Thursday, September 1, 2011

We're So Glad You're Here

Recognize these cuties?

Identify them and you just might be a big winner!

See, here at the Craftie Ladies we've combined the suspense writers with the contemporary writers, and invited the historical writers to join in!

So, to celebrate such an adventure, we're having a contest.

The prize is $135 gift certificate. That's not a typo.

Here's what you do.
Look at the baby or very young photo and figure out which future Love Inspired Author you see? Go ahead and try. Here are the authors participating: Linda Goodnight, Karen Kirst, Winnie Griggs, Pamela Tracy, Leigh Bale, Missy Tippens, Lenora Worth, Merrillee Whren, Cara Putman, Louise Gouge, Leann Harris, Patricia Davids, Lacy Williams, Sandra Orchard, Barbara Phinney, Margaret Daley, Debby Giusti, Christine Johnson.

Whoever identifies the authors correctly will have a chance at the gift certificate.

Contest ends Sunday night at midnight

1. ________________
2. _________________
3. _______________

4. ___________________

5. __________________

6. ________________

7. _________________

8. ___________________

9. ___________________

10. _______________

11. ________________

12. ___________________

13. ______________________

14. ___________________

15. _________________

16. ____________________

17. _________________

18. ___________________

We also have a few camera shy Love Inspired Authors
Go ahead, try, if you get any of these right, they count as bonus points and/or a tie breaker!

Jean Gordon, Allie Pleiter, Naomi Rawlings, Regina Scott, Lyn Cote, Kim Watters, Lynette Eason, Lisa Mondello, Patty Smith Hall.

19. __________________________ Name the author who would have to yank a baby picture out of the beautiful scrapbook her mom put together in order to scan it, and she just doesn't have the heart to tear something out of it.

20. ___________________________ Name the author whose baby pictures are all at her brother's house in Buffalo.

21. ____________________________ Name the author whose baby pictures are in a barn.

22. ____________________________ Name the author whose baby pictures are all at her mother's house.

23. ___________________________ Name the author who claims to have no baby photos.

24. ____________________________ Name the author whose baby pictures are somewhere in a garage because she's never unpacked them from her recent move.

25. ____________________________ Name the author whose mother thinks she isn't old enough to be responsible for her baby pictures.

26. ____________________________ Name the author who actually considered scanning her oldest daughter's baby photo because hers are all boxed up.

27. ____________________________ Name another author whose baby pictures are boxed up at her parents' house.


  1. Welcome everyone! This is going to be so much fun!

  2. Wow! Good luck!! Besides my own photo, I only recognized one or two of the photos! :)

    Also, y'll be sure to stop by all week! We'll be doing book giveaways as well!!

  3. Wow, this is a tough contest! Hope everyone has fun with it!

  4. That last part of your post left me amazed. Really? The baby pictures are in the barn???? Or at her brother's???

    Geez, I have very little pics of me as a child - I was raised by Aunts who didn't believe those niceties were needed - but those I have I treasure so much so you can imagine my dismay when reading this.

    Once I was in an English class and there had been a Tornado in America and I was appalled that people lost all their belongings and what pained me more wasn't the sofá or the beds or even the cars but the idea of loosing the pictures hanging on the wall. Teacher thought I was weird. Well, I am. I'll give it a try, for the fun of it.

    Lovely and Funny Idea!!!

  5. What a good looking group of authors :-)

  6. Good morning! All I can say is WOW! Figuring out some of those baby pictures is going to be tough but kind of fun, don't ya think?

    And I'll give a hint which one is me--NOT YET! Got to let y'all have a chance to figure it out but later, MUCH later, I'll drop by with a tiny hint.

  7. I think I've pegged one--#1! Hair and eyes very distinctive!

  8. wow looks fun but i honestly cant tell u who is who on the babys

  9. Wow, this is going to be really hard. Good luck, everybody!!!

  10. Misty,
    Keep in mind you have until midnght Sunday, go ahead and look at our pages and study faces, go to websites, too. Some, yeah, the resemblances are there. Other, hmm, will have to guess. But, there's no harm in trying.

  11. Theresa,
    My favorite is the one who can't scan because the photos are permanently in a scrapbook that cannot be defaced.

