Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thursday Sisterhood with Allie Pleiter

Family Status: married with one child just out of college and another child just going in 

What Is Your Favorite Beverage: Coffee, followed closely by the SteakNShake Mocha milkshake

What Is Your Favorite Food: Now that my doctors asked me to cut back on the chocolate, Im really into French macarons and lemon meringue pie (but I still love chocolate).

What Is Your Favorite Thing to do During Free Time: Knit!  Im an avid knitter.  I even write a knitting blog called DestiKNITions.

Who Has Been the Most Influential Person in Your Life: I cant really identify one person.  I had wonderful high school English and drama teachers who gave me my love of the written and spoken word, but many people in my life now have been great influences as well.

First Book You Fell in Love With: Believe it or not, it was John Garders Grendel in high school.  I love old epic poetry, and that book turned my perspective on its head by taking the Beowulf story and telling it from the monsters point of view.  It changed how I viewed the possibilities of story.

A Book You Wish Youd Written: Erin Morgensterns The Night Circus.  So imaginative and enthralling!

First Book Published: My first non-fiction was Becoming A Chief Home Officer from Zondervan.  My first inspirational novel was Bad Heiress Day from Steeple Hill Cafe.

Most Recent Book: The Lawmans Oklahoma Sweetheart - the finale of the Bridegroom Brothers multi-author continuity series

Out Next: A Heart to Heal, book four in my Gordon Falls series

How Many Have You Written: 23

What Do You Know Now That You Wish Youd Known Then: Your path is unique to you.  Everyone will craft their careers differently, and if you want staying power than you need to be smart but also true to yourself.  You can learn from the author next to you, but you cant imitate her.

What is Your Favorite Bible Story: JosephIve directed too many versions of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat not to love that great comeback story.

What is Your Favorite Bible Verse: For I know the plans I have for you,declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.(Jeremiah 29:11)

What is Your Favorite Hymn: O Come O Come Emanuel

What is an Ongoing Prayer Request You Have: For my two children to find their unique, happy paths as one enters college and the other enters the real world.


  1. I've seen your knitting projects. They are great. I tried to knit and had so many unplanned holes, I gave up.

  2. Your book is the second Craftie suggestion that I think I'll seek out. I saw the Night Circus but didn't buy it. Now I will.

    Terri, I read Gone Girl because you mentioned it. Hmmmm, all I can say is we need to form a book club. I've lots to say about that novel LOL

  3. Ooh, good stuff! And now I have that hymn stuck in my head. :)

  4. How fun to get to know you better! You have my favorite verse too. :)

  5. Great to get to know you, Allie! Congrats on the current and upcoming books!

  6. I'm seeing you knitting, Allie, in my mind's eye! Love all the pretty scarfs your create.

    Congrats on the 23 books! YAY, you!

  7. Pamela, GONE GIRL is strange. Read it with my book club. Not my favorite. :)

  8. I always enjoy these author interviews. Congratulations on your writing (and knitting!) success, Allie. :)
    Blessings, Patti Jo

  9. Debby,
    I listened to it on audio and skipped discs 6 - 11. I don't think I missed anything, except... did something happen to a hobo?

  10. Allie, I really like what you had to say about being true to yourself. Being our best is so important. The uniqueness a writer brings to s story is what makes reading so fun.

  11. I echo Keli's comments. Great advice!

  12. I love your knitting projects! What an amazing skill.

  13. Excellent advice, Allie, that should be shared with all new writers. And even some that aren't so new. :)

    Great getting to know a little bit more about you.

  14. What a good interview! And I want the same thing for my children.
    Thank you.

  15. As an Okie gal, I'm going to have to get a copy of your new book. I don't read many books set in Oklahoma. I enjoyed your interview and learning more about you.


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