Interview with the hero from Katie’s Redemption by Patricia Davids:
1. Elam Sutter, tell me the most interesting thing about you.
I am an Amish farmer and carpenter in Ohio and I have a basket weaving business.
2. What do you do for fun?
The Amish love to visit and I’m no exception. I really enjoy spending time with my family, especially my nephews. We get together to play baseball and volleyball whenever we can.
3. What do you put off doing because you dread it?
Looking for a wife. I was engaged once and that relationship failed because she turned her back on our faith. I know I must trust God to bring the right woman into my life, but it is hard to trust again.
4. What are you afraid of most in life?
I’m afraid my faith is not strong enough. I’m afraid of letting people down.
5. What do you want out of life?
That is an easy question. I want what God wants for me. I seek to follow His will as it is laid out in the Bible.
6. What is the most important thing to you?
God. Always a man must put God first in his life, after that, my family.
7. Do you read? If so, what is your favorite type of book to read?
I do like to read. I read the Amish newspapers and my Bible. A man must take care in what he reads. He can allow ungodly thoughts into his mind if he is not on guard against the influences of the outside world.
8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
If I could be different, I would worry less. To worry over things shows my lack of faith in God’s plan for me. I need to work on that.
9. Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?
Nee, I have no pets. We have horses on the farm but they work. Judy pulls our buggy. Joey and Jack are my draft horses. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fond of my horses, but I don’t think of them as pets.
10. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?
Nowhere. Now is the time given to me by God. Now is the life I must lead.
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