Friday, September 2, 2011

Ask Elnora--Who's that lady?? Lenora Worth

Hello, my darlings! We’re having all sorts of fun around here! We have bunches of prizes, games to play and books to give away. I’m sure by now you’re heard of the Big Merge. Our Love Inspired, Love Inspired Suspense and Love Inspired Historical blogs have become one big Happy Blog. No grumpy people allowed! But lots of chatter and book talk always.

So yesterday, in our infinite confusion and chaos—this is what happens when you put three or more women in charge—we announced the Big Prize—a $135 gift card—perfect for books, boots, bags, or groceries, gadgets and a good BoGo! Or chocolate! Or cheesecake!!! But there is an itty-bitty catch. You see at one time, we were all babies. And if you scroll around or down—somewhere on our fabulous new blog, we have baby pictures. And young girl pictures. We thought it would be such fun if you could try guessing which baby goes with which author. (It sounded like a brilliant idea at the time!) Still is. But we realized it’s really hard. I couldn’t even find myself on there, but I am on there. I’ll give you a hint about my picture. It was taken in Georgia! There, that ought to clue you in!
Anyway, we’re hoping someone will guess and get one or two right. The posters who guess one or more right will get their names entered into a big basket and we will draw for the grand prize winner—SOON!!! Hopefully this weekend or early next week. We want to give everyone a chance to work hard on this! We were so excited about our merge and a contest, we didn’t bother with figuring out all the other stuff! (Personally, I wanted to give away a Louis Vuitton handbag and a matching sportscar but for some strange reason, that idea got shot down.)

Okay, so now that we’re all confused, I’ll give you another hint about one of the pictures—let’s start with # 3. This author covertly whispered in my ear “I’m not the oldest and I’m not the youngest in my photo.” Another hint—she’s wearing yellow. And I know who she is! I also know that she is smart and has gorgeous children just like her. And her husband is adorable. Another hint--There ought to be a law---!
Oh, and this just in. This cutie grew up on her granddad’s farm in Oklahoma. I wonder if she had lacy curtains in her bedroom??? Can you guess which baby she is?? I’ll give you her number later. And more to come---.
We will have a book giveaway at noon. And again at 6 PM. So come by and say hello during those times. I’ll try to have more baby hints for you, too. Elnora just loves a good guessing game!


  1. Another hint. This is not the sort of thing to try to figure out when you have insomnia. Keeps one awake for hours! ;-)

    Peace, Julie

  2. not much good for an aussie saying about Georgia unless there was a peach in a photo!

  3. Julie, I decided now was a good time for another hint too--my oldest daughter has often been told she's the spitting image of me.

    ~grin~ That should help!

    Blessings, Patty

  4. 1. Merrillee Whren
    2. Pamela Tracy
    3. Barbara Phinney
    4. Linda Goodnight
    5. Patricia Davids
    6. Cara Putman
    7. Christine Johnson
    8. Karen Kirst
    9. Louise Gouge
    10.Debby Giusti
    11.Winnie Griggs
    12.Margaret Daley
    13.Lenora Worth
    14.Lacy Williams
    15.Leigh Bale
    16.Leann Harris
    17.Sandra Orchard
    18.Missy Tippens
    19.Kim Watters
    20.Patty Smith Hall
    21.Jean Gordon
    22.Lynette Eason
    23.Lyn Cote
    24.Allie Pleiter
    25.Lisa Mondello
    26.Regina Scott
    27.Naomi Rawlings

    All of the above are just WILD guesses of mine. I stink at stuff like this, but thought I'd give it a try!!

    God Bless,
    Judy B

  5. LOL -- great idea, but I'm not going to even attempt a guess since I just discovered this blog (thanks Sandra). I look forward to visiting in the future because I love Love Inspired books!

  6. As much as I enjoy winning and reading I am so notoriously bad at guessing I'm not even going to try this game but I'll be interested in what else you are planning.

  7. The baby photos are adorable, but you're right. Its tough to know. But they are cute.

    Good look on your new blogsite. Sounds fun.

  8. Great post! Great blog! and awesome giveaway!

  9. Time for a huge, huge hint for my baby photo:

    I got a very early start on my career.

  10. ooh, it's so interesting seeing which photo people pair me with. :)

    I'll give a hint, too. I'm the third girl in a family of girls, but I think my parents were expecting a boy!

  11. Mercy, Elnora wakes from her ... Uh... Beauty sleep to find all kinds of wonderful guests waiting for her!! Margaret, that picture with the car was taken in Oklahoma City. Alas,that sweet ride is not mine. Yet!! No winners yet either but I love the "guessing list". Good way to try. But remember we are writers. We put plot twists in everything!! Thanks to everyone for stopping by. I will draw a name at noon Central time to give away a copy of my "Hometown Sweetheart".

