Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Allie Pleiter on Discussion Questions

Questions about Discussion Questions?

These days, it seems you can’t open the back of a book without finding discussion questions.  It’s no doubt book groups are a big trend, and us authors are often asked to create discussion questions along with our manuscripts. I had to whip up a batch just today (gosh, they sound like brownies when I put it like that, don’t they??)

I have mixed feelings about these questions.  I have been in great conversations launched by discussion questions.  I have been in arguments...ahem...heated discussions sparked by discussion questions.  I have books where I never even glance at them.  

Now, some of this variation may stem from the fact that it takes very little to get me started talking about books.  I discuss books by nature; I don’t need a nudging list of inquiries.  Just this morning a friend and I had a long conversation about books that touched us.  But I spend a lot of time thinking about books.  Probably more than your average person.  Maybe not.

What about you?  Do you utilize discussion questions?  What do you think of such “added features”--especially in fiction works?

Oh, now, look at me--I just asked a “discussion question,” didn’t I?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dogs Are Special

Dogs Are Special
By Margaret Daley

Actually more than dogs are special. I love animals, but today I'm going to write about dogs because I started a Love Inspired series called Caring Canines. The first book is out in August called Healing Hearts. The second book in the series will be out in December called Her Holiday Hero.

In Healing Hearts I use a black Lab and a bichon as therapy dogs. The black Lab, Gabe, helped the heroine, Abbey Harris, deal with the grief of losing her daughter and her husband divorcing her. The bichon, Cottonballs, helps Madi, the hero's little sister who had been in a place wreck and lost her parents. Not only does Cottonballs help her with her grief but also she is there to help the little girl focus on her physical therapy when she wants to retreat into her shell.

While researching this book and Her Holiday Hero about a vet with PTSD, I was in awe with the types tasks therapy and service dogs can be trained to do. With my vet with PTSD, trained service dogs can wake a person up before a nightmare gets into full swing. They can calm a person down with their presence and sharp sense something is wrong and step in right away. They can sense when a panic attack is going to occur and try to calm the person down.

Working as a teacher of students with special needs, I encountered a couple of service dogs. One named Franklin helped a student who was in a wheelchair while another was involved with a blind student. Have you ever encountered a therapy or service dog? Do you have a dog? What is your favorite breed? I used to have a bichon named Cottonballs. Wonderful, loving dog. Perfect to help a little girl, hurting.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Small-Town Mom Interview

How exciting to have Jamie Glasser, the heroine from Small-Town Mom by Jean C. Gordon, a July release from Love Inspired Romance.

1.  Jamie, tell me the most interesting thing about you.
My job, I guess. I’m a labor and delivery nurse for a midwifery practice in the Adirondack Mountains of Upstate NY that does a lot of home births.

2.  What do you do for fun?
Things with my kids. Sledding in the winter. Bike riding and swimming in the summer. For several summers, I was the camp nurse at a Christian camp on Paradox Lake that my kids go to. I really enjoyed and miss that now that I work full-time, year round. And, for myself, I bowl in a local mixed league. Although I’m not sure how much fun bowling will continue to be since Eli Payton, U.S. Air Force retired and my son’s guidance counselor joined our team.

3.  What do you put off doing because you dread it?
Going through the rest of my husband’s things at the house. He was killed serving in Afghanistan. I did get rid of the Miata that he’d had since we were dating, which started another conflict between my teenage son and me, since he and his dad were going to restore it.

4.  What are you afraid of most in life?
Losing anyone else who I love.

5.  What is the most important thing to you?
My family. At one time, I would have said my family and my faith. That was before I lost my husband.

6.  Do you read books? If so, what is your favorite type of book?
With work and the kids, and running back and forth to the school to meet with Eli about my son’s latest escapade, I don’t have much time to read. I used to like light, uplifting romance novels for their happily-ever-after endings. Now, they seem like a big lie to me.

7.  If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

8.  Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?
We have a Golden Retriever named Scooby. I got him for protection since my late husband was deployed out of country so much of the time, and we live in a fairly secluded area. While he’d probably lick an intruder to death, a big dog of any type is often enough to make many people keep their distance.

9. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?
I want to say, back to when I was 18, before my late husband joined the Army. But then, I wouldn’t have my kids. They’re the world to me. Nor all of my friends in Paradox Lake, including the often-irritating Eli Payton. So, I’ll say I don’t really know.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

FEATURED BOOK:Small-Town Mom by Jean C. Gordon

The Widow's Rules of Engagement

Jamie Glasser has two ironclad rules: raise her kids the best way she knows how and…no more military men! The widowed mother of three lost to the army her late husband—and her faith in God—but she can't avoid former air force lieutenant colonel Eli Payton. The handsome high school guidance counselor is committed to helping Jamie's rebellious teenage son. But it's Jamie who's tested when she's irresistibly drawn to Eli. Here, in the family-centered community of Paradox Lake, can a woman at a crossroads find the courage to reclaim her faith and give love another chance?

Friday, July 26, 2013

Lyn Cote & BILLY GRAHAM & ME--Chicken Soup for the Soul



Lyn Cote here- I'm sure you've all heard of, or seen or read THE CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL books. This one centers around a man I highly respect, Reverend Billy Graham. This book titled, BILLY GRAHAM &; ME, is a collection of 101 personal recollections of people who have known him well. Some people who wrote reminiscences are Former Prime Minister Tony Blair, Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, Wynonna Judd, President Barak Obama, Kevin Sorbo, and Ravi Zacharius and many more.

 I've always had high regard for Billy Graham because he has never let his family down. No sordid affairs or tawdry scandals. And I always loved to hear him preach. To me, he was a man who spoke to each person as if it were only the two of them--even though thousands were present. This is a great gift book for anyone who has ever heard Billy Graham preach. I especially enjoyed the story of how Cliff Barrow became Billy's song leader--definitely a God-thing.


 Question: What do you think of Billy Graham? What do you remember about him?

 PS-I listed all the various editions, so you can order one in the form you want. AN EXCELLENT GIFT IDEA --Get a head start on Christmas--DID I JUST SAY THAT???--Lyn Cote

Thursday, July 25, 2013

New Love Inspired Historical Author Danica Favorite

Hi Everyone! Danica Favorite here, and I am one of the newest Love Inspired Historical authors! I got "the call" about a month ago, and I am still flying high. My book should be out sometime in late 2014 or early 2015, so when I have more details, I'll be sure to let you know.

Pamela Tracy asked me to tell you all about my sale, so here I am. What to tell you? It's really been a whirlwind since I found out. So here's a semi-brief history of me and my book.

I've been writing for about 12 years now, and I've always written contemporaries. However, about two years ago, my agent, Chip MacGregor asked me to write a historical. I didn't want to write a historical. Those are my favorite books to read, and I didn't want to turn candy into work. But after talking with my friend Camy Tang, I decided to go for it and write a book set in Leadville, Colorado. Camy knew that my husband's family is from Leadville, and I've always been very interested in that town. So it made sense to write a book based on a topic I knew lots about and really enjoyed.

I finished the book several months later, and then I submitted it. Here's where my story gets dicey. I thought I submitted it in March 2012, but my editor didn't get it until October 2012. This is a great lesson to everyone in being diligent about checking on your manuscript if you don't hear back in a timely manner. In January 2013, I received a letter asking for revisions. I did the revisions, and then sent them on their way, finally getting "the call" in June.

My editor and I talked last week at RWA, and they're still working on the schedule, so I don't have an exact release date yet, but hopefully soon.

In the meantime, here's a little about my book:

Joseph Stone comes to the mining town of Leadville, Colorado to find his missing father and bring him home to support their impoverished family. Instead, he finds an illegitimate sister he didn't know existed and clues that his father may have been murdered over a hidden silver mine. The sole hope for keeping his siblings out of an orphanage is to find the mine- before his father's killer does.

Annabelle Lassiter is worn out from working in her father's ministry to aid struggling miners. She doesn't believe their work is doing any good in a lawless town full of people interested only in getting rich quick. All she wants is to leave Leadville to create a new life for herself, away from the pain of working amidst so much tragedy. At her father's urging, she reluctantly sets out to help what she believes is just one more miner in a sea of thousands.

As Annabelle and Joseph work together to care for his younger sister while trying to find the mine, they learn to look past the preconceived notions they had of each other to see something deeper. But even as they consider the risks to their hearts by becoming involved, the greater risk may be to their lives.

I hope you enjoyed the peek into my first book!

You can find me on my website at, on Twitter @danicafavorite, and on Facebook

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

For The Love Of Horses

Stock photo from
Lacy Williams here.