  12. At first, I didn't even recognize my own baby picture. This is a tough one. Best of luck!

  13. I'm never good at this sort of thing. I'll guess Cara Putman.
    #8 actually looks like my 2nd grade school picture.
    I feel so bad for the person who has baby pictures in a barn.
    Thanks for the contest.
    Jackie Layton

  14. I am so glad you all have combined AND added LIH authors to the mix. Such fun.

    Looking forward to the new mix and new to LISH authors as well.

    Better get cracking on my guesses.

    Peace, Julie

  15. Julie,
    Would you please email me at I have a question for you. I tried to do this via facebook and it didn't work.

  16. What adorable kids we are!!! And this is a tough contest! I do know one pic, though. (my own)

  17. First book giveaway is going to be at NOON. I'll be giving away a copy of In a Doctor's Arms. So keep commenting and at Noon I will pick a winner.

  18. Teresa, I was one of the kids who lost everything, including pix, in a tornado many years ago. Back in those days we didn't have a lot of photos and didn't own a camera, so my mother mourned the photos more than any other item.

    Needless to say, my contest photo is not an infant. (hint, hint)

  19. What fun! I can't wait to see how many I got right.

  20. What fun! Great idea ladies. You will post the answers, I hope. I'd love to see how right (or wrong) my guesses are.

  21. Linda,
    What a great hint! Personally, I think my toddler photo definitely looks like who I am today, but with shorter hair.

  22. I can't imagine anyone recognizing themselves, much less everybody else!

  23. Pamela, just sent you an email. FB is just plain weird sometimes!

    Peace, Julie

  24. Congratulations to L.B. Greer who is the FIRST winner of our Grand ReOpening Book Blast Contest. You've won a copy of In a Doctor's Arms. Please email me at with your address and I'll send it right out to you. Congratulations.

    Next Winner will be announced at 6:00 Eastern Time. So keep posting comments!

  25. I only figured out two and I was one of the two. Cute pictures, though.

  26. I can see I am going to have to invest in that CSI software that puts faces over early pictures and figures it out. ;-)

  27. What adorable babies we are. And then we grew up!!! Ha, ha. I think some of us were plotting even back then. This is a fun contest!!!
    Y'all come back tomorrow. Elnora will be in the house--maybe she knows some things about those babies!!!

  28. Hi! Am I too late to the party? The morning has been crazy! Delightful baby pictures, but I haven't had a chance to try to match them to their grownups yet! :) Or read the other blog posts. Soon! This is such fun!

  29. Great photos! Good luck everyone. I'd have trouble figuring out any of them (except my own, of course).

    I'm looking forward to seeing the guesses!

  30. OK, I think you all should start leaving hints...otherwise there's no way we'll be able to guess. I'll start: I make lots of outrageous claims on my knitting blog, but this claim happens to be true.

  31. Tomorrow Ask Elnore is going to leave a few hints on at least five of them, so stay tuned!

  32. oooo toughie! but will be doing my best! and congrats on the merger!

  33. I'm going to guess naomi rawlings is #25 mainly because she's not much younger than me and I'm not responsible for my baby pictures either. :)

  34. As Pamela Tracy said, checking out websites may help.

  35. I leave for a couple hours and y'all go crazy. Love it!

    My hint. I'm not alone.

  36. Wow, I didn't recognize anyone! Although I'm terrible at recognizing babies. You know how when a baby is born, people will gush over how the baby looks like so and so? I think it just looks like a baby.

    You should also have a captioning game for these pictures. I am convinced #5 is saying, "My shoes! What about my shoes! You've got to get them in the picture too!"

    And I think #6 is saying, "I cannot believe you've taken me from the comfort of my carpet to put my precious little knees on THIS!"

  37. Is this where we leave a comment? I cannot find anywhere else to leave a comment if there is! Anyway, what a fun contest! I just got back from a two-week vacation and everything is crazy at my house so I am not even attempting to guess the baby pictures but I wanted to at least take a break and be part of your fun day today! I love your website and get on it every chance I get! I will be sure to get on and check through out the day. I can only take so much unpacking and organizing today! Valri

  38. Danica,
    What a great idea! Maybe we could add them later.

  39. Valri,
    We're so glad you check us out often :)

  40. Wow - great baby pictures!! I'm going to guess that picture #5 is Christine Johnson!

  41. Here's a hint for my baby picture...I was *very* new when the picture was taken. :)

  42. Captioning is a fun idea! Finding the perfect caption for a photo is as much a challenge as writing 250 words for Janet Tronstad! :)

    This is fun! I'll check back in later!

