Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Down to the Line by Leann Harris

little dish
Have you ever seen Romancing the Stone? Well I just lived through the opening scene of that movie. My latest book was due 8/15, which I didn't make.  (I have to thank my editor for suggesting 8/15 for the due date instead of 7/15.) I did nothing for the last week and a half but write and proof. My husband did the shopping and cooking, but when he didn't go to the store, we ran out of nearly everything. Soured milk, no bread, nothing to eat unless we bought it.

Well, I was doing the happy dance after I copied the book on my flash drive and dumped it back in the little dish where I keep it. When I added something to the book, I looked for the drive and didn't find it. I kept looking and looking for the drive and found it in my cup of tea beside my computer. I raced into my husband's office and told him what I did. Put it in a bowl of rice to let it dry out was his advice. I ran out of our regular rice and had to use my husband's expensive sticky rice which he uses to make mushubi (sp). (That's spam, rice, wrapped in seaweed.)

Well, the husband was right. My drive was okay, but I didn't need that excitement. And I got a new back up flash drive.


  1. That's hilarious...since it turned out okay. Glad you found it and were able to dry it out. I still have one or two that I have no idea where they've wandered off. ;)

  2. ROFLOL! I can totally see myself doing that. There are some benefits to autosaving files to the cloud, though I still like the backup to a thumb drive. So glad you were able to dry out the drive and access your files.

  3. How scary!!! Just reading your story took about ten minutes off my life! LOL

  4. Missy, it took more than ten minutes of my life. Christine, I am going to learn how to use the cloud backup.

  5. Thank goodness it worked out. Crazy stuff we do. :(

  6. Leann, I'm so glad everything worked out and you were able to save your thumb drive. I back up to a thumb drive, but I just keep it plugged into the computer. I also email my manuscript to one of my gmail accounts. We also back everything up to the cloud on Crash Plan, which was fabulous when my hard drive went bad back in January. My laptop is probably going now, and the Crash Plan people were very helpful in making sure that was backed up before I take it in.

  7. I love this story! Sounds like my household!!!


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