Janet Tronstad here. I just got back from a trip to Boston for Thanksgiving and I am reeling with grateful thoughts. We (my nieces, nephew and I) went down to Plimouth Plantation and had Thanksgiving with 'the Pilgrims' (costumed role players). Then we went over to see the Mayflower II (an exact replica of the original). Believe me, we have so much to be thankful for these days. I can't imagine crossing the ocean with 130 other people (crew and passengers) on a ship the size of my condo in Pasadena! Families were stacked on top of each other! And the voyage over was the easy part. The Pilgrims arrived in weather so cold about half of them died from pneumonia (and related things). They had little food, little shelter, and lots of fears. I wondered as I heard their stories if I would have their kind of courage. As I said earlier though it did make me very grateful I don't have their challenges. How about you? Have you ever wondered if you would have made a Pilgrim voyage back in the day?
Janet, I wish I could have tagged along with you--this past week. Not in 1620! I can't imagine such a journey. They must have really thought they didn't have much of a choice. But God was with them and that made the difference in their attitudes--don't you think?
ReplyDeleteLyn -- the Pilgrims truly came so they could worship God as they wanted. They were being persecuted quite severely in Europe and, I do believe, felt they had no choice.
ReplyDeletePS -- Lyn, I wish you could have tagged along too! Very fun trip.
ReplyDeleteJanet, how fun! I'm hoping to take my kids to Boston this summer. Mostly to look at colleges for my daughter. We'll definitely check out the Mayflower
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun trip. Yours-not the pilgrims. I wouldn't have survived. I have severe motion sickness and can barely handle long car rides.
ReplyDeleteWhat fun, Janet! I was in Boston/Lexington/Salem in October chaperoning a high school trip with my son. There's just so much to see and do! I'd like to go back and spend a week sometime.