  12. Good to see you are all back and enjoying a new day! Hey Ausjenny, how is the weather in Australia these days? My brother and his wife just got back from there and they were freezing the whole time but absolutely LOVED it!!! My dream is to come there someday! I've traveled many places in the world except there and I WANT TO COME THERE!!!! Valri

  13. You were all cutie little kids/babies! Thanks to a big hint I think # 9 must be Christine Johnson.

  14. I feel really stupide, but I don't see the pictures anywhere...

  15. Emilie...check out this link for the pics: Find pics here

    Ausjenny ... loved the peach comment. =)

  16. Jamie,
    I'd decided to give a book to the person who posted closest to 8:00. You know get a copy of Once Upon a Cowboy! Please email me your snail mail addy at Yeah!

  17. Here's Barbara Phinney's hint:

    "I had a rocky start to life!"
    (I didn't really. I've been blessed, esp now with this group!)

  18. Judy, good for you for giving it a go! I don't even know how many you have right. Pamela is the one with all the photos and names. :)

  19. A hint for me. People always said my photo looked like a doll.


  20. Oh how cool, thanks Pamela! I'm looking forward to reading Once Upon a Cowboy! I'll email you now.


  21. They all look like dolls but I'm going to guess #16 is Missy Tippens.

  22. My guesses and they are just that guesses, #2 Leigh Bale
    #9 Debby Giusti
    #10 Christine Johnson
    #12 Patricia Davids
    #14 Lacy Williams
    #15 Victorial Bylin
    #16 Missy Tippins

    the pics are just too hard for me whomever gets them all surely deserves a grand prize. thanks guys Paula O

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. It's high noon and our own Cara Putnam has promised a book for one lucky posting lady. Cara, do you want to do the honors and pick a winner? I'll check back in a few minutes! Elnora is still trying to figure out those baby pictures, too!

  25. Oh, I see one correct answer. POL--you picked #14 as Lacy Williams and you are correc!!!! Yeah!!!

    I'll let you know if any of your other guesses were correct!

  26. Time zones are funny things. The winner of Trial by Fire is Valri. Valri, email me at cara at caraputman dot com with your snail mail. Congrats!

  27. Sorry, Cara. The time zones just add to the chaotic fun we're having! But happy happy winner to Valri!!! You're in for a treat!

    Next book giveaway at 6PM Central time--that's Elnora time. I'll be giving away a copy of "Hometown Sweetheart" to one of you sweethearts!!

    Okay, here's a hint about #10 on our list--She's an Oklahoma native who didn't have red hair when she was a tiny tot. She's won a big, big award for one of her books. Big, very big!!!!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Sorry, I almost told too much!!

    But this is hard.

  30. I'm writing a book right now that has clue that lead to a treasure. This is a lot like that!

  31. Wow, what did I miss while I was shopping? Some of you have some cool guesses. I will confess that even I don't know the answers. Pamela Tracy is keeping that a closely guarded secret.

  32. looks like some changes to my choices are in order! will have to juggle them again!! yikes ~ i've sent my email list to Sandra - with more correct thx to your hints! yay '')
    at least i'm in the grand prize draw honestly ` and many thanks for it!!

  33. I'm so excited to be a winner! Thanks so much! I love all the authors here! Valri

  34. I see some good guessing in the posts. Keep them coming.

  35. Forgot all about popping in today until after I'd visited eharlequin, and found a reminder from Dream! I think it's so neat that ALL the Ladies of Love Inspired are gathered together in one wonderful blog. :)

  36. Congratulations to Julie Hilton Steele who is our 6:00 winner!! Whoohoo! You've won a book (TBA) by Lenora Worth. Please email me at with your address!

  37. Valri where I am the weather is wonderful around 75ish today they say before a change. its the perfect start to spring.

    I thought 14 was Lacy.

  38. Thanks, Ausjenny for the weather report! I guess it must have been really cold there recently - and on New Zealand too!

    How is everyone doing on the baby pictures? Is anyone getting them right? I'm not even attempting it! I live with migraines and that would only add to them......

  39. Valri it depends what part of the country they were in and when a week or two back it was freezing here and also in NZ but on a whole where I am it was a much milder winter. Sydney had a colder winter.
    Today is wonderful have mowed the front lawn the back needs it but that will be next week. the bin is too full.

  40. Happy Friday evening, everyone! ~ Here's my attempt at guesses so far: 1.Debby Giusti 2.Pamela Tracy 3.Cara Putman 5.Merrillee Whren 6.Barbara Phinney 7.Lenora Worth 8.Patricia Davids 9.Christine Johnson 14.Lacy Williams 16.Missy Tippens 17.Margaret Daly (yes, I skipped a few!) ~ You are ALL cuties, and this is a fun idea for a contest. Again, CONGRATS on the big merge of authors for this blog! :) Blessings, Patti Jo Moore

  41. Ausjenny, yes my brother & wife were in Sydney and then all over NZ, not just one place! I just know they were freezing (they live in California) but they absolutely loved it! What area do you live in? We need to mow our lawn too!

