Friday, July 31, 2015

Match the Author Contest!

 The Craftie Ladies of Romance are hosting another Match the Author Contest! 

This time we’re asking you to study the office photos and four favorite things submitted by some of your favorite Love Inspired Authors. The authors were  asked to list the four things they keep next to their computers as they write their stories.

Match the authors to their four special items and leave your answers in the comments section of today’s blog, along with your email address so we can contact you, if you win.

Winnie Griggs
Barbara Harrison, aka Leann Harris
Missy Tippens
Terri Reed
Louise Gouge
Deb Kastner
Cate Nolan
Jolene Navarro
Christine Johnson
Merrillee Whren
Debby Giusti

Author #1:  A frog screen cleaner, pens and pencils holder, shoe cartoon about writing, Dust Off electronics duster.

Author #2: TicTac mints, gum, ice water and The Writer's Prayer.

Author #3: A fan, mug of iced tea (so it won't spill on my computer), television remote, and a research book for my current series.

Author #4:  Chocolate Kisses, a notebook, a timer and a cup of hot tea.

Author #5: A timer,  goals list,  The Writer's Prayer, certificate from my 2008 Golden Heart final in historical romance.

Author #6: Coffee, my lighthouse lamp, a bit of chocolate and a prayer book to remind me who I am writing for.

Author #7: Lip balm, hand cream, cell Phone (for texting with my three kids--hint hint!) :), calendar.

Author #8: A cup of tea, pens, scratch paper, and Louisiana Almanac(which is where the WIP is set).

Author #9: Binders with synopsis and notes on the two books I’m currently working on, a) the fifth book in the Northern Border Patrol series b) first book in a new continuity series starring rookie K-9 officers; synonym finder; hair band for when I get hot; a cup of coffee or tea (depending on the time of day).

Author #10: A giant glass of Ice Tea, Juicy fruit gum, Han Solo and my new book baby - A TEXAS CHRISTMAS WISH

Author #11: Black coffee, my phone, hand lotion and my recent Cowboy Country books for reference.

Those who correctly match all the authors to their four items will be put in a hat and the winner's name will be drawn from the batch. (If no one matches all the authors, the person with the most correct answers will win.) The winner will receive a book from each author participating in the contest.

Match the Author Contest Prize

Love By Design, by Christine Johnson
Christmas in Hiding, by Cate Nolan
Cowgirl for Keeps, by Louise Gouge
Second Chance Reunion, by Merrillee Whren
Person of Interest, by Debby Giusti
Joint Investigation, by Terri Reed
The Cowboy's Surprise Baby, by Deb Kastner
A Texas Christmas Wish, ecopy, by Jolene Navarro
The Doctor's Second Chance, by Missy Tippens
A Rancher for Their Mom &The Last Truth, by Leann Harris
Winner's choice of any book from Winnie Grigg’s backlist

The contest will remain open over the weekend. 
The winner will be announced in the comments section of this blog on 
Monday, August 3. 
Don't forget to include your email address.
Good luck to everyone!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Baked Alaska recipe from Teri Wilson, author of LI Alaska series

Hi, everyone! 

This is a post I've been meaning to do for a while. You know how it is...there's always something you plan on doing, and somehow it just gets put off. Right?

A few years ago, when I was busy slaving away on ALASKAN HEARTS (which would later become my very first book with Love Inspired), I remember saying to my critique partners, "If I ever sell this book to Harlequin, I'm going to celebrate by making Baked Alaska." I mean, how appropriate! 

Fast forward to the present. My Alaska series for LI is now 5 books strong, and have I made that Baked Alaska yet? Not exactly. There's something little intimidating about taking on an ice cream cake that you eventually set on fire. 

How does it not turn into a melted mess? Better yet, how do I manage to not set my kitchen fire?

But right here, right now, I'm taking the first step. I found a recipe! (Don't laugh. You have to start somewhere.) 

I'm including the recipe below. This particular recipe does not require actual flames. But the total preparation time is a whopping eight hours and 30 minutes. Egad. Never fear, though. Only one hour of that time is active. (I can only assume the rest of the time is spent wondering what you've gotten yourself into.) And look how pretty it is! Just like Alaska, only with sugar. 

