Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Wyoming Sweethearts Interview
Okay, I have a confession to make. I'm not Eloise. I'm her grandmother, Edie Tipple. Eloise is not one to wax on about herself, so I've taken over the job. Let me tell you about my wonderful granddaughter. She thinks the chance for love has passed her by and all because her ex-fiancé dumped her when she was seriously injured in a car accident. Now she thinks because of her cane (she's recovered from a spinal cord injury) no man is going to fall in love with her. Well, between you and me, I have a plan. I'm going to fix her up with eligible young men until romance happens. I have a lot of friends, and they all have grandsons who need to get married. Problem solved, right?
2. What do you do for fun?
Eloise loves her job managing Cady's country inn. She loves riding her horse. And lately she seems to be having a whole lot of fun hanging out with that Granger boy come to work on Frank's ranch.
3. What do you put off doing because you dread it?
My granddaughter keeps trying to talk me out of fixing her up on dates. Can you imagine? How is she going to find a nice man to marry if she doesn't? And what could be unpleasant about meeting a nice young man over dinner? Unless this has something to do with that dashing young Sean Granger. Hmm. I'll have to keep an eye on those two. Maybe romance is blooming!
4. What are you afraid of most in life?
I think Eloise is afraid of getting her hopes up and falling in love with someone who might reject her because of her spinal cord injury. It breaks my heart because I think she's pretending to be just friends with Sean instead of letting her true feelings show.
5. What do you want out of life?
Well, I want all my grandchildren to be settled and happy, but I think Eloise especially deserves a great love and a happy family. She's such a good person. Then again, I'm her grandmother. I could be just a tad bit biased.
6. What is the most important thing to you?
Family. Eloise has been visiting me since she was a wee thing, and through the years we have remained close. Even now she comes over to check on me most evenings. When we aren't working in the garden, we share lemonade on my shady porch.
7. Do you read books? If so, what is your favorite type of book?
I read romances and when I'm done, I hand them to Eloise. I'm hoping she'll get the hint!
8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Not one thing--my Eloise is just perfect they way she is, cane and all.
9. Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?
Eloise's beloved horse Pixie is pastured on my land. That pretty white horse has been her friend since she was a girl.
10. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?
I would go back in time and take the keys away from the drunk driver who hurt my Eloise. She lost more than her fiancé that night; she also lost her skating career. She was an accomplished ice dancer and won many international competitions. I'm proud of the way she's rebuilt her life. I know God has a way of turning sadness into joy. I keep thinking maybe Sean might be Eloise's joy. It's about killing me waiting to see what is going to happen between those two!
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011
Ask Elnora--About Changes--Lenora Worth
Which brings me to the question I pondered last night in the wee hours. Do we like change or does change drives us a bit nut?
Elnora will have big changes coming up when Big Daddy carts her away to Florida next year, to live in, gasp, a condo half the size of our current home. Of course, all of the shoes have to go with us! And the purses! And the books, of course. And a few clothes. But what will I give up, sell or leave behind? Ball gowns from too much Mardi Gras fun? Jeans that will never fit these hips again? Chairs that are comfortable but not beachy enough? What to take, what to leave behind? Why does change make us run around in circles like a mouse chasing his tail?
And speaking of changes, you can expect a few right here on this blog. Fall is in the air and with the changing leaves comes the changing blog for our dear Love Inspired Ladies. But one thing won't change. We will continue writing the books we love to write for you, our fabulous readers. So let's discuss-change. Do you like it, hate it or just go with it? Or maybe you wouldn't change a thing? The answer my friend, is blowin' in the wind!!!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Birthdays. The Good the Bad and the Ugly

Today, someone I love turned sixty. The big 6-0. I’m not up there yet, but that number is looming on the horizon unless the world really does end in 2012.
Thinking back on all the birthdays I’ve seen is kind of fun. When I was ten, my mother had a birthday party for me. I invited all my girlfriends from school and my mother made a beautiful angel food cake with a Barbie doll in the center and decorated the cake like the skirt of a ball gown. I loved it.
