Friday, September 30, 2011
Ask Elnora--About being a Superhero??? Lenora Worth
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Lyn Takes a Bow or Should that be a Curtsey?

I want you to know that Pamela Tracy told me to BRAG about myself. Now I'm not perfect but I do know Christians are never supposed to BRAG about themselves. However this is a blog and on this blog we celebrate Love Inspired romance and the authors and the readers. So I guess it's okay to take a bow, curtsey, or blow my own horn.
As Pamela has posted to the right, I won the Carol Award for Short Historical in this year's American Fiction Writers published award, named for Carol Johnson. (I wrote about that on the 22nd.)
This win was an encouragement to me. I will have written and published 36 books as of this October. I have finaled in several (not many) contests. But I hadn't won since 2001. That's a long time!
So I don't think I'll get the big head. :-) Especially since I broke part of my plaque for the award on the way home. Why do these things happen to me? (I have managed to glue the little piece back on!)
I'm really happy that my heroine Mercy and her hero Lon touched hearts in Her Healing Ways, the final book in my Gabriel Sisters series.
Here's a list of the other winners. You might like their books! Have you read any by any of the other winners?
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
God's Dreams for Us!
Patty here and I’m facing a problem that I’m sure most parents deal with some time or another. My twenty-year-old daughter plopped down in a chair in my office and asked the question everyone ask at one time or another:
“Mom, I don’t know what to do with the rest of my life.”
Such a profound question! And one I couldn’t answer until about ten years ago so if you’re one of those blessed few who knew exactly what you wanted to be with you grew up, this blog post isn’t for you.
You see, I was too ADD to make a career choice. The truth was you name it, I wanted to at least give it a try. In elementary school, I read every book I could find on the presidents because I was determined to occupy the Oval Office. But by the time sixth grade rolled around, I scratched public office off my list, instead taking a serious interest in writing romantic poetry and roller derby.
My middle school years were spent discovering the artist inside. While playing music wasn’t in the cards, I found my talent on the dance floor. So for the next five years, I twirled my way into the local dance company, spending six days a week at the studio and searching for colleges with good dance programs.
Did I tell you that I had ADD?
After college, I worked as a registered nurse for six years until I got a better job, that of a stay-at-home mom. When the girls started school, I put out magazines at Wal-mart, hung wallpaper for contractors, taught autistic kids and was named one of the top sales people in the country at both a well known candle shop and a office supply store.
My dad called me his Jackie of all trades.
So how did I end up on the Craftie Ladies of Romance? It was a total God thing as in God called me to write and I listened to Him. Where as most of my jobs lasted a couple of years or so, I've been writing for ten years now and I've never been happier. Isn't that just like God? In Jeremiah, He tells us that He knows the plans He has for us. Just like our earthly parents, God has big dreams for us!
And He has one for my darling girl as I’ve reminded her over and over again. So today, let’s talk about the dream God has laid on your heart for your life. I'd love to hear about your journey to find God's dream for your life.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Contests by Merrillee Whren

Two other Love Inspired authors also won Carol Awards this year. Irene Hannon's book, A Father for Zach, won in the short contemporary category, and Sharon Dunn's book, Night Prey, won in the short romantic suspense category.
Since we're talking about contests, I'm going to give away copies of all three books in my Kellerville series to someone who comments on today's post. I recently learned that the first two books in the series have won first and second place in the Published Beacon Contest.

Tell us about any contests you have won.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Featured Book: Her Rodeo Cowboy by Debra Clopton

