Thursday, July 17, 2014

What's On Your Bucket List?

What’s on your bucket list? You know, the list of things you’d like to do, see, accomplish in this lifetime. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. Years ago, writing a book was near the top of that list. I also wanted to skydive, a wish that has since disappeared from the list. (What was I thinking!!) My current bucket list is mostly about places I’d like to visit.

Before my brother died, we talked of seeing London together when he and his wife retired. We were both big Beatles fans, fascinated by English history, and loved to travel and have new experiences. Further, there’s a fun family story claiming relationship to the Tudor line. My grandmother’s maiden name was Tudor, and since both Henry VIII and Elizabeth I were redheads like me, it must be true! Anyway, that’s the family legend.
Completely gratuitous photo of handsome Englishmen from the Tudors.

My sister-in-law called a couple of months ago and basically said, “Life’s too short. We’re going to Europe.” And so, in September she and I are headed across the pond in memory of my brother and son, finally marking number one off my bucket list.

Now, it’s your turn. What are the top two or three things on your bucket list?


  1. Linda, I've tried and tried to think of something I'd like to put on a bucket list, but I just can't come up with anything. Not that I've had so many experiences, but my life has been very satisfying. I did get to go to England years ago, so that would have been the one thing I'd list. It's already checked off!

  2. Linda,
    I can totally see you as a Tudor.
    I had white water rafting on mine, and I did it just a few weeks ago :)


  3. My advice, eat what the locals are eating. Don't ask for a hamburger. The pubs serve lunch, but they have a limited amount. If they run out, too bad for you.

    Of course I went in the 80--crime, that was the last century. I'm feeling old.
    Anyway, there may be more choices today. But food the locals eat is the best.

  4. Linda, you will love your trip. Leanne is so right. Eat what the locals eat and pub food is usually good. I loved the chicken and mushroom pies.

    I've visited all 50 states. Now I want to visit all the national parks, but since they redesignated a lot of monuments as parks, I may not get to them all. At least I'll get to the major ones. We are going on a European river cruise in August 2015. I also want to take a cruise to the Panama Canal.

  5. I'd like to see the Okeefenokee Swamp.

  6. Have a wonderful trip, Linda. You and your sister-in-law will have so much fun.

    In early 2011, my husband got serious about ticking things off his bucket list. One of which was going to Disney World. Lucky for me and our boys that he was ready to act on that one. We had great trip that June. Then, later that year, came his broken back and cancer diagnosis. All is well now and he's cancer free, but God does work in mysterious ways. :)

  7. My best friend and I talked forever about going to Ireland and then one day realized WHY AREN'T WE GOING? So off we go in October! And once I got my passport, the opportunity to cruise as a VIP of the Texas Tenors came up--you can scratch TWO off my bucket list with that one!

  8. Louise, it's a great thing to be "content with what you have" like the Apostle Paul tells us. But hey, you beat me to England!

  9. Pamela! White water rafting looks so fun. Was it scary? Did your son go with you?

  10. Leann, I'm all about doing the local thing. I want the whole ambiance of England and the other places we visit. Thanks for the advice about the pubs running out of food!! I'll try to get there early.

  11. Merrillee, the national parks are my list too. I've visited several but would love to see them all. Do you have a favorite so far?

  12. Dana, I can't even spell Okefenoke! lol But I hope you get to go.

  13. Oh, I'd love to go to Europe, too. Take it all in for me. :) And I've always wanted to ride in a Hot Air Balloon until the last couple of crashes, I've seen. Not so sure now.

  14. Mindy, I'm so glad you go to go to Disney before your husband got sick and praise GOD, he's doing well now. Disney World is quite a place, isn't it?

  15. Deb, you will love Ireland. Which part are you going to? Oh, I am so excited for you. I highly recommend the Guinness Stew in pubs. Eat in pubs and skip the fancy dinners. It's good, wholesome, hearty food and a lot cheaper.

    Two bucket list items--you lucky girl!

  16. Janet, if you ever get the nerve for a hot air balloon, I'll go with you. That's on my list!!

  17. Hi Linda. I want to visit Australia. You have an open invitation to join me on that trip. I too wanted to sky dive, and I'd still go if I could jump in tandem with the instructor. I'd like to live long enough for space flight to be come a reasonable option, but I just don't see that happening in my lifetime. Enjoy England.

  18. Linda, How exciting. Where all are you going? Things on my bucket list mostly include traveling too, although one thing I always wanted to do was to take a stained glass class. I've done that and have made a few small projects. I want to visit all 50 states and only have about 15 left. I also want to go to Ireland and Scotland, where our ancestors are from, and then there's New Zealand, Australia, and many more places I want to go. I guess I should have married a pilot. :)

  19. Janice, Alaska looks so beautiful. I set a book there once and did a great deal of research that made me want to go there too. My youngest son keeps saying we're all going to go together some day. I hope we get to.

  20. Sharon, Australia is on my list, as you well know. If I could swing the money for both I'd be there in a heartbeat! But as to the're on your own there, my friend. lol

  21. Nothing on my bucket list. I know you'll have a great time! And get some great ideas for more wonderful stories!

  22. Vickie, yes, you need a personal pilot. And if you get one, will you share? I'd love to see all those places too. Scotland is another on my list but I won't get there this time. We're spending several days in and around London, Cambridge, Greenwich, and then onto Hamburg to visit my SIL's family. Our last leg is on SIL's list, a train trip to old Prague. It's gonna be awesome!

  23. Linda - this is a fun post. I'm so glad to hear you're going to London. My bucket list is to retire from the day job. Don't laugh, that's a biggie. And then I've always wanted so see Mt Rushmore.

