Friday, November 29, 2013

The Time to Celebrate with Family

On Fridays through the Christmas-New Years Season, the Craftie Ladies will be sharing family photos of holidays recent and in the past. The first is Author Terri Reed.
Terri Reed here with my daughter on her first Christmas.  We lived in a little apartment on a hill in Portland that our tree barely fit into.  I had so much fun dressing her up in frilly outfits. It's hard to believe she'll be 21 soon. I've been so blessed to have a daughter that is loving, kind, self-assured and generous. God must really love me.

Jean C. Gordon Family--The roster: On the couch, my son-in-law and daughter, granddaughter, me, husband. In front, my grandson, Mr. Buttons, Xena, my son, and Colossus. Cat 1 and Cat 2 declined to be photographed.

Dana Mentink Family: Pictured are Papa Bear, Boo Boo, Yogi and yours truly (otherwise known as the Mentink clan.

More Family photos next Friday!--Lyn


  1. Nice photographs. Thank God for family.

  2. Oh how cool. Its one thing we have very few Christmas photos. Love seeing others (missing seeing cat 1 and 2).
    I have started putting my tree up today. will hopefully do more tomorrow.

  3. Thank you Olufisayo,
    Jenny, I plan to put ours up this weekend.

  4. I have decided less is more this year not sure if I will put the icicles etc on this year as I like looking at the ornaments as many are newer and many now have meaning (like ones I got from trips) I mean doesn't everyone have a pink trolley car from Hawaii! and I like to be able to see them. may put a little of the shiny stuff but now like normal.

  5. I love the idea of a pink trolley car from Hawaii. I didn't know Hawaii had trolley cars.

  6. yes they have a 4 different routes I believe.

  7. How fun! Thanks for sharing! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  8. Great start and I love the pink trolley, Jenny!


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