Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The perfect friend--from Lenora Worth :)

God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on); by Him you were called into companionship and participation with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Corinthians 1: 9
We've been discussing friendship here all month. I think we all long for that perfect friend--you know the one who isn't skinner than we are but about the same; the one who isn't more beautiful than we are, but about the same, the friend who always agrees with us and always comes running right away when we call. Do you know that friend? (I'm grinning here) We all know she doesn't exist. But we also know that we have friends who come close to the above descriptions. And we probably all have friends who ARE skinnier and prettier and smarter and just about perfect in our eyes. But if we look closely, we might find we have a lot in common with this "perfect" friend. For example, maybe she smiles when she really wants to cry. Maybe she volunteers when she really needs to rest. Maybe she wears lovely clothes, but she buys them to fill a void in her life. Or maybe she has "perfect" children or so it seems but inside her home, turmoil is rampant. Maybe she's trying so hard to be perfect, her life is slowly falling apart. The whole point of this is to remind ourselves that we need to look beneath the surface to find a true and perfect friend and that usually is a friend with flaws and concerns and worries, just like the rest of us. While we don't wish problems on anyone, it is a bit comforting to know that friends are human just like we are. And it's also very comforting to know that we can turn to the one perfect friend--Christ. He listens, he comes when we call out, he is always nearby to help us carry our burdens and to brighten our day. Christ is there when we celebrate blessings and he is there when we cry in the night. When we think we have no one to turn to, Christ is there. His footprints are always right there beside ours. I appreciate and love my dear friends here on Earth and I celebrate and suffer with them as part of my love. But it's comforting to know that Christ is constant and dependable and trustworthy, even when I'm feeling alone and blue. And even when I think everyone else is perfect and I'm not! Call a friend today and tell her you're thinking about her. And thank Christ that you have that kind of love within your heart.
Lenora Worth :)


  1. Lenora, great post. And I will call a friend today. Maybe more than one.

  2. Thanks, Margaret. I did call a friend last night. She had some minor surgery and I wanted to check on her. We had a few good laughs.

    Lenora :)

  3. Great post Lenora. You are so right. Thank you.
    Debbie :)

  4. I haven't called a friend today but will do so tomorrow. It's too late tonight when I finally got to read your post.

  5. Lenora, I loved your beautiful post. And I'm a day or two late, but I'll still call that friend.

    If fact, I called one and invited her to lunch today already!



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