  24. Oh, and I can totally see you as a royal!

  25. Europe is on my list. My hubby wants to see the big tennis tournaments (Wimbledon, French Open and US Open). We're trying to wait for the kids to get a little bigger before we do that kind of traveling!

  26. Terri, I hear you on the retirement. That was on mine until I accomplished it. It's a BIG deal.

    Mt. Rushmore is amazing. You must go when you can. I'd love to go there again. The Black Hills are gorgeous.

  27. Lacy, I'll be in the area of Wimbleton (did I spell that right?) and hope I get a chance to at least see the court. It's such a cool, famous place even if I'm not a tennis fan.

    I'd love to see all of Europe, every castle, all the old history stuff. I'm such a nerd. :-)

  28. Jessy, my list is long enough for both of us! People and places are so interesting, I just bet I run into some great characters.

  29. Sounds like a great trip! I'd like to run a half marathon someday.

  30. Julie, I didn't know you are a runner, but I have no doubt you can do it. If you decide on next year's OKC marathon, let me know. My daughter ran the half this year and is aiming for the full next year. You could run together!

  31. I love that, Linda. I hope you have a great time.

  32. That's the problem, Linda. I'm not a runner. :) I ran a 5k once before I had my last baby. My husband is a runner. He runs the full and he inspires me.

  33. Julie, you should start running with your hubby! You're skinny. You can do it!!!

  34. Margaret, thank you. I think it will be good healing therapy for both my SIL and me. And lots of fun, too!

  35. Have fun on your trip! Visiting England (where my parents are from) is on my bucket list. :)

  36. Sandra, when you go to England, you'll have your parents as a great resource! I'm fortunate that my SIL lived in Europe years ago and has family there which is very helpful in making plans.

  37. Linda, you and Angi deserve this trip more than anyone. You will have so much fun and I'd love to be a little bird watching it all. I know you will do well with the had a lot of experience back when we were teens with that wonderful English accent. lol I love you sweetie. Oh, I have checked off lots on my bucket list. The only one I know I will never accomplish is opening and running my own bed and breakfast inn. The last one on my list is joining my loved ones in Heaven. What a glorious day that will be. <3

  38. Linda, you and Angi deserve this trip more than anyone. You will have so much fun and I'd love to be a little bird watching it all. I know you will do well with the had a lot of experience back when we were teens with that wonderful English accent. lol I love you sweetie. Oh, I have checked off lots on my bucket list. The only one I know I will never accomplish is opening and running my own bed and breakfast inn. The last one on my list is joining my loved ones in Heaven. What a glorious day that will be. <3

  39. Im late was in the city. I have crossed a few bucket list things off like Visit Gettysburg.
    Meeting my friend Sheri in person.
    On my list is still the big one See fresh snow! I have seen old snow which is the same as me defrosting the freezer and throwing it on the lawn! but fresh snow I have never seen. I want to make a snow angel and build a snowman.

  40. At the top of my bucket list is to leave my day job. I think 35 years there is enough. :) (Shooting for next spring.) I'd like to restore our close-to 200-year old farmhouse. And my husband and I have talked about visiting Scotland (particularly the towns our ancestors came from) and Prague, where my paternal grandparents came from.

  41. Brenda, i'd forgotten about my fad British accent. LOL I think you would be a marvelous B and B operator. Or if you opened your own café Brenda. Like you, my last item on my list is joining my loved ones in that beautiful beyond.

  42. Jenny, glad to see you here. I hope your health is improving. Someday you absolutely must see new falling snow. It is like downy feathers from Heaven. I've never been to Gettysburg but would like to go there. My future books are partially set in the deep South during the American Civil War.

  43. Jean, 35 years is plenty! I hope you can leave that day job soon. As to the other things on your bucket list, I adore very old houses and think it's awesome when people take the time to redo and restore them. There is just so much history and feeling in a very old place.

  44. Linda, I'm so glad you're going to Europe. What a wonderful experience awaits you.

    Linda, I'm excited that you get to visit Europe. I hope your trip is everything you've dreamed of and more. What are some of the places you're most eager to see?

    My Bucket List is short because I've already realized many of my dreams. I married a great guy and gained very special in-laws as a bonus. I'm mom to an awesome daughter. I was privileged to live in Germany from 1989-1993 when Gwynly was teaching in an American High school in Nürnberg. We now live in a historic Gold Rush town I dearly love. My debut novel was published in 2012. I have a contract with Love Inspired Historical and will see that book hit the shelves next year. Life is good!

  45. Oops! Forgot to proof my comment before I posted. I guess you can see how excited I am about your upcoming trip, Linda. Doubly so. :-)

  46. Linda, I am thrilled you're planning a trip to Europe! :)
    Will pray for safe travels and a wonderful trip for you.

    Right now, I guess my list would be topped with: Have a grandchild *smile* and Have one of my manuscripts published *another smile*. Lord willing, of course.

    I do consider myself very blessed, and LOVE "traveling" vicariously through some of my author friends. ;) (Says the writer who seldom leaves Georgia)

    Thanks for sharing this!
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  47. Keli, thank you for the excitement! I have several "must sees" on my list in London and after that it's all good. Abbey Road (for my brother), Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Hampton Court, and Westminster Abbey are my biggies.

    Congrats on that upcoming book. Now THAT'S exciting stuff!

  48. Patti Jo, I love that you're wanting that first grandchild. I'm praying for another one now. They are truly a blessing from the Lord.

    Here's hoping for a new contract for you too!


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