  43. What fun...and what a great looking bunch a young'ns! I have to tell you I've seen at least two of the pics before...not going to say which ones or where though.

    Other than Pamela Tracy's the one that was the most obvious to me was Missy Tippens...what an adorable picture. ;)

  44. Okay, if no one else is going to pounce on it. I guess #17 for Leigh Bale.

    I sooo wanted to say Debra Clopton for the cow girl #14, but she's not an option!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Hope,
    As the first person to issue answers, you win a book. I'll be sending you a copy of Once Upon a Cowboy. Please send me your snail mail addy at yeah!!!!

  47. Thanks, Pamela! I love all the books that you all write! When I go on vacation, everyone's books are the first thing I pack! Forget about the clothes & such - where are the books! THAT's my vacation!!! Now that I'm an empty nester, I so enjoy more free time to read and LI, LIS and LIH are my favorite books! My TBR pile may never go down because I'm always adding to it constantly! You ladies write the best books ever!

  48. Welcome everyone to our new and improved blog. How fun. What a stunning group of authors. I think I recognized Pam and that was it.:)

  49. I think I can work out one or two but after Hopes answers I think my guess is wrong.
    wow alot happens when I sleep!
    Now I know why there hasn't been activity for a few days. love the new look etc.

  50. This is the first chance I've had to check out the blog today. What a good looking group of babies. I think I recognized a few babies in there, but not many. I think mine kind of looks like my granddaughter. (Hint, hint)

  51. I couldn't even begin to guess, but loved the photos!

  52. What a cute bunchy of babies and look how lovely they all turned out.
    I see Faith Hope got my picture right.
    You go girl.

  53. Congratulations to Misty C! You are the 6:00 book winner and you've won a copy of Fresh-Start Family by Lisa Mondello! Congratulations. Send me an email at with your address so I can send you a book.

  54. Sorry I don't recognise any of the little ones yet. They sure are cute though. Please enter me for a free book. Thanks! And congratulations!

  55. This is the happening place. Welcome all!

  56. Okay, I've decided now is the time for a little hint--I just moved a month ago.

  57. Everyone looks so cute! I'm having a hard time matching authors with their baby pics!

    So glad we've got the new Craftie Ladies site! It's going to be fun, for sure!

  58. Oh, I think I figured out Winnie and Leann! I thought for sure I'd recognize Debby, but I just can't identify her. Too bad we can't see her really blue eyes to know for sure! :)

    I think I'll give a hint about mine tomorrow. :)

  59. so delited to find an email with my win announcement! YAY! THANK YOU! and for not laughing too hard {I hope!}

  60. Valri, I always pack books firts too. And I pack more than I can read just in case.
    Here's my updated guesses:
    17-Leigh Bale
    5-Linda Goodnight
    I'll keep studying you all.
    Have a great night!

  61. Lets try this again ladies. Me and mom both love reading your books.Keep up the good work.

  62. I think it's funny that some of YOU don't even recognize each other! Most of the rest of us have the excuse that we haven't met you in person but most of you have met each other! TOO funny! It is hard to pick out baby pictures though! I love reading the comments! Valri

  63. You know its hard to recognise a person you have only seen in a photo. I met a pen friend from America once in Adelaide. Everyone got of the bus and couldn't find her. Asked the driver were there any americans on the bus. He said there were a few still no help. finally there is a lady standing alone and I go ask are you Sonja Rose? Yes she was her hair was a different colour she wasn't wearing glasses and had put on quite a bit of weight. then I found out the photo was a professional one for her senior year and this was about 5 years later. We had a blast had about 3 nights together and I saw parts of the city I hadn't before and it was really good only its about 66 degrees and shes wearing a sundress with thin straps and we are all wearing sweaters and feeling the coolness!

