Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Family Tree by Leann Harris

out in the country airing the pillows
When I got married, I discovered my husband's sister had worked on the family tree. She had a big box and a couple of notebooks filled with interview with family members. Now she did these interview long before came along. My daughter has taken up the mantle as keeper of the family tree info. And she's uncovered lots of information on my husband's family. We've wandered around a lot of rural graveyards in east Texas, Alabama, and Mississippi. One of my husband's ancestors name was Belshazar. When my daughter texted me that little tidbit of information, my response was it her father's side of the family, not her mother's.
In the picture above there are two girls. Can you guess which one?

What are some of the odd things you've found out about your ancestors?.


  1. Love the pictures! What fun. I know very little about my side of the family on either parent's side. I asked while my parents were alive, but they didn't know much either. But...on my hubby's side, wow! My m-i-l wrote a whole book with photos dating back to 1700s.

    The most surprising thing, was the pic of a great great grandfather with an earring in his ear. I guess fads come full circle. :)

  2. Great photos! Those are a treasure. One thing I learned while helping my mom research her father's side of the family is to label the back of the photos I take with where it was taken, the date, and who is in the picture. Some of my grandmother's photos have unknown persons in them. We sure wish we knew who they were.

    Surprises? Those walks through cemeteries revealed children that had died as infants and were never mentioned in family records.

  3. The first one and the fifth one?

    My husband came with a book! A hardback book at least 100 pages and inside is his family tree dating back two centuries. Unfortunately, most of it is in a language I cannot read. His oldest brother is mentioned but not my husband. The book was published two years before he was born.

    We also have an unusual last name (my maiden name is Tracy; my married name is Osback). When we go on vacations, my husband looks for phone books and if he finds an Osback, he calls. They can almost always figure out how they're related.

  4. That's cool, Pam. As my daughter goes back in the family tree, we discover some real scoundrels. And we think all these shenanigans are a recent thing.

  5. My paternal grandparents emigrated from Russia near the turn of the century even though they were of German descent.

  6. I think family tree information is SO fascinating. I still want to learn much more about my background, and plan to do some research within the next year.
    One of my cousins did some research a while back and went through some of her Mom's old items (made a big scrapbook). One of the items is an actual newspaper clipping telling about Lincoln's Gettysburg Address! I was amazed! :)

  7. Wow, the Gettysburg Address. That's impressive, Cat Mom.

    Pam,you're right. Did you notice each child is holding a bunny?
    And Pam, when I read your husband came with a book, my mind went to instruction book. That would've been helpful.

  8. Learning about one's family can be such fun. I wish I had time to get into genealogy, but if I did I fear my writing time would suffer. I'm thankful for those who have captured some of my ancestors' stories.

  9. Which ones are the girls? Third from the right and far left?


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