Twenty was okay. I was in college and I really wanted to be twenty-one instead. It seems that when we’re young we always want to be older. Why is that?
Thirty, the big 3-0, was a breeze. I didn’t mind it at all. Thirty-one was much..more...painful. Yikes, it meant I was getting old. Ha! I had no idea what old was.
Forty, now that one stung a little. 4-0. The number makes a girl start thinking about age-spots and wrinkle cream. It’s best, on birthdays like forty, to go shoe shopping. A great pair of shoes can make anyone feel younger.
By the time I hit fifty I was a grandmother and loving every minute of life except for those first ten minutes after getting out of bed in the morning. Ah, the aches and pains of getting older. How they enjoy reminding me that I’m not as young as I used to be. For my birthday that year my son-in-law gave me a stuffed yellow chicken with red, coiled spring legs. The stupid thing sang, “You’re no spring chicken, you’re no spring chicken.” My grandkids played with it all evening. Every five minutes it was warbling, “You’re no spring chicken. You’re no spring chicken.” Tony, I haven’t quite forgiven you for that one.
It wasn’t until I was fifty-two that I sold my first book. Goodness, I’ve sold 15 since then. No wonder my fingers ache. I type too much.
Birthdays, happy days, ugly days, they are gentle reminders that no one is getting any younger. What was your best or worst birthday?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Visit with Author Friends

Hi, this is Margaret Daley. Last week I got a chance to drive up to Joplin to meet some other authors for lunch. It was a great break from writing to talk about writing and whatever came to our minds (scary, isn't that). We had so much fun laughing and getting to know each other better. The bonus in going was I also got to brainstorm with Vickie McDonough, a good friend. The people in the above picture are Lissa Johnson, Cheryl Hodde (Hannah Alexander), Lori Copeland, Vickie McDonough, myself and Jenny Jones.
The reason we met in Joplin was it was the most center location for us. While I was there, Vickie and I saw the devastation from the tornado a couple of months ago. Very sobering to see whole areas leveled, some of the debris still there. My prayers continue to go out to the people of Joplin, who will be dealing with this disaster for a long time.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
It's Almost Fall by Leann Harris

Thankfully it's almost Sept. Usually, we get relief from the weather by Sept. I can only pray it's so, but we will break the record for the most days over 100. My poor husband got to spend most of this scorcher by himself. I was in Houston for two months, home a week, then I got to go to Denver and spend a week in the mountains with Margie Lawson doing deep editing. The temperature was heavenly. We haven't seen a 50 degree temperature since March around here.
During my absence, my husband got into a routine of using paper plates, one cup, one spoon. He was very proud of himself with his efficiency. Of course, he had to use the washer. He waited until he had 14 shirts before washing. I can't complain since he had everything clean when I came home, but he did ask me who I was when I was wandering through the house the other day.
Unfortunately, I'll be off again in Sept to the ACFW conference in St. Louis.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Once Upon a Cowboy Interview
Today we welcome Joel McCreedy, the heroine from Once upon a Cowboy by Pamela Tracy, a August 2011 release from Love Inspired Romance . Good to see you, Joel.
1. Joel, tell me the most interesting thing about you.
There was a time I’d say that being a bull rider was the most interesting thing about me, but now I think it’s what I can do with my hands – not just hold onto a bull, but I can build just about anything from mechanical bulls, to baby beds, to actual buildings. Oh, and the absolutely most interesting thing about me is that I can hold on to the love of my life: Beth Armstrong.
2. What do you do for fun?
Lately, fun has revolved around Beth’s school carnivals, my nephews’ activities, and church functions. My old buddies are amazed.
3. What do you put off doing because you dread it?
Helping my brother in the field. I’m still not much on farming. Luckily, I’m good on fixing things like his tractor.
4. What are you afraid of most in life?
When I think about how long I was gone and how much I missed out on, I get humbled. Sometimes, I stop, look at the sky, and thank God for bringing me home. But, in the pit of my stomach, there’s always this fear that I did it once – walked away from family and everyone who really cared about me – could it happen again?