Luke, tell us the most interesting thing about you.
“I’m not much on talking about myself, but, well, I promised Norma Sue Jenkins I would do it. This interview is a kind of promotion for the three Mule Hollow Homecoming Rodeos her and the other ladies are planning for the summer. Since I got the contract to supply the livestock for the rodeos I want them to do good and I feel an obligation — Excuse me, you want to know what’s my passion, what makes me tick? Well, when you put it that way it’s easy. Building a legacy for future Holden’s is what I’m all about…that’s what makes me tick.”
“I like to ride out and check the fence line. Sunsets from the saddle are something to see. I date a pretty good bit--I’m not looking for serious though. Not ready for that and even the matchmaking posse of Mule Hollow—you know, Norma Sue and her two partners in crime Esther Mae Wilcox and Adela Ledbetter Green. They “tinkered” with my love life a time or two, but even they realized I was a lost cause until I’m ready. Sunsets, diner and a movie. That’s what I do for fun. Marriage—nope.”
What do you put off doing because you dread it?
“Doing this interview. (chuckle) Talking about myself—yup, that’d be it right there.”
What are you afraid of most in life?
“I’m afraid of not being the man God wants me to be. You know my dad let me and my brothers down and the heartache from it cuts deep. But, I see parents letting their kids down, in different ways all the time, so I don’t feel sorry for myself. You know that spunky, barrel racer, Montana Brown—her dad let her down too. She has major hurt going on in her heart because of it. I feel for her and want to help her heal from the pain she’s feeling. Something about that cowgirl gets me in the center of my heart. I…I guess I’m kind of afraid of that too, you know, really opening my heart to someone.”
What do you want out of life?
“I want my brothers to have a family and feel the love that they never knew as kids. I sometimes think about finding someone special for myself…but, again, I’m not sure I could risk opening my heart. It’s just easier not to go there.”
What is the most important thing to you?
“Me and my two younger brothers, Jess and Colt, have recently bought a ranch. I’ve worked hard on other folk’s ranches ever since I was fourteen and the responsibility of raising my brothers fell on my shoulders. Putting solid roots down in God’s green earth, that will hold and flourish for Colt and Jess’s future kids--when they get around to getting married...that’s what’s important to me. And then there’s Montana—I can’t get her off my mind and helping her has become real important to me.”
Do you read books? If so, what is your favorite type of book?
“I read the Bible...and everything I can find about ranching.”
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
“I think I would change my looks—I know that sounds weird for a guy, but I look a lot like my dad…women tend to like the way I look and that would make most men happy I guess. But when I look in the mirror I see my dad, the man who hurt my family in the worst way by loving the bottle more than us. Sometimes I think it would be nice to just see me when I look in the mirror. But, God sees my heart so that’s what I try to see too. I’m starting to hope that’s what Montana Brown sees…”
Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?
“Just my cow dogs and my horse.”
If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?
If I could go back in time as an adult man to when my dad was first beginning to start drinking then I’d go in a heartbeat. I’d go tell him about the man I’ve become despite him. I’d tell him about Colt and Jess and how proud I am of my brothers—I’d tell him he really missed out when he checked out on us. But mostly, I’d tell him about the Lord…because if he’d have had a relationship with the Lord then my family’s history would have been rewritten. Of course, God’s in control of all that and I’m not looking back…now, if I could go to the future and see where this thing with Montana Brown is going—that’s what I’m curious about.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Featured Book: The Reluctant Outlaw by Karen Kirst

I'm not who people think I am.
2. What do you do for fun?
I've been living a nightmare the past year, so I don't remember what fun is.
I dread telling Juliana, the young woman I've been protecting, who I really am.
4. What are you afraid of most in life?
I've already lost everyone important in my life. I can't go through that pain again, so I'm afraid of letting people get too close.
Revenge. My brother was gunned down in cold blood, and I've vowed to track down his killers.
I'm not sure anymore. I've been driven by the need to avenge my brother's death for so long, but now I have Juliana to think of. Right now, getting her to safety is my first priority.
7. Do you read books? If so, what is your favorite type of book?
Don't read much. I'd rather be working my land.
I wish I could let go of my anger and forgive the men who killed my brother, but I can't.
9. Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?
I don't have a pet, but my horse Lucky is mighty important to me. He's loyal. Intelligent. Trustworthy. That's why I was steamed when Juliana stole him from me.
I like 1880 just fine. Have you seen some of the clothes men used to wear? I wouldn't be caught dead in a powdered wig!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Ask Elnora--About the ACFW conference??Lenora Worth
Thursday, September 22, 2011
When Did You Read Your First Christian Romance?