    Continued good luck to all those who are guessing the pictures! It looks way too hard to me! Valri

  42. Sorry to have been so absentee today, folks! It's been a looong day. But even though it's late, I wanted to give ya'll a BIG hint on my baby picture. It's a very, very young, brand new baby. Probably the youngest baby of the group. (Not that I'm literally the youngest author here, mind you. Wish I were, but those days are gone now. :)

  43. wondering what time zone you cute babes are using for the daily entries?

  44. anyone up yet? the time stamp is saying i'm not up yet either! but am looking fwd to more of your partying antics today '')

  45. bonjour!
    welcome to your new day!
    what's on today's menu?...

  46. morning gals! what's for breakfast? i've brought the tea '')

  47. Happy Saturday, everyone! Faith Hope Cherrytea, we're finally moving about. Had to get up early to send my kids off on a fall retreat. And I've been writing ever since.

    time for a book giveaway!! I'll be giving away a copy of one of my older books today. His Forever Love. So leave your comments to be entered! I'll do a drawing at 3 pm Eastern time! Cherrytea, I'll include you since you've been waiting so patiently. :)

  48. I hope I didn't just double post, but, I didn't see my post anywhere....I would LOVE to win a copy of 'The Forest Ranger's Promise'


  49. Happy Saturday Missy! I LOVE you books! I must have missed that one though :-( Would LOVE a chance at winning a copy.

  50. Good morning from the West Coast! What did you have for breakfast today? You eastern folks are up waaaay too early for me. And you also sound toooo chipper! Guess I better get a move on, huh? I'll be doing a book giveaway for a signed copy of The Forest Ranger's Promise this morning. I'll announce the winner at 10 a.m. Pacific Time.

  51. Brandy, I just saw your post saying you'd like to win a copy of The Forest Ranger's Promise. Stay tuned, you'll get your chance soon. :)

  52. Cool! Thanks Leigh! I will! And since I;m on the West Coast, I had fruit for breakfast this morning! Lol!

  53. CONGRATULATIONS TO BOTH BRANDY AND FAITH HOPE CHERRYTEA, who have each won a signed copy of The Forest Ranger's Promise! Woo-hoo! Not bad for a Saturday morning. Since you're the only two early birds who have blogged with us today (besides my good friend Missy Tippens), I decided you both should be rewarded! Be sure to email OR with your mailing address to receive your prize. And big hugs sent your way!

  54. Oooh, Faith brought tea for snackies. I brought along some fresh, hot cinnamon rolls, oozing caramel.

    And I am soooo ready for another clue to the identities of the cuties. #14 is Lacy, but has anyone figured out anyone else?

  55. Sorry, but I think I posted Lisa Mondello's email incorrectly. Although she is definitely a "mellow" gal, it should be

  56. AWESOME! Thanks Leigh! What an AWESOME start to a Saturday Morning! :-) Leigh, does it matter which Email address I use, to give my snail mail address?

  57. Happy Saturday, everyone! I'm enjoying this wonderful party (and Linda Goodnight's yummy cinnamon rolls!). I brought some Georgia Peach Punch to share---since it's still very WARM here in my Peach state, LOL. Blessings, Patti Jo :)

  58. fresh hot cinnamon rolls AND peach punch? i'm in '') YUM...
    and a winning new read to top it off? PERFECTION! MANY THX! emailing right now...

  59. yes, big YES, to Missy for your older to you but new to me book draw!!

    and HUGE THaNKS to Leigh for signing yours! anticipation....

  60. I just made some hot bran muffins on this Sat. morning and thought I'd share (wish I could!). Good morning to everyone! What are people doing for the Labor Day weekend? I just got back from a long 2 week trip getting 3 kids settled into college so I'm NOT doing anything for the holiday weekend except watching COLLEGE FOOTBALL (yea!!!) and reading my favorite LI books :) No better way to spend a weekend for me!

  61. OWWW! I'm in too! Cinnamon rolls and peach punch! YUMMM!!!

  62. i've just helped pack with son & dil moving to pursue the 4 yr scholarship he just won for his phd - {tears} );
    but also cheers! for the blessing and favour... so i'll be home for r&r ~ reading & resting!!
    thanks for the muffins '') Valri!
    happy to be sharing the day...

  63. Valri, I'm a college football fan, too. Who'se your team?

  64. Sorry, I really can spell better than that!

    I need some of that peach punch ASAP!!

  65. It's 3 pm my time, so I just did the drawing (using a number randomizer). The winner of a copy of His Forever Love is Brandy!

