Saturday, November 28, 2015

FEATURED BOOK AND INTERVIEW: Her Christmas Hero by Lorraine Beatty

A Small-Town Christmas 

Gemma Butler has a grand vision to transform the fledgling Christmas celebrations in Dover, Mississippi, and bring visitors to the town. It's also the single mom's last chance to provide for her son and revive her event planning business. But Gemma's not the only one with something to prove. Line Montgomery has the weight of the family business on his shoulders. And he'll go down swinging before he'll let anyone disrupt the traditions he holds dear. Yet when a storm threatens to destroy the holiday, he'll join forces with the beautiful planner and discover she just might be the love he's been searching for. 

How exciting to have _Linc Montgomery_ the hero from _Her Christmas Hero written by Lorraine Beatty_ a __November release from Love Inspired Romance .

1.  Linc Montgomery, tell me the most interesting thing about you.
            I’m the oldest of five kids and I take the position seriously. I look out for  them and now that my dad is gone I look out after mom too.
2.  What do you do for fun?
            I used to go fishing in the stream on my property but I’ve been too busy working lately to go.
3.  What do you put off doing because you dread it?
            Laundry. Hate it.
4.  What are you afraid of most in life?
            That I won’t find the right woman. I’ve seen so many marriages fall apart, especially my brother’s. I want to be sure she’s the one but is that even possible these days?
5.  What is the most important thing to you?
            Family. Always.
6.  Do you read books? If so, what is your favorite type of book?
            Sometimes. I listen to audio books when I travel, high adventure stuff mainly.

7.  If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
            I guess it would be to relax more and learn to go with the flow. I don’t really like change.

8.  Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?
            Not at the moment but I’ll probably get a dog soon. A big brown lab.

9. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?
            I’d like to go back to the days when my great-grandfather was settling this land and work alongside him as he built his legacy. It must have been a huge adventure to clear the land, build a home and live off the work of your hands.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Blast from the Past - Guess the Author

Yes, friends, we are back. It's that time when we glimpse into the past of one of our Craftie Ladies. The first reader to correctly guess this month's author will receive a copy of this author's latest Love Inspired release.

Here's your clue:

In this picture, taken in the late 1980's,  my second grade class and I studied a unit on Hawaii, including the geography, history, music, myths, flora and fauna and so much more about our 50th state. On the last day, we celebrated with a luau. Kids tasted tropical fruits, danced the hula, and shared some of the things they'd learned and stories they'd written. It was a blast!

Do you know who this is? Leave your guess in the comments to be entered in the contest. And be sure to look for more clues in the comment section throughout the day.

Good luck!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

From Us to You: Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving. I pray for a joyful day for you and your family.
Janet Lee Barton

Janet's outside fall decorating

As we pause to give thanks to our Lord for all His goodness to us, Joe and I are wishing you and your loved ones a most blessed Thanksgiving and holiday season. Eat lots of turkey. Happy Thanksgiving!
Deb Kastner

Wishing everyone a warm and blessed Thanksgiving. I pray you'll embrace this
special time with family and create memories to last a lifetime. Happy
Lorraine Beatty

Hope your pecan pie is the best and that every family member takes home laughter and good memories as well as leftovers.
Pamela Tracy

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving with much joy! 
Louise M. Gouge

I'm thankful for the deepening relationship with God. This has changed how I look at life. It helps me to deal with difficulties. I'm thankful for my family and friends. Life is meant to be shared with others and to relish the moment. I'm thankful I can work at a job I love. And I'm thankful for my readers. 
Margaret Daley

 Many wishes for a blessed Thanksgiving and a peaceful holiday season.
Mindy Obenhaus

Wishing you a blessed day with friends and family. Happy Thanksgiving from the Tippens family!

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours. May the day be blessed with the fellowship of loved ones and the joy of sharing the abundance Our Lord has given us.
Jean C. Gordon

Thanksgiving food at Jean's
I wish you all a wonderful holiday with food, family and a thankful heart. From my home to yours!
Patricia Johns

I hope you have enjoy the blessing of time with family, friends and all the tasty Thanksgiving treats you can hold!
Dana Mentink
Dear readers, I wish you a blessed Thanksgiving with family and friends. May love and laughter flow.
Christine Johnson

It is my hope that all of you have a wonderful, blessing and grateful Thanksgiving. God Bless You All!
Barbara Phinney 

