Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Fun times in Denver.

Patricia Davids here.

Happy August 1st. Where has the summer gone? Like many of you I have had my head down and my fingers on the keyboards for most of it. I finished my first manuscript for HQN a few days before the Romance Writers of America convention in Denver so you know I was ready to party. I'm giving a shout out to all the wonderful Love Inspired authors and editors I met there. I had a great time meeting and visiting with all of you but while the conference was the main thing on my agenda the trip was all about me and my girls. A week for just us. No men allowed.

We rented an SUV in Wichita. The last SUV on the lot when we arrived was a Jaguar F-Pace so we traveled in style across Kansas and eastern Colorado for about eight hours. We went a day early and passed through Denver on our way to Georgetown about 45 minutes west. The old mining town has a restored railroad we rode and we took a silver mine tour. We even learned to pan for gold. Who knows when that skill will come in handy? Plus, the mountains were beautiful.

We hated to return to the city but Denver was waiting with wonderful times for the three of us.
Me, my granddaughter Shantel and my daughter Kathy at the fantastic Denver Museum of Nature and Science.

 I put in my time at the conference while my girls when shopping. They love to do that. I don't. I really enjoyed the Harlequin book signing where I met Jo Ann Brown for the first time when we signed next to each other. She is a very sweet lady. I want to thank my editor Emily Rodmell for the photo and the wonderful LI fans who rushed in to get our books.

As an author of Amish books no conference would be complete without a ride in a horse drawn carriage. My wonderful agent Pam Hopkins and I have made this a custom of sorts when we get together. Thanks Pam for allowing me to include Kathy and Shantel. I love horses and Willow was no exception.

Talk about bling. This horse had it all over.

But then so does Denver.

I don't know when we'll get to have another trip like this. Shantel will be a senior in high school this year. Her free summers will get fewer and fewer as time goes on but this is one trip we will all remember.

Okay lovers of horses and Amish fiction. Have you taken a horse-drawn carriage ride? Where and when? 


  1. My husband and son were out doing the town while I was at conference:) They did the Georgetown train also.

  2. Sounds like you made the whole trip an adventure!
    Katy Lee

  3. What fun. Your daughter and granddaughter are beautiful. Glad we had a few minutes to visit at the Harlequin party. You know I love you. It was wonderful to see you and get a hug!

  4. What a great family trip--looks like a wonderful time was had by all!

    I love taking carriage rides. A couple of favorites were in New Orleans and Charleston--a neat way to get a history tour of the cities.

    1. I have been to Charleston but not New Orleans. I agree, it's a good way to see a city and learn about history.

  5. Thanks for sharing about your trip, Patricia. I didn't go to Denver, but I'm looking forward to next year in NYC. Here you'll find people pan-handling for money rather than panning the streams for gold, but you can have a horse drawn carriage ride though Central Park.

    What a wonderful female-only trip. I did one of those with my daughters a number of summers ago when the oldest was looking at colleges. Good times!

    1. I plan on going to NY next year. Fingers crossed.

  6. Pat, it was great seeing you and your family in Denver! Love the picture of you and Jo Ann...two accomplished authors who write the Amish stories I love!

    My favorite buggy ride was in Holmes County, Ohio...and it was in an Amish buggy! My family and I visit Charleston often and always take one of the horse and carriage/wagon tours! Seeing the sights and hearing the clip-clop of the horse's hooves make the tours even more special. Yes to a carriage ride in New Orleans as well. Where else? Hmmm? Ethridge, TN...another Amish community.

  7. It was great to see you, too Debby. I have yet to ride in an Amish buggy but it is on my to do list. Hopefully while I'm in Shipshewana Indiana this fall I can find time to do that.


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