5. What do you want out of life?
I want to marry Beth, have children, and circle my family with love, not just my love, but God’s love.
6. What is the most important thing to you?
Showing my family that I’m reliable. I will take care of them no matter what.
7. Do you read books? If so, what is your favorite type of book?
Lately, all I do is read to the boys. With Ryan, the oldest, we’re reading Harry Potter. With Matt, who is in K, we’re reading Nate the Great. With Caleb, age three, we’re reading the Biscuit books.
8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Sometimes I assume a dream is supposed to be acted on, no matter the cost. I am continuously working on patience. Of course, I asked the minister if God would grant me patience. He said yes. I asked how. The minister said by trying your patience. I’ve been a little hesitant in my prayers ever since.
9. Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?
I’m fixing to get my own dog, soon, as soon as Beth and I get married and have our own place.
10. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?
I want to say the day I left so that I wouldn’t leave, but it starts so much earlier than that. I think I’d go back to right after my mother died, to the carnival where everyone was sitting at a picnic table and I noticed there was no room for me. I’d simply go over and now I know I wouldn’t need to say scoot over. They’d do it automatically. I’m the one who didn’t realize that, too young and stupid.
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011
Ask Elnora--About Winning? Lenora Worth

Hello. Wait what's that sound? Oh, my. That's the sound of mothers everywhere breathing a big sigh of part relief and part sadness. It's back to school time, my darlings. Chocolate and coffee by the pool, pronto. We have lots to discuss:
Big Daddy and Elnora watched the movie "Secretariat" last night. Wonderful story of a true winner, a thoroughbred race horse with a big heart. The most amazing part of the story--besides that beautiful horse that won The Triple Crown--was how his owner Penny Chenery Tweedy never gave up on the horse she called Big Red. The even more amazing part--hello--she was a woman! Yes, a woman who had a brain and used it. A woman who went with her gut instincts and stuck to her guns even when men called her "that housewife". Elnora loves a good love story. And this truly was a love story about a girl and her father, about a woman and a horse and about winning. I'm not talking about the Charlie Sheen type of winning. I'm talking the kind of winning that requires hard work and dedication and instincts and courage. I'm talking about the heart of a champion and the heart of a woman. Sigh. Elnora was in high school in the early seventies when Secretariat was winning all those races. I learned a lot of hard lessons about winning and never giving up on a dream and standing up for the things I believed in during that time, too. But it's women like Penny Tweedy who have paved the way for all of us. So that's the big question for today. What does it take to make a true winner?
What does it take to make a dream a reality? Penny's father always told her to "run the race". And isn't what winning is all about? Running the race??? Isn't that exactly what Christ tells us to do? Keep our eyes on the prize and finish the race? Fight the good fight? Let's discuss "Winning?" Is it about the prize, or is it more about the heart of a winner?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Allie Pleiter on Kisses
Today I want to open a discussion. I’d like to know what you, as readers of inspirational romance, think about a particular topic. A plot element, if you will. A kiss.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I did it!

How did I do it?
I prayed....and didn't look down!
But I did it. So next time you're in Chicago, you've got to try it. If you dare. Trust me. If this chicken can do it, so can you. Closing your eyes also works as well.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Plotting, planning....
If you are a writer already, what would you like to write that's totally different from what you've been doing?
Have you ever read a story and wish you could change the plot? If you could, would you change Gone with the Wind, or one of your favorite classics?
Monday, August 15, 2011
How to Build Fictional Characters

As writers of fiction, it's so important to create characters that are believable. How do you do that when technically the characters don't exist?
Writer's use different strategies for creating believable characters. Over the years, I've played with a few strategies, running from some and embracing others. However, even the ones that I've run from are not without merit. They work for some writers. Just not me.
After playing with character charts are questionnaires, I've settled on my favorite way to create characters. I write a first person letter to me in my characters POV. At first, the letter is pretty basic and dry. I just give information like, "I was born in Boston Massachusetts right after they started working on The Big Dig." Quite honestly, the first few pages of my letter I suffer through. I just want to create a visual image of a generic person in my head so I can get to the good stuff. Once all the boring stuff is taken care of, i.e. high school attended, siblings, etc, I start to get to the good stuff. After I have my mannequin of a character, I can start dressing him/her.
