. I wish my Mom was still around

  10. Oh, and btw, I was in Tucson this weekend and met a lady who knew you. I cannot remember her name or find the paper she wrote her name on, but she said to tell you she's the one who realized you wrote heroes with broad, broad shoulders because you'd married a hero with broad, broad shoulders.
    Ring a bell?

  11. Hi Leigh. I know you must treasure this special relationship with you r mom. My mom, who's widowed now, lives about 300 miles away but I try to speak to her every week by phone. Luckily I have two sisters who live practicaly next door to her so I know she is well cared for.

  12. Pamela, No that doesn't ring a bell. I wonder who this lady could be. Now, I'm very curious. They obviously know me, though. My husband is 6'4" and weighs in at about 250 pounds. A big man, considering I'm so short. We're like "mutt and Jeff." :)

  13. Winnie, my folks moved here to my town in Nevada about 13 months ago, because I was concerned about them getting older and not really having anyone to look after them. I'm sure it eases your mind knowing you've got sisters nearby your mother. One of my greatest fears is for someone I love to be lying on a cold, hard floor for days on end because no one knows they're in trouble and can't get up. Just awful! So, I'm glad your sisters are there for your mom. :)

  14. Leigh,
    So special that you and your Mom can spend time together. My wonderful mother passed away too many years ago. I still miss her so!

  15. Oh, Deb. I'm sorry to hear that you lost your mom. It's amazing how much we miss our parents and other people so close to us.

  16. Leigh, what wonderful memories you're making. I get to see my mom a few times a year and treasure each one.

  17. Christine, until my folks moved to my town, I'd go in to visit them once a year and they'd come here once a year. It was never enough, but all we could do. I think holidays, birthdays, graduations, other special occasions is when we miss our parents the most, and they miss us. I'm so glad you get to visit your mom several times a year.

  18. Leigh, i am glad you get to spend time with your mom that is so important, yes your nails looks nice. My mom went to heaven in 92 i miss her a lot.So take good care of your mom, you never know when she won't be around. God bless you.
    Norma S.

  19. Leigh, i am glad you get to spend time with your mom that is so important, yes your nails looks nice. My mom went to heaven in 92 i miss her a lot.So take good care of your mom, you never know when she won't be around. God bless you.
    Norma S.

  20. Leigh, how wonderful and special that you spend time with your Mom (and Dad!). My Mama and Daddy were truly my very best friends and I miss them terribly (I lost Mama in 2005, Daddy in 2007). But I have such sweet memories of them and our fun times together, and feel that they live on in my heart. And since they're in Heaven, one day we'll all have a joyous reunion!! ~ Thank you for sharing with us (and ditto what others said about your nails--gorgeous!). Blessings, Patti Jo

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  22. Norma and CatMom, I'm so sorry for your loss. But so glad you have great memories of your folks and can carry on the great legacy they left you. :)

  23. Thanks Leigh, I didn't realize a first poster got a book, you are sweet, I don't think you have to worry about getting old now at your age, you are still a young chick..go ahead pamper yourself once in awhile, it feels good doesn't it...
    Paula O

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