If you read Author Linda Goodnight's blog on Tuesday, you know something about the Carol Award and the past and present finalists. This Saturday night the awards will be announced. Since I write historicals, I wanted to give you some really important history FOR READER of Christian romane. Here goes:
I am very honored to be a Carol Award finalist. I have had the pleasure of interviewing the lady who is the namesake of this award, Carol Johnson, formerly VP at Bethany House Publishers and now a literary agent. (That's her photo above.) Carol (while at Bethany) was the person who was instrumental in getting Author Janette Oke's first book into print in 1979.
Janette Oke's books led the way in the birth of modern Christian fiction. Carol Johnson was also the woman who was a big part of establishing the prestigious Christy Award. The Christy is another award, focusing on the best in Christian fiction. Have you read Christy by Catherine Marshall? That of course is the namesake of this award. For more about the Christy's, drop by
Two years ago, American Christian Fiction Writers decided to honor Carol by changing the name of their Book of the Year award to the Carol. From what I've just written, I think you will agree that Carol Johnson is a woman who deserves recognition for her achievements and what they have given all of us who enjoy Christian fiction. Love Inspired books wouldn't have come about without Carol's efforts to open the door for Christian fiction. So thank you, Carol!
BTW, I will give away a copy of my Carol finalist book, Her Healing Ways to someone who leaves a comment today. 2nd BTW, Renee Ryan, another LIH author is guesting on my blog today. For another chance to win her current LIH, drop by and leave a comment there too.
The questions to comment on are--what was the first Christian novel or romance you read and how did you find it? And have you read Christy or one of Janette Oke's classic romances?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Babies on the brain
–also just a note to say that I’ll try to check comments as often as I can today but with two little ones underfoot (one of them brand new!) I may not be here as often as I’d like.
Since this is my first post as a CRAFTIE Lady, I thought I’d share a little about myself. I’m a mom with a toddler and a newborn. I’ve been married for nine years to a wonderful man I met in college. I was born and raised in Oklahoma, spending several years of my childhood on a family farm. I graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma in 2006, which was the same year I started writing for publication. I was contracted with Love Inspired Historical in 2010 and my first book with them was published just over a month ago, in August.
I wrote most of MARRYING MISS MARSHAL while trying to get pregnant with my daughter (although some of it was written/rewritten after she came along). My second book, THE HOMESTEADER’S SWEETHEART (May 2012), was written while I was pregnant with my son. I think because I had babies on the brain, that’s why both books feature babies in different ways.
In MARRYING MISS MARSHAL, the heroine (a town marshal) really wants a family of her own. During the story, she has to help deliver her best friend’s baby and it is a very poignant moment for both women. In THE HOMESTEADER’S SWEETHEART, hero Jonas White was forced to leave Philadelphia to care for his infant daughter. The book is focused on the hero and his family five years after that fact, but Jonas’s past is important to the story.
I think one reason I like writing babies into my stories is because most people have a reaction to them. As parents, we keep memories of our kids close to our hearts and can relate to what the characters we’re reading about are feeling and experiencing—like staying up late with a colicky baby or that scary moment when they seem to choke on their bottle. Aunts, uncles, friends, grandparents… most of us have a collection of moments stored up in our memory banks and when we read about something similar in a good book, that memory surfaces.
I’m sure you can tell I’ve still got babies on the brain—and probably will for awhile! I wouldn’t trade these precious moments with my little ones for anything. So tell me, what’s your favorite memory involving a baby or toddler?
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Craftie Ladies Rock the Carol Awards!
Pamela Tracy
Terri Reed
WOW! What a lineup of my favorite authors! Which have you read? Any favorites in there? Any favorite books?
Three of our Craftie Ladies are up for the award this year-Lyn Cote, Lynette Eason, and Linda Goodnight. Thank goodness, we’re each in a different category. Wish us luck!
(Special thanks to Pamela Tracy for allowing me to ‘steal’ her blog today since I’ll be gone the rest of the week to ACFW.)
Monday, September 19, 2011
Our Very Own Carol Award Finalists!
Missy Tippens, here. We're so thrilled to have three 2011 Carol Award finalists among our group of bloggers! Linda Goodnight (LI Romance), Lyn Cote (LI Historical) and Lynette Eason (LI Suspense) are all finalists this year in the contest sponsored by the American Christian Fiction Writers. Since Mondays are our days to focus on Love Inspired Romance, I wanted to tell you a bit about Linda Goodnight's book, The Wedding Garden.
I've read this wonderful book and wanted to share a blurb with you:
"Are You My Dad?"
The young boy's question shocks Sloan Hawkins. Until Sloan realizes he is this child's father. Years ago, the former bad boy was run out of Redemption, Oklahoma, where, ironically, he was thought unredeemable. The only people who believed in him were his beloved aunt and Annie Markham, the girl he loved and left behind. Now Sloan is back to face his past and help keep his aunt's cherished garden thriving. But when he discovers his secret child--and that single mother Annie never stopped loving him--he's determined that a wedding will take place in the garden nurtured by faith and love.
I asked Linda how this book was special to her. She said this:
"The Wedding Garden" is very near and dear to my heart, perhaps one of very favorites. I love a redeemed bad boy, and Sloan Hawkins is exactly that. Plus he has some extra trouble waiting for him when he roars into the hometown he promised never to set foot in again. Not only do we see his convulted love story and personal brokeness, but there is also the bittersweet love of an older couple AND a twist I hope readers don't see coming. I was thrilled and honored to have this special book be both a RITA finalist and a Carol finalist.
Linda, Lyn and Lynette, we're thrilled for all of you and are so proud! The winners will be announced this Saturday night at the American Christian Fiction Writers conference in St. Louis.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Featured Book: Deep Cover by Sandra Orchard

