Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Be Grateful

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, I find I always have much in which to be grateful. Good music, my pets, my writing and, of course, my family and faith.

This week on the Love Inspired Authors and Readers Group on Facebook, I am sharing more about my favorite things and chatting with other readers and authors about theirs. If you are on Facebook, I hope you’ll come join us. It’s a very active group and great fun. You can find us here:

I do hope you'll join us, but whether or not you’re on Facebook, I’d love to know what you’re thankful for this year. Happy Thanksgiving!

Look for Deb Kastner's Christmas novel on the shelves starting November 20th or preorder here.

Haven't become a Deb's Daydreamers VIP and joined my newsletter yet? What are you waiting for? Sign up HERE.


  1. Deb, I love this time of year for many reasons, but mostly because it brings to mind all the things we truly are blessed with. Thank you for sharing and I love your new cover.

  2. Thanks for the link. I need to check out the site more often. BTW, love, love, love the cover.

  3. Thanks for the great post, Deb. We all have so many things to be thankful for, not just during this special time of the year. I really love your Western cover. Who can resist a baby?

  4. Hi Deb-Love A Christmas Baby for the Cowboy book cover and can't wait to read. I'm grateful not only for my at-home family but for my Love Inspired family and the wonderful writers and family of the Crafieladiesofromance. Happy Thanksgiving!


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