    Brandy, please email me at missytippens @ (taking out the spaces) and give me your mailing address. I'll send you a signed copy. :)

    Thanks to all who've stopped by this morning or on Facebook!

  66. Our next giveaway will be at 6 pm Central time. Lenora Worth will be giving away a copy of "The Doctor's Family." So keep commenting to be entered!

  67. Missy, I just Emailed you.

  68. Now that I've done the drawings, I can actually stop a minute to visit. :)

    Patti Jo, thanks for the peach punch! We really need it iced and cold here in Georgia today, don't we?!

    Valri, sounds like you put some miles on the car! I bet your house will be really quiet now. :)

    Brandy, thank you! I'm so glad you like my books. :)

    Faith Hope Cherrytea, congrats to your son!!

    Linda, I'm craving cinnamon rolls now!

  69. By the way, don't forget to keep guessing on the baby photos! You can do that in the comments section of Thursday or Friday's posts.

  70. I've ALWAYS Loved your books! It's still warm here in CA too Missy! So the peach punch is great! ;-)

    Oh Missy, did you get my Email?

  71. I will take two guesses for now:

    13 - Sandra Orchard
    14- Lenora Worth

    Katy Lee

  72. Linda, my college team is the BYU Cougars! I have two of my kids going there now! My third is going somewhere else.....I went there, however and so did my brothers and my husband so you can see we are definitely a Cougar family!!! It's halftime so I can visit the blog for a moment! DARN, I see that someone won Leigh Bale's book!!! That's the one I was looking forward to winning! I have always enjoyed books about forest rangers! I already HAVE Lenora's book "The Doctor's Family" - I just need to read it!

    Missy - yes, I have put over a thousand miles on my car in the last two weeks! I also just found out I'm going to be a grandma for the first time in Feb. HOORAY!!!

  73. Just found your blog! love it!
    Im the newest follower =)

    I will try and take a guess at the baby contest.

  74. Brandy, I did!

    Valri, congrats!! Woo hoo. I can't wait for grandbabies. Just have to get my own "babies" raised first. :)

    Melissa, we're so glad you found us!! Thanks for following. :)

  75. About 15 more minutes to comment to win a copy of Lenora's book! For any of you having problems signing in, we'll also be checking our Facebook page for comments, so visit there if you have trouble.

  76. You know, I'm starving. It's almost 7 pm here. I think I'll do the drawing a little later than planned. So keep entering until I name a winner!

  77. Katy, thanks for adding some guesses!

  78. Morning all its now sunday morning for me. everyone chats while I sleep.
    Do like that way more are commenting here now.

  79. Good morning, Jenny! You got here just in time for Lenora's giveaway!

    I'll be right back while I do the drawing. I think I'll include anyone who has commented today but who hasn't won anything yet.

  80. I used a number radomizer, and Katy Lee, you're the winner of a copy of Lenora Worth's book, The Doctor's Family.

    Please email your address to Pamela or Lisa at the address listed in the side bar on the main blog page.

    Thanks to all for commenting today! Please come back tomorrow for more.

  81. It was FUN! Thanks again for letting me vist with you guys today! And I'm so EXCITED to win 2 books, one from you Missy, and one from Leigh Bale. CAN'T WAIT to read them! :-)

  82. This is so great! I've been late getting here but wanted to say hello. I'll be back in the morning to join in on the fun. I'm going to give away a copy of HER RODEO COWBOY tomorrow and then again on Monday.

    Sooo glad to see everyone here :)

  83. Missy, I hope you got some dinner! I just noticed it was after 5:30 here so I guess I should think of something too! I'm kind of partial to you because my daughter's name is Missy :) She's my "baby" (real name "Marissa") but now that she's a college sophomore, she doesn't like that title anymore! Too bad! Hey, Ausjenny, glad to have you back with us! Good morning!

  84. Valri the afternoon was lovely I read outside finished a book which was really good (fairer than Morning I think its called) I even did some of my assignment and think its almost finished leaving one big one to finish this week. am heading off to bed shortly.
    Dont have to much fun while I seel.
    I do like this blog its one of my daily visits.
    I have read Missy's books and have the one Leigh offered Got it recently but still to read it.

  85. Hi!

    Here are my guesses:

    2) Pamela Tracy
    8) Linda Goodnight
    12) Winnie Griggs
    13) Sandra Orchard
    14) Karen Kirst
    16) Debby Giusti

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  86. i've submitted my baby names entry list via email to Sandra and Lenora so hopefully someone rcvs them in time for including...
    had FuN for sure! happy you've merged...
    anticipating more FuN Stuff!

  87. Brandy, I'm so sorry to be so late in responding to your question about whether it matters who you send your mailing address to. Nope, it doesn't matter at all. Either one works just fine. :) Congratulations again!


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