From page 3 to however long it takes me, I start filling in details. Usually at this point I've flexed my muscles a little, I'm writing, and words just start pouring out of me and my character is taking shape. Not the basics. The good stuff. This is where I learn that my hero had a huge crush on his older sister's best friend when he was 14 because instead of going home when his sister got on the phone and started arguing with her boyfriend, she used to hang out on the porch with him and eat Cheese Puffs while they talked. Or that his first time out in the field as a cop he'd made a colossal rookie mistake that almost cost him his life. Or that he can't stand wearing shoes and will walk around in sandals or in his bare feet. You get the picture.
These details are details you can't get from a character chart or questionnaire. I can't look at question 35 and answer that my character has suffered from asthma since childhood unless I know a story that goes with it. The jewel in all this is that much of this back story not only helps round out the character and make them seem real, it helps me build scenes to use in my story.
How do you build fictional characters? What tools and strategies do you use?
Until next time,
Sunday, August 14, 2011
At Home In His Heart Interview
How exciting to have BRYCE HARDING with us here today---the hero from “AT HOME IN HIS HEART” by Glynna Kaye, an August 2011 release from Love Inspired Romance.
1. Bryce, tell me the most interesting thing about you.
Trey Kenton from February 2011’s “Second Chance Courtship” warned me about these nosy questions . . . so I tried to get that lovely lady Sandi Bradshaw to do this interview instead. But she says that as a “tough guy” ex-army sergeant I need to step out of my comfort zone and up to the plate. Have I mentioned that she can be a bit bossy?
Most interesting thing about me…hmm. I guess I consider myself somewhat of a competent handyman. Given the right tools and enough time, I can fix almost anything---except messed up relationships.
2. What do you do for fun?
Fishing. Fishing. And fishing. I like riding my bike, too. And taking hand-in-hand walks along starlit, deserted mountain roads with a certain special lady.
3. What do you put off doing because you dread it?
Oh, man. Who told you about that? Living in a small town again is going to take some getting used to. Okay, I admit Grandma Mae’s on my case because I’m putting off telling Sandi something about that veteran’s memorial she has her heart set on. But if you knew Sandi---and our history---you wouldn’t want to be in my shoes when I deliver the news.
4. What are you most afraid of in life?
During my years in the army I saw a lot of things no one should ever have to see or experience, faced a lot of fears---but I think what scares me most now is I suspect I’m falling in love with my best friend’s widow. Yeah, the woman who knows I tried to talk my buddy out of marrying her.
5. What do you want out of life?
No regrets. I want to live life from now on in such a way that when I’m on my deathbed I’m not consumed by remorse over things I should or shouldn’t have done.
6. What is the most important thing to you?
Being God’s man. And maybe Sandi’s, too?
7. Do you read books?
I heard this is a trick question. Like an ambush. All these readers and writers staring at you and daring you to say “no.” So, yeah, I read books. I’ve always been interested in national and world events, but I’m getting interested in regional, local and family history now. Don’t tell Sandi or she’ll take credit for it.
8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I should probably shave so I’d look more like the clean-cut dude on the book cover. Seriously, though, I need to not be so quick to judge, to make assumptions, to think I have the motivations of others all figured out and neatly boxed up. We don’t know as much about what makes other people tick as we like to think we do.
9. Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?
No pets for now. No room in Grandma’s little apartment above the historical society museum. But I like dogs---and I think Sandi’s cute daughter does, too---so who knows what the future may hold?
10. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?
I’d go back a few years before my buddy was killed in action. Get myself right with God so Keith would know his prayers were answered.
