Friday, April 6, 2012

Ask Elnora--About Good Stuff? Lenora Worth

Hello, my little bunnies. Today is Good Friday and while we celebrate the coming of Easter, we also reflect back on the sacrifice that Christ made for Christ made for us. We know this day is important so that got me to thinking about all the "good" in life. Elnora loves spring. It represents the rebirth in all of us. Christ left us that precious gift. We do have so many blessings, so many good things in life. Then it hit me--let's make a list of those good things. We hear about the bad every day but we need to celebrate the good and thank Christ for the beauty and the bounty of this world. So let's make a list. I'll start with ten good things. Bloggers, please add and let's see how many we can come up with. Don't ponder it to much, just go with your heart. Happy Easter! 1. Butterflies 2. Those who serve our country 3. Easter lilies 4. A child's laughter 5. Chocolate 6. Family 7. Sunshine 8. Surviving the storms of life 9. Books 10.Shoes Okay, your turn. Add to my list. I could come up with a thousand good things, but one of the good things we have here is a sense of community and some great bloggers, writers and our dear readers. Celebrate!


  1. Good friends, Music, the sound of gentle rain on the roof, wildflowers

  2. Winnie beat me to it. I was going to say rain, but since I live near a beach, I'm going to say walking barefoot on the beach.

  3. All of those are great! I love rain and the beach and love both of those at the same time. Add a good book and a cup of coffee or hot tea and I'm good for a long afternoon. BTW, I had my blog all pretty and something went terribly wrong. Came out with some errors and my numbers all crunched together. Well .... the message is still intact!!!

  4. Our children graduating from college. A cup of hot tea in the morning, sitting outside listening to the birds. And a McDonald's ice cream cone.

  5. Grandchildren giving spontaneous hugs. Chocolate. Sunshine. Fall leaves and hot apple cider.

  6. Cats, tigers, cougers, Cricket the sport, health, bubble baths, a home, photos, this blog, sunsets.

    (did I mention cats I want a cat!)

  7. (Julie it isn't spring here. but will be in 5 months)

  8. My ten: A loving family, living in a free country, the smell of a campfire, shortbread cookies, reading a good book while sitting in the warm summer sunshine, pretty polished toenails, fresh-picked garden veggies, the long days of summer, the colors of autumn, and peace & quiet.

  9. cats
    good health care
    our home
    God's love
    strawberry shortcake with whipped cream
    a lot of whipped cream
    mocha ice cream

  10. I love everything y'all have mentioned. I'd like to add one more--a wonderfully peaceful Easter! We had a nice dinner and Elnora made a chocolate pound cake. I shall have a slice with fruit and coffee later. :))
    I love this blog, too, AusJenny. And we all love you!


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