And yes, I am one of *those* girls.

The ones who dreamed about, begged for, desperately wanted to own a horse. I don't know if it was because I was raised on a farm, or just the fact that I live in Oklahoma, but I always wanted one.

Since childhood, I have loved books about horses. Black Beauty... the Saddle Club series... Misty. Even books like Anne of Green Gables and Little House on the Prairie had horses as an active part of the protagonist's life.

And now, I've had my own chance to write a story involving horses! In ROPING THE WRANGLER, hero Oscar White is known as "the horseman". He's a (regionally) famous horse trainer who also competes in bronc busting competitions all over the Wild West, and part of the story involves him training a colt for a wealthy rancher.

As I started writing this book, I soon realized the heroine, Sarah Hansen, had a huge fear of horses--and one of the conflicts in the book was born. How does a woman afraid of horses fall for a horseman?

I hope you'll check out the book to find out. Here's the blurb:

Teacher Seeks a Husband. Schoolmarm Sarah Hansen longs for a family of her own. But horse trainer Oscar White is the last man she'd consider. Still, she can't help noticing the care he shows three motherless girls and the gentle way he helps Sarah overcome her fear of horses. Too bossy by half—that's the Sarah that Oscar remembers from their teenage years. Yet as a former orphan, he finds the little Caldwell sisters—and their pretty teacher—getting under his skin. Could the tender heart Sarah's always hidden tame a once-reckless wrangler?

And if you're reading this blog post, I'd love to know - what is your favorite book with horses?

If you'd like to get a taste of my writing and this new series from Love Inspired Historical, don't forget that COURTED BY A COWBOY is available free as an ebook on all major e-railers.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Winners Are...

Pamela Tracy here.  We've been talking lately about contests, winners, and the books.  I wasn't able to attend the Romance Writers of America conference this year.  A birthday and psuedo-family reunion filled the time instead. 

But, I paid attention to this contest.

Young Adult Romance: The Farm by Emily McKay  ( I read this one!  It reminded me of The Hungar Games and I enjoyed it.  I've lent it out and don't remember to who!)
Best First Book: The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James (When the finalists were announced, this one intrigued me, and I purchased it via Kindle.  Then, I purchased her other - I think there's only one other.  She writes in the vein of Susanna Kearsley and Barbara Michaels... favorites of mine)

Contemporary Single Title Romance: The Way Back Home by Barbara Freethy

Historical Romance: A Rogue by Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean

Inspirational Romance: Against the Tide by Elizabeth Camden (I'll have to read this one.  Of the finalists, I'd read Missy's and The Wedding Dress)

Long Contemporary Series Romance: A Gift for All Seasons by Karen Templeton

Novel with Strong Romantic Elements: The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James

Paranormal Romance: Shadow's Claim by Kresley Cole

Romance Novella: Seduced by a Pirate by Eloisa James

Romantic Suspense: Scorched by Laura Griffin

Short Contemporary Series Romance: A Night of No Return by Sarah Morgan

What about you?  Have you read any... or have the winners made you think, "Ah, I need to pick this one up."

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Lady of Quality Interview

How exciting to have Catherine Hart, the heroine from A Lady of Quality, written by Louise M. Gouge, a July 2013 release from Love Inspired Historical Romance.

1.  Miss Hart, tell me the most interesting thing about you.
Thank you so much for inviting me. Ordinarily, I do not like to call attention to myself, but you have been so gracious that I cannot resist answering your questions. I suppose the most interesting thing about me is my unusual upbringing. As the eldest daughter of a French Comte and English lady, I am very protective of my family. So when a brash young baron accuses my father of conspiracy to murder the exiled French king, I plan to bring him down. Coming out of my lifelong seclusion in the English countryside, I have moved to London and now work undercover as a companion to a countess, Lady Blakemore, whose husband is a friend of the man I seek to expose as the actual conspirator.

2.  What do you do for fun?
In an age (Regency) when young ladies are taught all the delicate arts, my favorite pastime is fencing. This will come in handy as I plot my revenge against Lord Winston.

3.  What do you put off doing because you dread it?
Working as Lady Blakemore’s companion, I have seen what good, honest people she and her husband are. I would so much like to confide in them, but then I would expose my own dishonesty about my identity. I can only hope they will understand my motives and forgive me when this is all over.

