Monday, March 30, 2009

You Be the One

Hi Debra Clopton here--finally! Running a bit late getting this posted today. I've recently started visiting a new church...a Cowboy Church actually--they are really growing around here in Texas and I think they are wonderful. But, anyway, I love my old church, I have the most wonderful friends there who have been with me through so much and I love them all dearly. But my life is evolving and sometimes we have to move where God leads us. That being said, I'm making new friends where I'm visiting and I people reaching out to me in friendship and I'm doing the same. I feel blessed and invigorated by the prospects. But that being said, I realize just as I did when I joined my other church ten years ago (it was also in a building process and I felt I could be a part of that) which is how I'm feeling about this new spot--anyway, I realize that to feel at home and really build friendships I have to do my part. I have to join in and participate, and become a friend myself.

So I guess where I'm going with this post is to this...I once had someone comment to me that she wished she had good friends like I did at my church and in my life. I told her that the secret to it was to get involved and to reach out herself. I hope if others out there are looking for friends like she was that you'll be the instigator of finding it. Believe me there are many people in churchs who are looking for a friend, they just aren't making the first contact to take aquaintice the next level--YOU be the one. Step out there and let God use you to be that friend that someone needs- I can promise you it will enrich your life. It has mine :)


  1. Debra -- I'm saying Amen to your post. I have made some wonderful friends in churches -- I can't think of a better place for someone to go if they are looking for friends.

  2. I want to say that this is an encouraging post. In my lifetime (Which isn't even 15 years yet), I have been moved churches 4 or 5 times, so I know the importance of being the one that starts the friendships sometimes.
    And I would have to agree with the above comment. Church is a wonderful place to find friends. I found all three of my best friends at my church.
    Also, I want to say that I just finished your newest book, Texas Ranger Dad, and I enjoyed reading it very much. Stories like that are such an encouragement, and I want to thank you for speaking your beliefs through your books.

  3. Hi Janet,
    Thank you for your comment--I love amens! Also, I can't wait till our 2-n-1 book comes out in April!

  4. Hi Katie,
    What an encouragement you are! I always love hearing from my younger readers and you really made my day. You are stepping out there and taking control of your life through taking the first step to find a friend. I love that.

    Also, I'm so happy you enjoyed Texas Ranger Dad. I love that God has given me the opportunity to share my belief and His love through my books.

    God bless you and thank you for stopping by the blog.

  5. I love cowboy church. It was a big part of my January release Cowboy for Keeps. Debbie, next time I'm in Texas, can I come see you :)

  6. Hey Pamela!!! When are you coming to Texas :) of course you can come see me. Boy that would be fun!
    I haven't gotten to read Cowboy For Keeps but I'll make a point to do that now. I'll be featuring not cowboy church in one of my 2010 books but a rodeo preacher so that should be fun. Our pastor was once a rodeo pastor-Tuffy Lofton--even has a cowboy name :)


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