Glynna Kaye’s first published book, “Dreaming of Home,” was a finalist in the 2010 ACFW “Carol Award” as well as first place winner of the 2010 “Booksellers Best” and “Beacon” awards. Then came "Second Chance Courtship” (February 2011) and “At Home In His Heart” (August 2011). "High Country Hearts," a fourth story set in the mountain country of Canyon Springs, Arizona, debuts in March 2012. Visit,, and
Finding Her Way Home. From the moment she got married and settled in her husband’s hometown, Sandi Bradshaw wanted nothing more than to move out of Canyon Springs, Arizona. Then everything changed when her military husband was killed. Now, establishing a veteran’s memorial for him has brought Sandi and her daughter face-to-face with the man who’d stood in the way of her marriage. Ex-army sergeant Bryce Harding has a lot to prove to this same hometown crowd—and the very stubborn Sandi. But can they embrace the possibility that God might be giving them both a second chance at love?
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011
Ask Elnora--about Project Runway?? Lenora Worth
Darlings, we all know Elnora loves clothes. If I didn't write books, I'd either work in retail again (which I did for many years when I was young) or I'd be a fashion designer. (If only I could sew!)But for now, I enjoy watching Project Runway. Just finished watching an episode where the designers had to create outfits for models on stilts. Yes, stilts. A tall order! The clothes were interesting--some costume-looking and some truly fashionable and fabulous.
Before I watched Project Runway, I attended a CAbi party with some friends. This is a clothes party where the representative shows the clothes (like a trunk show) and then party guests get to try them on. It's such fun. (You can see for yourself at clothes are always wonderful and Carol Anderson designs each season with a theme. This fall's theme is the movies! Starting with "Rear Window" and moving on to "Dangerous Liasons", "Love Story"(one of my favorite's),
"When Harry Met Sally", "The Devil Wore Prada", "Funny Face", and ending with "The Thomas Crown Affair". Clothes and my favorite movie themes--it was wonderful. And yes, I bought a few pieces. Our representative, cute and fashionable Wendy Turner, really knows her stuff. So last night was a fun night of fashion for Elnora.
That begs the question--What do you love about fashion through the ages? Do you enjoy our descriptions of our characters and what they wear? What is your favorite fashion time period--Victorian, Edwardian,Big Hair, Hippie?? Elnora loves those late fifties and early sixties clothes. Pearls, a flowing skirt and kitten heels are some of my favorites. Let's discuss style!!!!!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
New Kid on the Block--Mary Moore!
Missy Tippens, here. I'm excited to welcome New Kid on the Block, debut Love Inspired Historical author Mary Moore. Mary's generously offered to give away a copy of The Aristocrat's Lady to one lucky commenter! I'll do a random drawing. Just be sure to tell me you'd like to be entered.
Welcome, Mary!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Linda Goodnight on Cover Art
I just couldn’t resist showing you this photo of my son and his family. Now, look below at the cover of THE NANNY’S HOMECOMING, my July release and the first in the Rocky Mountain Heirs continuity Elnora mentioned on Friday. Usually Love Inspired’s art department pays no mind to my suggestions, but I think my photo may have inspired a cover. Do you agree?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Lyn Cote Asks Why Support Books You Love
Lyn Cote here-Authors and readers depend on each other. If authors don't write books, what will readers read? If readers don't read books, what's the point of writing a book?
The fiction market is extremely competitive. If a book doesn't sell well, the author may find it difficult or impossible to sell another book to an editor.
Think of your favorite authors, the ones you have a hard time waiting for their next book to come out. What if she/he never wrote another book?
The book industry is going through many drastic changes with the bankruptcy of Borders and the closing of many independent bookstores and the advent of ereaders like the Nook and Kindle.
Today on my blog, I posted one way readers can support the books they love-by writing reviews. Please stop by and read the simple explanation of how to do this.
Our Love Inspired romances often get no reviews listed for them on say, Even one favorable review can help keep your favorite authors' books coming.
Can you think of other ways to support an author's books? How do you support your favorite books? How do you support your favorite books?--Lyn
Monday, August 8, 2011
Finding Inspiration for Characters by Merrillee Whren

The hero and heroine in the story that became my first Love Inspired book formed in my mind because of a song by Dwight Yoakam called "Ain't That Lonely Yet." The song tells that story of a guy who got dumped by his girl, and now she's back and trying to patch things up. He doesn't want anything to do with it. The characters in my book, THE HEART'S HOMECOMING, were born as a result of that song.