4.  What are you afraid of most in life?
I am terrified that my dear, noble father will be found in his hiding place and condemned for treason. He escaped the Reign of Terror in France, so it would be beyond tragic if he were hanged for a planned crime he had no part of.

5.  What do you want out of life?
Until this terrible tragedy happened to my family, I hoped to marry a gentleman who shared my interests so we could raise a nice family in the country. London holds no attraction for me, so this gentleman must not be politically ambitious, like Lord Winston.

6.  What is the most important thing to you?
Family is the most important thing in life to me. My parents are wonderful people who have raised my sister, brother, and me in a strong Christian home. I can think of no happier life than to build a home and family just like the one in which I grew up.

7.  If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I suppose it would be my unusual height. I’m half a head taller than the perfect young ladies of the Regency period. Fortunately, the gentleman I am interested in is several inches taller than I am.

8.  Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?
I adore cats and have several of them at home. Now that I must reside in London in order to complete my revenge, I must find my pet enjoyment in Lord Winston’s adorable Crumpet, a beautiful, fluffy, golden creature who seems to like me as well.

9. Can you tell us a little interesting tidbit about the time period you live in?
In regard to the Regency period, we hear a great deal about Napoleon and the wars he fought with all of Europe, but there is so much rich French history after he was defeated. First of all, the exiled king, Louis XVIII, came to the throne. He had been in exile in both Russia and England, accepting the hospitality of the royal houses in these two countries. Louis was quite old and didn’t make the best ruler, but his ascension restored the monarchy that had been snuffed out when his elder brother Louis XVI was guillotined and XVI’s poor little ten-year-old son, Louis XVII, died in prison. It’s a fascinating history!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

FEATURED BOOK: A Lady of Quality by Louise M. Gouge

Falling for the Enemy

Miss Catherine Hart may be merely a paid companion, but she's the loveliest creature baron Lord Winston has ever encountered. The only obstacle is determining the mysterious Miss Hart's social pedigree before the handsome diplomat can court her in earnest.

Revenge, not romance, led Catherine Du Coeur to hide her aristocratic name and seek out the man who accused her father of treason. She expected a coldhearted cad, but Winston appears honorable and compassionate. Against all odds, Catherine is drawn to the very adversary she intended to ruin. And soon both will face a choice—one involving pride, old loyalties and forgiveness.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


The RITA, an award presented by Romance Writers of America, is the Oscar of romance writers-and this year’s presentation is coming up very soon! I know of very few authors who wouldn’t love to have one of these golden girls perched on her/his desk. Just finaling in this contest is a huge honor. As a former winner, I will never forget that surreal moment when my name was called and my world faded, for a split second, to total silence.

This year, 2013, Craftie Ladies are once again represented in the inspirational category of the RITA. Missy Tippens is a finalist with her wonderful book, A House Full of Hope.

And now a bow to past Craftie Ladies who have finaled or won this prestigious award:

2008 - Pamela Tracy finaled with her Love Inspired Suspense Pursuit of Justice. Pamela says, "I knew when I started this book that it was different. The story had been hammering at me for years, begging me to give it a turn. From the first page, it felt right. When it finaled in the RITA, I felt like someone had just whispered in my ear, 'Hey, you really can write.' I felt like Cinderella the entire conference.

2007 - Allie Pleiter finaled with My So-Called Love Life

2006 – Lyn Cote was one of two Craftie finalists. She had this to say. "The first book in my Women of Ivy Manor historical series, Chloe, finaled in 2006. Finaling in the RITA bolstered my confidence and helped me be more adventurous in what I write. Chloe has remained one of my most popular and controversial books. I say controversial because either readers love the heroine or hate her.

2006 - Terri Reed also finaled in the RITA in 2006 with her second Love Inspired Romance A Sheltering Love.

Linda Goodnight has finaled 5 times, including a win in 2008. The books are:

2012 – The Christmas Child
2011 - Finding Her Way Home
2011 – The Wedding Garden
2010 – The Snow-kissed Bride
2008 – A Touch of Grace – RITA winner

Have you read any of these finalists or this year’s crop of books? If so, please share which ones and your thoughts about the story.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Atlanta, Here We Come!

