Jean C. Gordon here. For me, May has been all about mothers. To start, I was invited to write a Mother's Day piece for the Harlequin Reader Service Simply Books Extra Home page.It's a tribute to my mother. I love the picture. Mom and Dad had it taken for their 50th wedding anniversary.
Next was Mother's Day itself. We had special music at church — my husband is in the choir — including "Be Still My Heart" and as our closing song, "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High," one of my favorites. All mothers received a handkerchief, pen, and quote. My quote was "Children are a great comfort in your old age — and they help you reach it faster too." by Lionel Kauffman. (Does he know our son?)

Back at home, my daughter and her family gave me just what I wanted and needed, a courier bag to carry all my stuff back and forth to work. And it's my favorite color. My husband made me mac and cheese and asparagus for dinner.
After the holiday, it was back to work on my current manuscript, which is full of mothers and babies. The heroine is a midwife and the hero an obstetrician. I have my own resident expert for the book, my daughter who's a certified nurse midwife. My deadline to get the book to my editor is June 1.

Finally, I'm looking forward to the July release of my next Love Inspired, the third in my Paradox Lake series, appropriately titled
Small-Town Mom.
So, what do you have going on this May?
I'm moving. That means packing and throwing stuff and away and taking a trip down memory lane as I find things I had forgotten about. To keep or to pitch? That is the questions every day. Sometimes, I decided the memories are best left in my head and not in a box somewhere that someone else will pitch when I'm gone.
ReplyDeleteI'm on deadline too, and eagerly anticipating the release of my first trade-length book on June 1st. :)