1. Rick, tell me the most interesting thing about you.
I’m an undercover cop. I’ve worked a lot of different cases, some in which the paperwork took longer to do than the actual operation, and some, like my current case, that require me to become another person for weeks at a time. At the moment, I’m posing as a foreman on a construction project to gather evidence against the developer who torches buildings for the insurance money. Unfortunately, he’s also the uncle of a woman I care about, and the construction project is a group home for her mentally challenged sister.
2. What do you do for fun?
I shoot hoops with my fellow police officers. We work hard and then play hard. It helps relieve the stress of the job.
3. What do you put off doing because you dread it?
I don’t usually put off anything I’m at liberty to do. Telling Ginny who and what I really am is the one exception. For her own protection, fifteen months ago, I let Ginny walk out of my life believing I was the gang member I appeared to be. When that case was over, I could’ve told her the truth, and tried to win her back, but I convinced myself she was better off without me. I wish I could say the same for myself.
4. What are you afraid of most in life?
I have a dangerous job. I make enemies. That’s one of the reasons I tend to avoid relationships. I’m afraid someone close to me will be killed because of my work.
5. What do you want out of life?
I want to get criminals off the street. As my dad lay dying at the hand of a criminal he’d been scheduled to testify against, I made him a promise that I wouldn’t let the bad guys win. For that reason, and another that I’d rather not talk about, justice is really important to me. Let’s just say I owe it to my family to do everything I can to keep criminals off the street.
That said, when I’m not working I enjoy coaching kids’ sports teams at the local community center, trying to help them find something better than crime to invest their time in. It was enough, until I met Ginny. Now…I want the whole wife and kids and white picket fence thing. But it’s just not meant to be.
6. What is the most important thing to you?
Lies are part of my job. A character I play, like an actor. But sometimes to safeguard my cover for the sake of my case, I have to pretend I’m something I’m not to people I’ve grown to care about. It’s important to me that when they learn the truth, they see I’m a man of honor. I’m probably the only man alive who embraces the scripture verse, “There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.” I long for the day that I can disclose my true life to Ginny. The day she’ll finally understand I work for a greater good. The day she’ll know I’m honorable.
7. Do you read books? If so, what is your favorite type of book?
I read my Bible most days, but other than that, I don’t read much.
8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
If I could walk away from my job, I would. But I can’t. And Ginny deserves a better life than I can give her.
9. Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?
No, as an undercover cop, my schedule is too unpredictable to allow me to care for an animal. I have a fish tank screensaver on my laptop. Does that count?
10. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?
I’d go to the backyard of my parents’ house—the day my older brother died. And I’d stay there, just as I’d been told. Remembering that day still rips through me as viciously as the bullets that ripped through my brother. I’d been too young to understand that gang members get a kick out of daring probies to take pot shots at a cop’s house. If I’d obeyed my parents and stayed in the back yard, Bobby never would’ve chased after me to keep me off the road…and run straight into the spray of gang bullets.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Featured Book: Hidden in the Everglades by Margaret Daley