Hi Everyone, Patty Smith Hall here and I've been racing around this evening, getting everything pressed, packed and ready to go to the Romance Writers of America Conference which is taking place over the next few days in Atlanta, Georgia. I'm very excited to share my hometown with the wonderfully talented writers meeting at the Downtown Marriott Marquis to learn more about the craft and business of writing, and even more excited to reconnect with dear friends.

It's not all business, not when so many creative imaginations gathered in one place! Just to give you some idea--a few years ago, I was at another conference here in Atlanta and a group of us got into a lively discussion. How can you kill off a character without leaving any evidence about the cause of death? It was a lively conversation, made even more interesting when we had to explain to some off duty police officers that we were really writers brainstorming a new suspense novel, not planning to whack someone!

And there's chocolate--lots and lots of chocolate! How can anyone possibly work out a riveting plot and create heart stopping characters without Hershey Kisses or (my personal favorite!) Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!

But let's not forget the classes! Everything from dressing your Regency characters to meeting experts in law enforcement to planning out your writing career are offered, not to mention the list of editors and agents that you can meet over a cup of coffee or on the elevator! A real opportunity to grow as a writer!


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The RWA National Conference 2013!

The first Craftie Ladies (Standing L to R) Roxanne Rustand, Pamela Tracy,
Debby Giusti. (Seated L to R) Lisa mondello, Margaret Daley
and Terri Reed at RWA Nationals 2007.
Debby Giusti here!

Many of the Craftie Ladies of Romance will attend the Romance Writers of America National Conference this week, held in Atlanta, from July 17 to July 21. The four days are filled with workshops and meetings and lots of opportunities for the authors to get together.

A huge book signing on Wednesday night will feature 400 authors. Books are donated by the publishers and proceeds benefit literacy. The Love Inspired authors will have dinner together following the signing.
Debby Giusti at the literacy signing in 2012.
Friday night, our publisher will host a gala party at the Ritz-Carlton, which is always a dressy event. Saturday evening the RWA Awards Ceremony is equally glamorous and will highlight this year's finalists for the RITA and Golden Heart Awards. Can't wait to hear who wins!
Love Inspired Authors celebrate with Linda Goodnight
when she won her RITA!
In between all the fun activities, we'll be talking with our publishers and editors and learning the latest in industry news. We'll also attend workshops that help us improve our craft and write better books.

We promise to take lots of pictures and share what we've learned on the blog.

Have a great week! Hope to see some of you in Atlanta!

Happy reading! Happy writing!

Wishing you abundant blessings,
Debby Giusti

Available now:

By Debby Giusti

Trusting the Wrong Person Can Be Deadly... Lillie Beaumont's dark past has just turned up on her porch--fatally wounded. The dying words of the man imprisoned for killing Lillie's mother suggest hidden secrets. Criminal Investigations Division special agent Dawson Timmons agrees. He has his own motive for seeking the truth, and it gives Lillie every reason to doubt him. But even as they reluctantly begin to face painful secrets together, Dawson fears that a murderer is waiting to strike again. And this time, Lillie is right in the line of fire...

Watch for THE SOLDIER'S SISTER in September!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Ask Elnora--About Maneuvers? Lenora Worth

Hello my darlings. How I've missed you but I enjoyed my time off and I'm so glad we got to know some of those wonderful RITA nominated books! I must read all of them. Elnora is behind on her reading list. But I have very good excuses. I just finished a long Superromance that I so enjoyed writing. It's off to my clever editors for well .... more edits ... I'm sure. So of course I celebrated with new shoes and a few days away from my computer. But it's hard to stay away for any amount of time.

I had to maneuver things so I could enjoy my down time. I had big plans to finally get this office into shape, to finally go back through and "edit" my overflowing closet yet again, big plans to sit on the beach and read all the books I've been pining to read, big plans to climb mountains and scale walls and ... well, I haven't done much of anything but I've enjoyed my rest. Now it's off to Atlanta to the RWA Conference. I have a great and full schedule--and a workshop on Saturday with one of my favorite people--Marta Perry--and one of my favorite editors--Tina James. We maneuvered into getting this workshop and we're excited to talk about writing. I'll try to give conference highlights next week.

In my last home, a big train maneuvered its way along a track just past my yard. We laughed about the noise and how it shook the earth when we first moved in but we got used to the train and always waved when it passed near the trees. Here where I live by the bay, we hear a different kind of maneuver. We live surrounded by military bases--air force and navy and a couple of very secretive fields and reservations. So we often hear our military practicing maneuvers. When I first heard the boom, boom right outside my door, I did a jump, jump right out of  my recliner. Then I realized what was going on. Now when I hear the rat-ta-ta-tat of a big gun somewhere, instead of scaring me it makes me feel safe. There are heroes out there in the shadows, practicing to protect me. Sigh.

