Monday, September 9, 2019

Allie Pleiter's new writing partner!

I have a new writing partner!

No, she’s not a collaborating author on some new series. She’s not a wise editor, either.

She’s a dog.

For fourteen years, my “writing partner” was a sweet Havanese named Bella. For an extrovert like me, the long hours alone in my house can feel lonesome. And any writer will tell you someone that reminds you “it’s time to get up out of that chair” is a great resource. So while Bella was a sweet and loving pet, I really did think of her as my writing partner. Her talent for cleaning crumbs off the kitchen floor was just a happy bonus.

When we lost Bella last November, I was heartbroken. The house felt so empty. While I adore working from home and being self-employed, I was lonely. Still, we knew better than to get another dog right away. I tried to wait patiently until the timing was right.

Three weeks ago, Bailey came into our lives. We’re still getting to know each other. She is seven—we prefer to adopt retired breeding dogs rather than go the puppy route—so there is a great deal of adjusting on everyone’s part. 

Already she has taught me about patience and starting where someone is “at” rather than where you “want them to be.” She is slowly learning what it means to be part of our family, and we are slowly learning what it means to be her friend and caretaker. 

Most of all, I am delighted to have a new writing partner while I sit in my office and craft new stories for you to love.

Chaz Walker adopts a dog—completely on impulse—in Wander Canyon Courtship. As Bailey has already done for us, Chaz learns new lessons about himself and love from his new dog Cecil.  

Tell me—what lessons has the pet in your life taught you?


  1. I love Bailey! She's adorable, Allie. And what a fantastic writing companion. You're so right. Houses can get lonely for authors when you work at home. I think it's great that you adopt older dogs because sometimes they can't find homes. My youngest wants to be a vet so she's constantly giving us the stats. Blessings!

    1. I'm afraid our motives aren't so noble, BelleC--we just like our sleep too much to deal with a rambunctious puppy :)

  2. What cutie! I have two writing partners. I'm reading Wander Canyon Courtship right now and I love the dog! And Chaz!

    1. Yes, Cecil wasn't at all planned--he just showed up in the story one day and surprised me!

  3. It's so hard losing a pet. I'm so glad you found Bailey. Love her and what a great writing companion.

    1. After fourteen years, loosing Bella was a real blow. We're still getting to know little Bailey, but I think she'll fit in just fine. I'm going to have to have a talk with her about the evils of sock stealing, however!

  4. What a sweetheart! So glad Bailey has found her "forever family" with you. I am totally in favor of adopting rescue pets. My writing partners are Penny and Poppy, both from rescue organizations. They each came into the family at different times to fill the void of a beloved pet who'd gone to doggy heaven.

    Plus I also have our kitty, Denali, who occasionally drapes himself across both my arms while I'm trying to type. At least the doggies are more considerate and just curl up next to my chair or on my footstool!

  5. Indeed! I like cats, too, but my husband is not a cat person. And yes, I do remember their fondness for lying on whatever you are working on or draping themselves across you while you are trying to do something else.

  6. I love your Bailey. I was afraid I was losing my pal last week when I discovered a cancerous tumor on his leg, but the vet removed it and thinks he'll be fine. Wishing you many happy years with Bailey.


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