I am so thankful for all of you who had taken the time to read my debut. I wish you bountiful blessings, time with family and friends, and a true feeling of gratitude.
Cate Nolan

May the Lord bless you and keep you on this Thanksgiving. I hope that everyone enjoys time with their family and friends. And that you eat some pumpkin pie. Happy Thanksgiving!
Rachel Dylan

This Thanksgiving, I hope you all are able to take a break from the rush of the holiday and spend some time being thankful. We have so much to be thankful for, and I’m incredibly thankful for all of our wonderful readers.
Danica Favorite 

 I pray that your table is full of treats and your house full of loved ones. Holidays can be very hard, and if that is your situation this Thanksgiving, I pray comfort for you, sweet friends, from the One who knows our pain and loves us through it.
Dana Mentink

 I'm thankful for the freedom to write stories about faith, hope and love. I'm thankful for readers and for my writing family. And I'm thankful for the gift of family, friends and faith :)
Lenora Worth :)

This Thanksgiving I’m so thankful for my family and the many blessings I have. I’m thankful for our readers, and I wish each of you a blessed Thanksgiving filled with love and thankfulness.
 Merrillee Whren

 As I look around our troubled world this Thanksgiving, I thank God for Jesus, for a close knit family, and for peace in my small corner of the world. Wishing you the peace of God, the joy of love, and the ability to eat all the yummy food you want without gaining one pound! (The first two are possible. Number three, well, just eat and enjoy anyway!)
Linda Goodnight

Wishing all of you a joyous Thanksgiving! I hope you'll be with family and friends and that you can look back on the year full of gratitude. I'm grateful for all the wonderful folks who visit this blog, who read Love Inspired Books, who are friends on Facebook...for all of YOU! You brighten my world.  Happy Thanksgiving!
Debby Giusti

Thanksgiving wish: May your time of thanksgiving be blessed with love and laughter and the light of Jesus.
Terri Reed

 Wishing my fellow Americans a blessed time of gathering with loved ones. May your prayers be overflowing with so many grateful recollections of blessings the past year has held that your feast is in danger of growing cold.
Keli Gwyn

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

How to be a better writer - age. Yup, grow old.

By Barbara Phinney
I have always enjoyed writing, even those early, awful stories .
But as we grow old and mature in our faith, I'm finding myself looking more at the core of a story than at anything else. 
When I started to write The Nanny Solution, my Love Inspired Historical due out in July 2016, I asked myself what were my hero and heroine's spiritual goals, motivation and conflict? What did they need to learn to get closer to God?
It was pride. I'm thankful to say that pride is not one of my more difficult problems, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a problem at all. But there are other sins in my life and as I prepare another proposal for my editor, I discover that there are sins I need to tackle full force. More so as I get convicted of them, as was the case this weekend. 
Sorting out one's sins is complex and takes time, and lots of forgiveness is needed, but this maturing makes for a stronger writer.
As we grow in our faith and as we grow old, we see more at the core of things, and the deep emotions that truly make for a strong story.
So, take heart, younger writers. You may be getting a bit of grey hair or slightly sagging jawline. You may have put on a few pounds, but your writing and your own spiritual journey are maturing, especially as you continue to seek God's will, and allow yourself to be taught. Yes, it's a tough pill to swallow and we often choke on it, but it will go down with our Lord's help.
Then you'll find your next story will be even stronger, and so will your faith.
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Winter Walk In the Forest

by Jill Kemerer

I'm a nature girl. No, I don't run marathons or climb mountains, but I love to be outside. This can be a problem during the winter. You see, the end of November in northern Ohio tends to be cold, and it only gets colder. The weather doesn't really grow warm until May.

Since I love the outdoors, I layer it up and go out EVEN WHEN IT'S FREEZING. I know! Brr... It's mind boggling! But being stuck inside for months will not do for this gal, so I bundle up and head to one of our gorgeous parks to walk--as long as it isn't single digits or icy.

I took this picture last year on one of my walks. A river is to the left. This scene looks completely different in spring and summer!

Here are some tidbits for anyone unaccustomed to cold winters.

The Hallmark Christmas movies? I love them--seriously love them. However, when they show people wearing coats with open collars revealing bare skin while it's snowing out, I cringe. If it's cold enough to be snowing, trust me, you zip that coat all the way up!

Another issue? If you step outside, you will see your breath. And your nose and cheeks will quickly grow pink from the air. Don't let the flawless faces on TV fool you!

Back to the topic...

Winter walks. In the forest. Right.