  64. What precious baby pictures, and what a cute idea for a contest! As I viewed the photos I tried to guess at some of them, but figured I'm waaaay off, LOL. ~ Congratulations on this "re-opened" blog - - looks great!! :)
    Blessings, Patti Jo

  65. CatMom,
    You have under midnight, Sunday, to guess. Go ahead and try. It's worth a shot. Lenora is posting some clues tomorrow.

  66. 1-Margaret Daley
    2-Pamela Tracy
    3-Cara Putnam
    4-Lacy Williams
    5-Karen Kirst
    6-Sandra Orchard
    7-Merrillee Whren
    8-Barbara Phinney
    9-Lisa Goodnight
    10-Leann Harris
    11-Patricia Davids
    12-Louise Gouge
    13-Christine Johnson
    14-Lenora Worth
    15-Debbie Giusti
    16-Missy Tippens
    17-Leigh Bale
    18-Winnie Griggs

  67. We have our second entry! Yeah! Miss Michelle, we are so glad to see you here.

  68. thank you lisa and all the other ladies out there

  69. I think I kno
    14 Lacy Williams (its the cow girl outfit)
    24 Patty Smith Hall
    thats as good as I can get.

  70. My hint: I haven't changed a bit. I wish--well maybe not.

  71. Okay ladies here is my guess so far,

    #3 Lacy Williams, #4 Winnie Griggs, #6 Cara Putman, #7 Karen Kirst, #9 Louise Gouge, #11 Sandra Orchard, #14 Lenora Worth,

    Do I have any right? If so which ones. Wish I could continue, but getting ready for a weekend trip. So I guess this is it. :-) Fun, but difficult. Thanks ladies and God bless!

  72. Goodness, you guys dont know your own pics and you want us to find you, that is too funny. I can say you all were some cute babies. I hope I can guess one or two and get lucky.
    I enjoy coming to your site and looks like now it will be even better.
    Paula O

  73. I'm getting ready to head out in about an hour on our weekend jaunt and won't be back til Monday eve so I thought I better get this on here...after looking at the pics, reading clues and others answers, and hopefully making some good guesses, here's my list:

    1. Merrillee Whren
    2. Pamela Tracy
    3. Cara Putman
    4. Lenora Worth
    5. Karen Kirst
    6. Barbara Phinney
    7. Patricia Davids
    8. Louise Gouge
    9. Christine Johnson
    10. Linda Goodnight
    11. Debby Giusti
    12. Margaret Daley
    13. Sandra Orchard
    14. Lacy Williams
    15. Leann Harris
    16. Missy Tippens
    17. Leigh Bale
    18. Winnie Griggs
    19. Alllie Pleiter
    20. Jean Gordon
    21. Lyn Cote
    22. Regina Scott
    23. Lynette Eason
    24. Lisa Mondello
    25. Naomi Rawlings
    26. Patty Smith Hall
    27. Kim Watters

    Hope everyone has a fun-filled weekend...Blessings all!

  74. #3 Margaret Daliy?
    #14 Lenora Worth?
    LOL I wish I could see the pictures as I am typing LOL

  75. This is really tough.

    Here are my guesses:

    2) Pamela Tracy
    8) Linda Goodnight
    12) Winnie Griggs
    13) Sandra Orchard
    14) Karen Kirst
    16) Debby Giusti

    email: frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  76. i've re-revised my list '')
    wondering which of the lovelies i should email it to?..

  77. i've fwd my entry list for the baby contest to Sandra and Lenora - if i need to send it elsewhere please contact via email on blog profile ~ many thanks!

  78. 1-Merrillee Whren
    2-Pamela Tracy
    3-Cara Putnam*
    4-Margaret Daley
    5-Karen Kirst
    6-Barb Phinney
    7-Patricia Davids * correct
    8-Debby Giusti
    9-Christine Johnson
    10-Linda Goodnight*
    11--Louise Gouge
    12-Lenora Worth
    13-sandra orchard*
    14-Lacy Williams* correct
    15-Leann Harris
    16-Missy Tippens
    17-Leigh Bale
    18-Winnie Griggs

    24-Patty Smith Hall

  79. ok, i'm getting verrry excited! it's getting close to midnite on the EST and that means...!! not going to sleep much tonite i see '')


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