Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Weekend at the Emerald City Conference

Hi eveyone, Terri Reed here. Just got back last night from the annual Emerald City Writiers conference held in Bellevue Washington. I had a great time connecting with old and new friends, going to workshops where I gleaned valuable information from the various presenters and even gave a workshop titled The Anatamoy of a Well Layered Story and used examples from my current story featured on the eharlequin site titled Yuletide Peril. http://www.eharlequin.com/article.html?articleId=1437

This regional conference is hosted by the Great Seattle chapter of Romance Writers of America. There was two hundrend and fifty attendees not to mention the edtiors and agents that also attended and gave workshops. Things I learned this weekend: 1)I need a strategic plan for my career thanks to Bob Mayer's Warrior Writer workshop, plus lots of info on the miliatry inBob's Military for Writers workshop, 2) tips on self-editing given by historical author Debra Mullins, 3)the ins and outs of writing a series (connected books)information provided by the wonderful Alexis Morgan and Pat White, 4) tips on tightening my writing given by author Megan Chance--whom I adore. She's one of the first authors I met when I decided to jump on this crazy ride of writing romance.
Here's a photo from the conference
(from left to right) Alexis Morgan, Jane Porter,
Christina Arbini, Pat White and Me-Terri Reed.


  1. I'd love to hear more about the strategic plan.

  2. Pam, wow, it would require more room than there is here. If you ever get a chance to go to Bob Mayer's workshop, do. This one I went to was more of an overview, he does a more indepth one. His website has information and dates where he's giving the workshops. I hope to attend one sometime this year. www.bobmayer.org
    But he did get me thinking about my career goals and what stands in the way of them.

  3. Wow! Sounds like a really great experience!

    Just wanted to let you know, Terri, that you look like you could be the twin sister to a woman I babysit for! Lol...seriously! In this picture you resemble Maura so much it's crazy. She has 4 kids and is incredibly nice, so it is a complete and total compliment! I'm sure you are too!

  4. Hi Pamela!
    I wanted to again address the fact that I emailed for the contest. Really, really sorry it took me so long! I have no idea who usually gets the emails, but I know that you addressed me about it before. So, I had a question in the email. If someone can get back to me, I can get you my snail mail! I'm really excited, but I did have the question. If it's easier to ask here, let me know!
    Thanks and once again so sorry!
    P.S. Is it even still available? I hope so!

  5. Hannah, thanks for the compliment.
    Its always weird to me that we can find someone who looks like us.

  6. I know, right!? Very strange....well I promise it really is a compliment : )


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