Friday, September 16, 2011

Ask Elnora--About a fall picnic???Lenora Worth

Hello, beautiful people. Elnora is enjoying some cooler weather down South. Finally. I hope to attend a church picnic this weekend. It will be held at what we call a "camp" down in these parts. Very rustic. Of course, my idea of rustic is a cozy lodge with a fire, a good book and lots of hot chocolate and a concierge. Did I mention this place is very rustic? It's more the type place where ghost stories are told and might actually happen! But, it's a lovely spot, truly. And I have the closest Holiday Inn on speed-dial just in case! Now I have to decide what to wear to this nice fall picnic. I have several purses that I call "camp" purses. I'll take one of those. As for shoes--Uggs or Skechers?? I'll have to figure that out. Pants or shorts? Blue jeans or khaki. I have a lot of khaki. I'm sure I can find something to wear. I know. Let's pretend we're all going on this picnic together. We can discuss what we'll wear, what we'll bring to eat and what books we'd like to read while we're at this adorable little cabin in the woods. Did I mention how rustic this place is? We might go on a hay ride that takes us even deeper into the woods and goes right by a deserted, spooky cabin that makes me hear that banjo tune from the movie "Deliverance" in my head. Elnora is tipping her "camp" hat to James Dickey--one of my very favorite Southern writers ever! What does one wear to get lost in the woods in the fall? Let's discuss. And while we're discussing, let's talk about what we love about fall. This summer had been brutal in so many ways--hot, dry, miserable. A lot of our beautiful trees have shut down and gone dormant already. But in my mind, I'm imagining leaves floating gently down to earth, a blue sky with little puffy clouds, a crisp wind with just a hint of winter in it and ... that handsome concierge bringing Elnora another hot chocolate. What's your idea of a perfect fall picnic? Did anyone bring the marshmallows and graham crackers. 'Cause y'all know I have lots of chocolate!


  1. Deliverance? You were thinking of Deliverance? We must get you out of that mind set!

    There is no season I love better than autumn. Notice I say autumn not fall. Antique festivals abound. Apples appear in the farmer's market stalls. There is less humidity. No Southern belle quibbles about less humidity!

    The perfect fall picnic must have apples. Stayman Winesap from the mountains of NC with a cheddar from our Piedmont cows. Apple Cider. Apple Pie. Apple anything! Oh, and pumpkin pie with REAL whipped cream. Little ham biscuits. Grapes off the arbor. Butternut squash soup in a thermos. Ahhhhhhhhh.

    It is 58 degrees here today and smells like the season turning. Just lovely. It is supposed to rain this weekend so maybe we will just have our picnic indoors!

    Peace, Julie

  2. Elnora, don't forget to take a compass! I know you won't get lost though! haha

  3. Khakis are cooler, but hay is not always kind. Tennis shoes, definitely. Of course, I'm thinking of AZ weather and we're still in the 100s. I always take a backpack instead of a purse because purses get heavy.
    You're going to have so much fun.

  4. All good ideas!! Apple pie sounds divine. Love me some apple pie with cheddar. A compass definitely. And I do have good hiking shoes. No humidity allowed. I think I smell woodsmoke in the air.

  5. I do believe I'll go to Julie's picnic...pumpkin pie, apples, butternut squash soup...sounds delish!

    Don't forget a blanket to put on the hay (easier on the backside) and if the night is a bit nippy, a blanket to snuggle under is a must!

    My favorite season is summer, but even I am a bit relieved for the respite from the high temps we've had this summer. I do love the fall colors and the smell of woodsmoke that comes from our neighbors fireplace.

    Have fun!!

  6. A blanket. Good idea. And a hoodie in case the wind gets chilly. I think we'll have good temperatures. Not cold but pleasant. But if I hear a banjo playing in the woods, I'm running, Skechers or no Skechers.

  7. Have fun, Elnora!

    We "picnic-ed" at hubby's family reunion in Marin County, CA this summer. Great food, loving family, and a camp site surrounded by giant redwood trees and a babbling brook. Truly, a delightful day!

  8. That does sound lovely, Debby!! Can't beat the redwoods.

  9. I'm late joining you for the fall festival. :) But here in Georgia it was definitely fall like today! Only in the high 60's.

    Ooh, Julie, I'm with you on the pumpkin and butternut squash. I've also been buying yummy pears.

    My favorite thing, though, is the smell of smoke from fires--fireplaces, camp fires, etc. I smelled it last night before this cold front came through. It was in the 80's and someone had a fire. Very nice! Made me long for fall. (and I usually just want to hold on to summer.)

  10. You said RUSTIC so many times I can hear the trepidation!!!

  11. We had fun. It rained just enough to make everything nice (no dust). The food turned out great (potluck and barbeque). We managed to get close to 150 people on that little spot of earth. Saw one spider and no lions, tigers, or bears! Hayride was fun--we did go by the haunted cabin!!!


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