One night recently, Big D and I walked out on the dock to look at the stars. I saw some flickers in the distance. Like fireflies dancing on the clouds. My husband explained that was maneuver planes flying over one of those secretive fields. I have to say it was a lovely sight. Better than fireworks even.

So Happy Belated Fourth of July, my precious people. Let freedom ring or boom or rat-ta-tat. I'm thankful for new shoes and for the freedom to write these words and my books. I'm thankful for the military men and women who are out there protecting me. And I'm thankful for all of you, too!

Now what did I miss while I was away? Come sit by me and let's catch up!!!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Courted By A Cowboy Interview

 How exciting to have _Sam Castlerock, the hero from COURTED BY A COWBOY written by  Lacy Williams_ a July 2013 release from Love Inspired Historical .

1.  Sam, tell me the most interesting thing about you.

I never planned on being a cowboy. I’ve wanted to be in the family business (banking) for as long as I can remember. But when my sister Penny married homesteader Jonas White (THE HOMESTEADER’S SWEETHEART, 2012), he taught me what it means to be a real man and now I’m wondering if being a cowboy might be a better profession for me.

2.  What do you do for fun?

It’s not easy watching out for animals on the range—especially when the critters seem to want to get into trouble at every turn. When I get to town, I enjoy eating supper with a pretty girl… helping a local homesteader try and save his property… tweaking my older sister’s pigtails (figuratively—she tends to wear her hair up)… playing with her toddlers.

3.  What do you put off doing because you dread it?

That would be talking to my father, especially if what I need to talk to him about is important. We’ve had some disagreements along the way… mostly my fault. I’ve spent the last couple of years trying to make things right with him but it seems like he’s always disappointed in me.

4.  What are you afraid of?

Snakes. After an incident with a bedroll and a rattler early on in my cowboy career, you’d better believe I sleep with my boots on now.

5.  What do you want out of life?

I used to think what I wanted was to make my father proud, but after getting to know Emily Sands, I’m coming to realize that I’ve got to be man enough to be proud of myself. She’s taught me a lot…

6.  What is the most important thing to you?

Keeping my word. That’s why I’m having such trouble with this bank deal. My father gave me one more shot at proving to him I could be in the family business—but Emily and the folks here in Bear Creek have made me have a change of heart. So now… do I break my word, let my father down… or follow my heart?

7.  If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

The mistakes I made in my teen years. It’s what started it all, when I first started disappointing my father… and some people can never forgive.

8.  Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?

Does a horse count? My trusty steed is a dappled gray gelding with a constant hankering for green apples.

9. Can you tell us a little interesting tidbit about the time period you live in?

There’s a lot of changes. New medicines—but my pal Maxwell can tell you about that. He’s the hero of RETURN OF THE COWBOY DOCTOR (Dec 2013). New inventions, new horizons. The West isn’t as wild as it used to be as more people head our way. But there’s still room for big dreams… and cowboys.

COURTED BY A COWBOY will be free on all major online retailers (Amazon, , and others) beginning July 1.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Valri Wins a Book!

Valri is the winner of a copy of "Baby in His Arms". Please contact Linda with your mailing info and/or your preference of digital or print copy. linda @linda  goodnight . com (No spaces).

FEATURED BOOK: Courted by a Cowboy by Lacy Williams

Welcome to Bear Creek, Wyoming—where faith, love and family prevail—in this novella from Lacy Williams's Wyoming Legacy series!
Wyoming, 1895
Sam Castlerock's return to Bear Creek, Wyoming, may be the answer to Emily Sands's prayers. Though she's not the kind of girl to rely on anyone else, the handsome cowboy-turned-banker may be able to get her family a much-needed extension on their loan. But Sam also reminds Emily of her dreams of a husband and family of her own….
After years on the range, Sam is determined to prove himself to his father by turning around the local bank, even if he must call in loans from his struggling neighbors. But being reunited with Emily stirs old feelings to life, and he's soon torn between his obligations and following his heart. How can Sam do his duty if it will hurt the community—and the woman he loves?

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