Friday, September 22, 2017

First Sale Friday: From Dream to Reality

by Lisa Jordan, @lisajordan
When I was sixteen, I read The Promise by Danielle Steel. By the end of the novel, I knew I wanted to write books--I wanted to create that same heart sigh with my readers. I majored in fiction writing in college but then left to marry a handsome Marine and have a family.
Over a decade ago, I decided to get serious about becoming a published author. I wrote during NaNoWriMo, joined ACFW, attended conferences and worked with amazing writing mentors. I wrote a novel, making many newbie mistakes, and ended up shelving the book several times. 
Then, in 2009, I entered the ACFW Genesis award, taking 2nd place in my category. Additionally, I had pitched it to Love Inspired editor, Tina James and literary agent, Rachelle Gardner. Both requested the full manuscript, but Rachelle asked me to send it to her first. After submitting to Rachelle, she offered representation. She submitted my manuscript. 
On January 7, 2011 at 3 PM, I received the call that turned my dream into reality--Love Inspired editor, Melissa Endlich had read my manuscript, loved it, and wanted to offer me a book deal. I cried so hard my poor husband thought someone had died. 
Lakeside Reunion debuted in November 2011. The following year, it won the ACFW Carol award in short contemporary romance. 
This is the story of my heart and a love letter to my husband because Lindsey's fears about her former fiance's job keep her from finding her second chance at love. When Hubby and I were married, he was a military policeman in the United States Marine Corp and dreamed of becoming a police officer like his dad. I was so afraid of losing him in the line of duty that I begged him to give up his dream. And he did. At the time, I wasn't a Christian and didn't have God to carry my anxieties. When I told him this novel was my way of having closure of keeping him from his dream, he reminded me he was the one who made the choice. 
With the encouragement, mentorship, and prayers of good friends, I've been able to fulfill my dream of becoming a published writer. Since then, I've had the privilege of working with Love Inspired to publish 4 more novels. The thrill of seeing my name on a book cover doesn't get old. 


  1. Lisa, what an amazing and inspiring story. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  2. Lisa, thanks for sharing your story. It is inspiring.

  3. I do love a good Call Story! :-)

  4. Lisa, I loved "The Promise," too! They made a movie of the book, as I recall. Isn't it amazing how "we stand on the shoulders of giants" and they inspire us so much. I hope maybe we can inspire in return to the next generations of writers. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thank you for sharing your story. Very inspiring.

  6. Oh, I read The Promise when I was in high school. I was in my DECA class and had the book hidden in my textbook, reading it instead of the chapter I was supposed to be reading. It got sad and I started weeping during class. The teacher, a male, quickly assumed female problem and suggested I use the ladies' room. I took my textbook, novel inside, to the restroom, sat on a bench and read straight for 20 minutes. The teacher didn't even blink when I returned. Sometimes, being female is a good thing :) Loved, loved, loved your story.

  7. Thanks for sharing. I love hearing the background information!

  8. Thanks for sharing this. Your husband sounds like a true romantic hero. No wonder your books are so touching.


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