Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fun time in Shreveport

This past weekend I went to Shreveport to speak to the local American Christian Fiction Writers' group. They were so gracious and welcoming. I felt right at home with them. I spoke on digging deep with your characters.

Saturday was a glorious day with not a cloud in the sky. The whole way down on Friday it was cloudy and the whole way back it was cloudy but while I was in Shreveport the temperature was nice and it was sunny. After spending the last week with a lot of clouds and rain, that was wonderful.

We went to a tearoom for lunch after the meeting. The food was great but the tea was even better. I ended up buying four different teas and I'm enjoying them now.

The top picture is of part of the members with me standing in front. The bottom picture is of Lenora Worth, me in the middle and Vickie McDonough who went down to Shreveport with me. We stayed at Lenora's. She is a great host.


  1. I'm sure those ladies enjoyed hearing you speak, Margaret. And it sounds like even the SUN was happy you were in town, LOL! ;)
    Blessings, Patti Jo

  2. Margaret, we so enjoyed seeing you and learning more about characters. It was so nice to have tea with you and to shop, of course. I enjoyed seeing Vickie again, too.

    Ya'll come back anytime.

  3. Awww! It sounds like A LOT of fun you guys : ) Glad you could enjoy it!
    P.S. It seems like Lenora would be a good host...just by "hearing" her on here : )

  4. Hannah, Lenora is an excellent host.
    Patti Jo, it's good to hear from you.
    Lenora, it was so much fun. Thanks.

  5. How fun! Thanks for sharing the photos, Margaret.


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