Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Leigh Bale Blogs About Christmas

Good morning!  I'm running late this year in putting up our Christmas tree and decorations.  But we finally got our Nativity set put out.  With everything there is to do, it's easy to forget what Christmas is really about.  And honestly, I was feeling like a Scrooge.  So, I purposefully started listening to Christmas music, watched the movie "A Christmas Carol," and read about the Savior's birth in my scriptures.  Searching for that sweet feeling that I should have at Christmastime.  What about you?  Does the Christmas spirit come easily to you every year, or do you sometimes get lost in the business of your life and have to remind yourself what's really important?

And I'll be giving away two autographed copies of my new Christmas book titled "The Forest Ranger's Christmas."  This sweet story hit the Publisher's Weekly bestseller's list.  Enjoy!  And Merry Christmas!  Leigh Bale


  1. Leigh, I sympathize. The season is so overly busy - and there's usually a deadline too - that it takes awhile for me to get into the Christmas spirit. I refuse to begin in October or whenever the retailers first put out the Christmas stuff. This year I aimed for just a few days before Christmas so the joy of Our Savior's birth is fresh come Christmas day.

  2. Leigh, I love your nativity set. I collect them and am always interested in unique and different nativities.

  3. Christine, I think you're right. This year has been good to reflect on the real meaning of Christmas.

  4. Merrillee, I've got two Nativity sets. One is a shiny white ceramic set I made when I was pregnant with my first child...so it's been in our family a long time. The other set I posted a picture of is a Willow Tree set that my husband bought me for Christmas a few years ago. I love them both. :)


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