When I go to a park for a winter walk, I dress appropriately. If you're jogging or cross country skiing, you'd wear lighter layers because you work up a sweat. Since I'm just walking, my outfit usually consists of a few layers (long sleeve tee under a sweater and leggings under jeans), warm boots and my jacket, scarf, hat and gloves. I always stuff a few tissues in my pocket. The cold air bites, drawing tears from your eyes along with the sniffles.

This cardinal might not be visible in the summer, but you can't miss him in the winter!

Once I hit the trail I'm reminded why winter is special. It's quiet. No rustling of leaves, fewer birds chatting above. The busyness of the forest is less frantic. It's also pretty in a different way. Things hidden in the summer are visible without the leaves on bushes or trees. Brightly colored birds like cardinals and blue jays pop against the grays, browns and whites.

A winter walk in the forest is truly breathtaking.

Remind me to come back and read this post in three months when I can't stop whining about how long winter lasts!

What is winter like in your neck of the woods? Do you enjoy being outdoors or do you prefer snuggling up in a cozy blanket inside?

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Craftie Ladies - Love Inspired Suspense Nov 2015 Releases

Listed below are the upcoming releases from our talented Love Inspired Suspense writers here at Craftie Ladies of Romance.  To purchase any of these wonderful books, just click on the book covers.  And to learn more about the authors, click on their names.

Murder Under the Mistletoe 
By Terri Reed


DEA agent Tyler Griffin must stop a drug cartel that's using an Idaho Christmas tree farm to smuggle narcotics across the Canadian border. But to do his job, Tyler needs the cooperation of farm owner and widowed mother Heather Larson-Randall—whose informant brother died on Tyler's watch. 

Tyler knows a crucial piece of evidence is hidden somewhere on the property. But getting the protective mother to trust him is the hardest part of his mission. As threats against Heather mount, he vows to keep her and her child safe…and clear the farm of danger before Christmas. 

Northern Border Patrol: Keeping the US-Canadian border safe..

Saturday, November 21, 2015

FEATURED BOOK AND INTERVIEW: The Christmas Family by Linda Goodnight

The Greatest Christmas Gift Contractor Brady Buchanon can't wait to surprise single mom Abby Webster with his company's Christmas home makeover prize. But once he does, the struggling waitress turns him down flat! Raised in foster care, Abby won't accept charity. Yet when her dilapidated porch almost injures her daughter, Abby finally agrees to Brady's offer.

As the hardworking bachelor pushes to finish the house in time for Christmas, he starts falling for Abby and her little girl. With the holidays in sight, Brady wonders if Abby will not only accept her beautiful new home, but also his wish to make her his wife… 

How exciting to have Brady Buchanon, the hero from THE CHRISTMAS FAMILY by Linda Goodnight, a November, 2015, release from Love Inspired Romance .

1.   Brady, tell me the most interesting thing about you.

I’m a big guy, six-six and built like a linebacker-which I was in college. My size is what people notice first about me. These days, I’m a builder with my family’s company, Buchanon Built Construction. I’m the head boss under my dad and sort of the patriarch of my six brothers and sisters. They all look up to me-literally.

2.  What do you do for fun?

Lots of things. Hang with my huge family. Sports. Build onto my awesome home near the river. But the thing I look forward to most is Christmas. I’m a total nut job for the home maker-over project I do each year as a Christmas gift to one lucky recipient. Nothing pleases me more than giving someone a newly remodeled home. This year, I’ve chosen a waitress from the Buttered Biscuit Café. She and her little girl live in a house that’s falling down. The little girl, a cute charmer, has spina bifida. She needs a nicer, more accessible home. I can give her that if the mom, Abby Webster will lay down her overblown pride and let me!

3.  What do you put off doing because you dread it?

My dad and I butt heads like two bull goats. This year, because of budget issues and overwork caused by ongoing vandalism of other projects, he thinks I should scrap the home make-over project. I won’t. And I dread the moment he finds out. He and I rarely see eye to eye on anything and he often wins the battle. Not this time. I’m giving Abby Webster and Lila a home no matter how much my dad sputters and roars.

4.  What are you afraid of most in life?

Failure in any capacity whether it’s the makeover project, looking out for my siblings, or pleasing my father. I hate to fail or disappoint.

5.  What is the most important thing to you?

My faith. I’m a big, tough guy, but I still need Jesus in my life.