"I need your help"Bodyguarding is Kyra Morgan's business—but this was supposed to be a vacation! Still, she can't refuse the request from childhood friend and neighbor Michael Hunt. Michael's sister Amy ran away after witnessing a murder. Michael needs Kyra's help to find her and keep her safe. Yet as Kyra and Michael follow the trail along the Florida coast, their search grows more dangerous by the day. Terrorists are at work, and the stakes are perilously high. It will take everything they have—including trust they're both reluctant to give—to escape the Everglades alive…
Today we're interviewing Kyra, the heroine from Hidden in the Everglades. Settle back and get to know this amazing woman.
1. Kyra, tell me the most interesting thing about you.
I own and run the Guardians, Inc., a company of female bodyguards.
2. What do you do for fun?
I enjoy a quiet uneventful evening at home--I'm usually working so when I don't have to it is nice.
3. What do you put off doing because you dread it?
Housework--I like order but I hate to clean. Good thing I can hire someone to come clean once a week.
4. What are you afraid of most in life?
Snakes--no question about it, which wasn't very good since I lived a few yards away from a swamp as a child.
5. What do you want out of life?
To keep people safe. That's why I started Guardians, Inc.
6. What is the most important thing to you?
My faith--my belief in Christ is what has kept me going when the ugly side of life has overwhelmed me.
7. Do you read books? If so, what is your favorite type of book?
Non-fiction when I have time which isn't often. Too busy working.
8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Nothing. I don't regret my life--well, except that I haven't had time for many relationships.
9. Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?
No, I don't. I'm not home that much to be a good owner.
10. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?
To the signing of the Declaration of Independence. That event started it all.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Ask Elnora--About a fall picnic???Lenora Worth
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Back To School: Back to the Books

An ex-Union captain, Matt has seen more than his share of destruction. And the threats he's getting about the school are almost enough to make him give up. But Verity's spirit and courage inspire him to fight once again for what he believes in—and to show her they can reach their dreams together….
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The eras I have written about are mid-nineteenth century, Civil War, post-Civil War, and the American Revolution. This past year, I moved into the very popular Regency era. Having always loved Jane Austen and all things English, this was a natural fit for me.
But it’s also very tricky. Regency fans know their stuff, and they don’t like for authors to make mistakes that can easily be found through simple research.
Whew! What a challenge.
But I’ve embraced it wholeheartedly and hope I won’t disappoint my readers. Right now I’m now working on my third Regency book for Harlequin’s Love Inspired Historicals.
The first story was a novella in an anthology with Deborah Hale, a popular Regency author. I don’t mind tagging along on this venerable lady’s coattails while I learn my craft. Our book was entitled The Wedding Season, and my book is The Gentleman Takes a Bride. I had so much fun writing this book that I proposed a three-book series to my editor, and she bought it!
In this Ladies in Waiting series, three wellborn ladies who are impoverished for one reason or another find themselves seeking work as companions for wealthy Society matrons. Be looking for the first one: A Proper Companion, in June 2012. In the meantime, watch a movie adaptation of one of Jane Austen’s immortal stories. They are the very best of the very best Regency novels.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
New from Lenora Worth
A new contemporary from Lenora Worth! The Doctor's Family. (Click the title to read an excerpt.) Here's a blurb:
Family, Clayton Style
Raising four–year–old triplets and an abandoned teenager, single mother Arabella Clayton Michaels has her hands full. She loves everything about her big family in tiny Clayton, Colorado. But when a Denver surgeon arrives with the news that her beloved teenager is his long–lost niece, Arabella worries she'll lose the girl—and much more. Jonathan Turner's harrowing past makes her want to open her heart to him. But will the handsome doctor accept a bigger ready–made family than either dreamed was possible?
Sounds like another great one from Lenora. So be sure to check out The Doctor's Family.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Remember 9/11!
First responders—fire fighters, police officers, EMTs—rushed into burning infernos in order to save lives only to lose their own as the towers collapsed into mammoth mounds of twisted metal and billowing clouds of smoke and debris.

In honor of the brave heroes of 9/11, I'm giving away two copies of THE OFFICER'S SECRET, the first book in my Military Investigations series. Leave a comment to be entered in the drawing.
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- Ask Elnora--About being a Superhero??? Lenora Worth
- Lyn Takes a Bow or Should that be a Curtsey?
- God's Dreams for Us!
- Contests by Merrillee Whren
- Featured Book: Her Rodeo Cowboy by Debra Clopton
- Featured Book: The Reluctant Outlaw by Karen Kirst
- Ask Elnora--About the ACFW conference??Lenora Worth
- When Did You Read Your First Christian Romance?
- Babies on the brain
- Craftie Ladies Rock the Carol Awards!
- Our Very Own Carol Award Finalists!
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