Secondary characters often become the heroes or heroines in subsequent books. The heroine of LOVE WALKED IN, Beth Carlson, didn't even have a name in THE HEART'S HOMECOMING. She was only referred to as Max's mom. Max was a fourteen-year-old boy in the story. We see Max again as a troubled teen in LOVE WALKED IN. Ever since I wrote about Max, I've wanted to give him his own love story. But before I could do that, I had to tell Brittany Gorman's story. She and Max eventually become high school sweethearts, but if you read my upcoming January 2012 book, MONTANA MATCH, you will see that their relationship doesn't last.

I could go on and on about what makes characters spring to life in my mind, but I want to know what kind of characters grab your attention? Do you like to read about people who are larger than life or a character who is more like you? What kind of characters stay with you long after you have read a book?
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Fireman Dad Interview
How exciting to have Marissa Hawthorne, the heroine from FIREMAN DAD, By Besty St.Amant, an August 2011 release from Love Inspired Romance!
1.Marissa, tell me the most interesting thing about you. “That’s easy - I’m a party planner! I get paid to organize someone else’s good time. It’s very rewarding, especially when doing children’s birthday parties. I love my job.”
2. What do you do for fun? “Uh, good question. I don’t get a lot of free time, being a widow and raising my active young son alone. I pretty much work or spend time with him—thankfully I consider both of things fun—usually!”
3. What do you put off doing because you dread it? “Cleaning my son’s room. Ugh. There’s some kind of specimen growing under his bed…if I could afford a maid, trust me, I’d have two.”
4. What are you afraid of most in life? “Ohh, now you’re getting serious on me. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry during this interview. So much for that.” ::clears throat:: “I’ve always been afraid of being alone—ironic, since I already am. Once I lost my husband to a tragic firefighting accident, I sort of withdrew, you know? I guess I’m afraid of being alone, but maybe have been more afraid of loving again and risking that kind of loss a second time.” ::coughs and waves hand:: “Okay, next question.”
5. What do you want out of life? “Goodness, another heavy question! I just want my son to be happy, above all. Owen deserves the best, having been robbed of a father at such a young age. For me, I guess I just want security. Safety.”
6. What is the most important thing to you? “My son, of course. Though I really wish he’d pick a new favorite toy beside that old fire truck of his.” ::shudder:: “He takes that thing everywhere, and it’s just an ugly reminder to me of the past. If he ever decided to become a fireman one day…” ::shakes her head::
7. Do you read books? If so, what is your favorite type of book? “I don’t get a lot of time to read, but sometimes I do late at night when I can’t sleep. It’s a nice escape from reality, you know? My favorites are Historicals – it’s nice to get lost in a different time period and caught up in someone else’s struggles for a change.”
8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? “I guess I can be a little uptight.” ::shrugs:: “But when you’re in my situation, it’s kind of hard to be all fun and games, you know? Sometimes I wonder if I’m too hard on Owen. But it’s rough being mom and dad at the same time.” ::sighs::
9. Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet? “No, there’s no time or money for that, though Owen would love a dog one day. We’ll see... Isn’t that Mom-speak for ‘no way?’” ::winks::
10. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why? “Since I love to read Historicals, this is easy. I’d choose the Regency period. So romantic and charming yet dark and mysterious…”
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011
Ask Elnora--about continuities???Lenora Worth
First, dear readers, a continuity is a series of six books written by six different authors that contain a common plot thread that moves through each book. They usually involve big families (six children, or six cousins, or six friends). And there is usually a mystery or a conflict that starts in book one and continues until book six.
Elnora has written book number one, two book number twos, book number three, book number five, and two book number sixes. Confused yet? That's a little know fact about continuities--we all stay confused. When you get six writers together with six different plots that our dear editors come up with, you get confusion. But I'm happy to say (and I've worked with a lot of different writers) after much hashing and a few hissy fits, we all seem to get along famously! Writing a continuity teaches one to play nice with others. We learn compromise and diplomacy and it is fun to brainstorm. (Odd, word that--brainstorm!!)