6.  Do you read books? If so, what is your favorite type of book?

Sports books, building and design magazines, and crime fiction. I wish one of my crime books would help me figure out who’s damaging our building projects.

7.  If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I’m a pretty content guy, but I’ve never been in love. Weird because I love woman and I date now and then, but my heart won’t cooperate in the love department. Abby Webster intrigues me, though, and I’d like to know her better. She brings out my protective side but I don’t dare tell her that. She’s proud and independent and thinks she doesn’t need anyone else.

8.  Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?

 Dawg. He’s my big brindle mutt that goes pretty much everywhere with me. He just showed up at my place one day as puppy and never left. Okay by me. He’s a great dog, practically human. Dawg has already fallen for Abby’s little girl and I think the feeling is mutual.

9. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?

All the Buchanons wish we could travel back in time to the day my brother Quinn was shot. I’m the big brother. If I’d have gone hunting with him that day, I could have prevented the accident that ruined his chances for an NFL career. Now, he’s a grumpy recluse that keeps the whole family worried and on our knees.

Friday, November 20, 2015

What Are We Writing? By Margaret Daley

Author:  Pamela Tracy
Title: The Bluebonnet Bride
Hero and Heroine: Amy and Daniel
Line: Redbud Press
One paragraph from the page you are currently on: She made more money on mail order than she did one-on-one.  The one-on-one, however, taught her soft skills.  She needed to know how to talk to crafters.  Some of them, like Miss Lisa, had been born sewing.  Others, like herself, came to the habit late in life. Not that twenty-six was old. And, truth be told, she’d been old at sixteen.
Due Date: December 31
Word or page count goal today: 1000
Something cool learned from research:  That some care centers still have hospital beds from the 1940s that crank.  Not a good sign.

Author: Jean C. Gordon
Title: TBD
Hero and Heroine: Rhys Maddox and Renee Delacroix
Line: Love Inspired Romance
One paragraph from the page you are currently on:
Rhys Maddox looked across the nondescript room at his broken dream. The dream he’d shattered. A blond woman about his age stood there in the doorway flanked by two boys. His boys. Owen a miniature copy of himself. Dylan with so many of his mother’s features, it made his heart bleed.
Due Date: I don't have one. This is the beginning of a new series proposal.
Word or page count goal today: 700
Something cool learned from research: The story idea is so new I haven't done any serious research yet.

Author: Danica Favorite   
Title: The Nanny Trap (working title)
Hero and Heroine: Mitch Taylor and Polly MacDonald
Line: Love Inspired Historical
One paragraph from the page you are currently on:
Over the years, he’d had ladies come in to his store telling them that they’d pray for him for this and that, and usually he thought it was a nice sentiment that wouldn’t do him any good, even though the women meant well. Hearing it come out of Frank’s mouth, Mitch almost believed praying for a miracle might actually get him results.
Due Date: 12/15
Word or page count goal today: 3000
Something cool learned from research: 
I really struggled finding information on schools in the 1880’s, and learned that it was because they were not as widespread or as common as I’d thought. It wasn’t until the late 1880’s that schools had a more standardized setup.

Author: Cate Nolan   
Title: Texas Justice (working title)
Hero and Heroine: Blake and Christine
Line: Love Inspired Suspense
One paragraph from the page you are currently on:
Just as she moved to dash across the street, a bullet whizzed past her head. She jerked instinctively, but the motion sent her forward. Off balance, her feet slid again on the slick pavement. Her legs flew out from under her and she felt the sickening sensation of sliding, like a kid on one of those water slides, on her hands and knees, directly into the path of the oncoming car.
Due Date: self-imposed mid-December
Word or page count goal today: cutting words because the draft came in at 90k
Something cool learned from research: Good places to eat if I'm ever in Austin.

Author: Louise M. Gouge
Working title: A Family for the Rancher
Hero and Heroine: Edmund McKay and Lula May Barlow
Line: Harlequin's Love Inspired Historical
One paragraph from the page you are currently on:
While Lula May might very well get her feathers ruffled, he would propose again, this time expressing his love before he said anything else. That was, if he could just keep from sticking his boot in his mouth. As he drove the wagon toward her house, it seemed like an inordinate amount of dust filled his mouth and throat. How would he ever get the words out?
Due Date: November 30, 2015
Word or page count goal today: 1600
Something cool learned from research: Ranchers in the Old West joined together in Cattlemen's Associations to stop cattle rustlers. By concentrating their efforts, they cut the number of cattle stolen.

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