Monday, April 17, 2017

Welcome to the Ladies of Love Inspired--Lenora Worth

Hello, and Happy Easter! We are all excited around here. Today, we launch the new and improved Ladies of Love Inspired blog site--Love Inspired: Stories of Faith and Love for Every Reader.

To kick things off, here is a little poem we put together (kinda, sorta, to the tune of "The Brady Bunch." Hope you enjoy it. We are still building our pages, so please come back for book updates and pictures of the Ladies and our fun times. We'll also introduce you to some new Ladies who've joined the blog. More authors, more books, more posts! This week, we will post fun stuff until we're fully loaded. Meantime, if you have questions or suggestions, let us know! We love our readers!

Oh, and to celebrate, I'm putting together a Lovely Ladies spring box of books and goodies. If you post over the next two weeks, you'll be entered into the contest. I will announce the winner here on Saturday, April 29th!!!

Here's the story of some lovely ladies

Who were writing many lovely books,

All of them had plots of gold, with great endings,

That cleared up all the hooks.

Here’s the story of some hunky heroes who always
make us swoon,

They are strong and hardworking, with dreams that always bring them home.

These are men, who love their women,

And don’t want to wind up all alone.

And so we write some love stories, where the lady always gets her man,

Because they know there’s so much more to this life,

When they kiss and take each other’s hand,

And that's how this hunky, loving man marries a strong and loving wife.

Love Inspired Stories

Love Inspired Stories

Faith and love, that’s the way we make every reader smile.


  1. Yeah!!! We've been working on our new look and are so glad to have your stop by for a visit. Please look around, get to know us.
    Have a great day.

  2. It looks amazing!! Come and visit us!

  3. Clever, Lenora! ;-D

    And the updated site looks great!

  4. I love that Brady Bunch song, Lenora! I have six children, three boys and three girls, and even though they're all from one marriage (25 years this fall!), we get called the Brady Bunch a lot. :-)

    The site is beautiful!

  5. Love the poem, Lenora! Such fun. And the new blog page looks great thanks to the hard work of many.

  6. Yay! Our blog is up and running. So exciting.

  7. So happy to be part of the fun! The site is looking fabulous...and fun!

  8. Lenora, thanks for the cute poem! I love the new design.

  9. Cool Look and I really like the poem.

  10. Love the new look for our blog! It's always a joy to work with all the wonderful Love Inspired Authors!

    Special heartfelt thanks to all our readers for giving us a reason to write stories that touch the heart and soul!

    Wishing everyone a joyous Easter Week as we continue our blog journey with a brand-new look!

    I've brought chocolate to share! Jelly beans too, which are my downfall. :)

    Enjoy the candy and the blog!

  11. I'm excited about this new adventure! Looks great.

  12. This is an exciting day! Glad to be here to meet our wonderful readers.

    Katy Lee

  13. Excited to see the brand new look!

  14. So purdy! Excited to see the new look and to have the opportunity to hang out with wonderful authors and readers.

  15. Great new look! And now I'm going to be singing the Brady Bunch song all day! Love the poem though!

  16. Love the new website. Bright and clean.

  17. Congratulations on your new look! Love the top banner.

  18. Awesome! You're inspiring me to overhaul my blog too. A fresh look always feels nice, doesn't it? :)

  19. I love your new look! And i love, love, love Love Inspired books!

  20. So fun to see you all here. We have some fun posts coming up this week.
    The banner was done by Lydia Michaels.
    She did the banner on my personal webpage as well. She does a great job.

  21. Funny. I had that song going through my head as I read it! :):) Great job!!!!

  22. So nice to see so many Heartwarming authors stopping by!

  23. The new decorations looks great! Love the poem. Now I have the Brady Bunch tune in my head. LOL. Can't wait to read more upcoming posts!

  24. Love those hunky men who are good to their girlfriends and wives! jarning67@hotmail(dot)com

  25. So excited about ou new look, new members and new energy!!!

  26. Yay for grand re-openings! Love the new look and am excited to meet more LI authors. Lots of fun to look forward to :-)

  27. Oh and now I have The Brady Bunch theme song running through my head, lol!

  28. I am excited for the new look and the wonderful things we're introducing.

  29. I'm very excited to be part of this! Lenora, your poem brought a big smile to my face

  30. Looks fantastic! Very excited about the new look!

  31. Love the new look. The open was great as I sang the theme song from The abrady Bunch. Can't wait to see what y'all have in store for readers. I am a huge fan of Live Inspured Books.

  32. So excited about our new site. Thanks to everyone for joining in the fun today.

  33. This looks great!! And now I have the Brady Bunch song stuck in my head, lol!

  34. I'm so excited about the relaunching! And I love the poem! :)

  35. Thank you, everyone. I have been out all day celebrating my birthday! It was fun to launch the blog today and get our new look up and running! Pamela Tracy gets credit for the poem. We tweaked it a bit and had some fun with it! It was so great to come home from my day trip and find so many messages here. Please come back often. We are celebrating twenty years of Love Inspired!!!! And I've been there for all of them!!

    Thanks so much to our wonderful readers who kept us going!!!!

  36. Congrats on the re-launch. I love the poem too.

  37. So excited for the launch!

    I really hope the readers who love Love Inspired will feel welcome to come chat with us here!

    Happy Birthday, Lenora!

  38. I'm loving being a part of this wonderful group of authors. And now I have that song stuck in my head, too. Well done, Lenora. :)

  39. Looks gorgeous, Ladies. Love the banner. 20 years is something to celebrate, too. Go Love Inspired(:

  40. It probably was not the best idea to read this post right before bed. But, I guess there are worse things than going to sleep with the Brady Bunch song stuck in your head :)

  41. Terrific page design and Happy 20th!!

  42. Looks great!! Congrats on the revamp. <3

  43. Love it! Glad to see it back up and running :)

  44. I just found this blog for the first time and I'm so excited that I did. I read many Love Inspired books, from all three categories!! I love the idea of getting to connect with all of you in this new way. And I LOVE the new cover photo!! :) ~Ronya

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