But one other thing about continuities--They also drive the readers a bit crazy. Our readers love them, of course. But we get letters of confusion all the time. Sometimes the readers don't understand that the thread is continued in the next book or that there is even going to be a next book. Some get a tad angry and some jump up and down and go and order all six books. I have one friend who buys each book but refuses to read any of them until she has all six. Then she gets into the story and keeps reading until she's finished. She says she likes reading them all together. Right now we have the Rocky Mountain Heirs continuity in Love Inspired. It began in July with Linda Goodnight's "The Nanny's Homecoming". There's your starting point!
So let's discuss--Do you know what a continutiy is? Do you like reading them? Is there something you don't like about them? And would you help us spread the word that there is one LI continuity and one LIS continuity out each year (nice that we have twelve months since that's twelve books) (so far) and I do believe LIH has ventured into continuity territory. We don't want confused readers. We want happy readers. But we don't mind clarifying things for all of you either. You can usually find the books in a series listed in the front of each of the six books.)If you're not sure, just check there. So what do you love about continuities and do you have any favorites???
To be continued......
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Leigh Bale and Her Flower Garden

Most of you already know my daughter recently got married. We held the reception in our back yard. I admit it’s my favorite place in the whole world. If you're like me, you have the best chats with God in your flower garden. You feel peace and create while you're there. Nothing to disturb you except a little dirt and worms. Unless your roses have aphids...then I have to get tough. :)
During all the hub-bub of greeting guests and ensuring everyone’s needs were met during the reception, I didn’t notice the photographer taking pictures of my flowers. I was charmed and delighted when we received the photos. Following is just a few pictures. Daisies, lydia broom in full bloom, my daughter's shoes resting beside the chives, sweetheart gnomes, and lastly my daughter and her new groom at the garden gate.
And I mustn't forget to tell you about my new book! The Forest Ranger's Promise is now available. It's the first in a new series. Book #2 will be available the first of November. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
The Power of Words or I Rescued a Human Today

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Dear Reader, It has been an absolute pleasure to host our beloved Craftie Ladies of Romance blog, and it is with sadness that we bid ...
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May is one of those beautiful months. The bleakness of winter is replaced by new life everywhere. Spring wildflowers become God’s...
By Karen Kirst Our lives are full of firsts. First words. First steps. First day of school. First crush. First date....
Recognize these cuties? Identify them and you just might be a big winner! See, here at the Craftie Ladies we've combined the...
By Meghan Carver The first lines of books have an incredibly important role – to pull the reader in and make her want to read more. I...
I have a new writing partner! No, she’s not a collaborating author on some new series. She’s not a wise editor, either. ...
What Do You Do For the Sake of Research? By Margaret Daley Through the years I have done many things for the sake of research. I learned to ...
My husband and I have taken a couple of trips recently. In April, we went to the practice round of the Masters Golf Tournament in Augusta, G...
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Blog Archive
- Who Reads Pamela Tracy Love Inspired Romances?
- Wyoming Sweethearts Interview
- Ask Elnora--About Changes--Lenora Worth
- Birthdays. The Good the Bad and the Ugly
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- It's Almost Fall by Leann Harris
- Once Upon a Cowboy Interview
- Ask Elnora--About Winning? Lenora Worth
- Allie Pleiter on Kisses
- I did it!
- Plotting, planning....
- How to Build Fictional Characters
- At Home In His Heart Interview
- Ask Elnora--about Project Runway?? Lenora Worth
- New Kid on the Block--Mary Moore!
- Linda Goodnight on Cover Art
- Lyn Cote Asks Why Support Books You Love
- Finding Inspiration for Characters by Merrillee Whren
- Fireman Dad Interview
- Ask Elnora--about continuities???Lenora Worth
- Leigh Bale and Her Flower Garden
- The Power of Words or I Rescued a Human Today
- Goodbye Borders--Hello Powell's
- Meet Teresa, one of our favorite readers!