Does anyone care to join me in this little culinary adventure? Better yet, has anyone actually made Baked Alaska before??

Do tell. Please. 


Ice Cream Dome

cups (1 pint) peppermint ice cream, softened
cups (1.5 quarts) mint chocolate chip ice cream, softened
cups (1.5 quarts) vanilla ice cream, softened 

Brownie Base

cup butter
oz bittersweet chocolate
cups sugar
teaspoons vanilla
1 1/4
cup all-purpose flour
teaspoon baking powder
teaspoon salt


egg whites, room temperature
teaspoon cream of tartar
cup sugar



  • Line a 3-quart bowl with plastic wrap. Fill base of bowl with peppermint ice cream; layer with mint chocolate chip ice cream, then finish with a layer of vanilla ice cream. Cover surface with plastic wrap and freeze until ice cream is very hard, at least 4 hours or up to 24 hours in advance.
  • Heat oven to 350°F. Spray 9-inch cake pan with cooking spray, line the bottom of the pan with parchment paper and spray parchment paper with nonstick cooking spray.
  • Place butter and chocolate in a medium glass bowl over a saucepan of hot water (or a double boiler) and stir the butter and chocolate until melted. This can also be done in a microwave by placing butter and chocolate in microwave-safe medium glass bowl and microwaving on High for 1 to 2 minutes or until melted, stirring once. Set aside to cool
  • In a separate large bowl, whisk the eggs, sugar and vanilla until well combined. In another medium bowl, whisk the flour, baking powder and salt until combined. Add the cooled chocolate mixture to the eggs and whisk to combine. Add the flour to the chocolate mixture and whisk to combine. Pour into cake pan. Bake 50 minutes to 1 hour until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
  • When the brownie is completely cool, about 1 hour. Turn brownie out onto a large flat, ovenproof plate. Unmold the ice cream dome on top of the brownie layer. Place back in the freezer. 
  • With electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, whip the egg whites and cream of tartar for 2 minutes on medium-high speed. Increase the speed to high and add the sugar in a slow stream until stiff, glossy peaks form.
  • Remove ice cream dome from freezer. Remove plastic wrap. Cover the ice cream dome with the meringue, covering it completely, using the back of spoon to make swirly peaks. Freeze for at least 3 hours or up to 2 days.
  • Heat the oven to 500°F. Bake for 3 to 5 minutes or until the peaks start to turn a golden brown color. For easier slicing, let cake stand for 30 minutes. Slice and serve. 
Come visit Teri's world of Aurora, Alaska, in her latest book for Love Inspired - ALASKAN HOMECOMING

Ballet dancer Posy Sutton is only back in her hometown of Aurora, Alaska, until her injury heals. It's a decision that'd be easier to stick to if she didn't keep bumping into her charming ex-boyfriend, Liam Blake. After six years, she should be over him—but instead all she can see is the mistake she made when she left him. She's not sure she can handle choosing between Liam and ballet a second time…if Liam is even willing to risk his heart again. When her time in Alaska is up, will she and Liam be part of the sweetest dance of all?

Recipe from Betty Crocker.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Connecting at the writer's conference in New York City....

The Romance Writers of America's annual conference was held last week at the Marriott Marquis in NYC.  What an adventure it was to be back in New York--especially because my daughter Emily (pictured below while we were having breakfast) ) is an aspiring writer and attended the conference with me.

Our room was on the 28th floor overlooking Times Square, and it was such fun to look down at the incredible masses of pedestrians and continual traffic jams!  Definitely a far cry from my pastoral life in rural Iowa--LOL!

Have you been to New York City?  What did you think?

Most of the time I was having too much trouble with my asthma  to attend many workshops or gatherings with other authors,  but Emily and I still made it to the Metropolitan
Museum of Art,  and the Cloisters (a wonderful museum of medieval art and architecture.)  She loved them both and I--trailing far behind, huffing and puffing--did too.  :)

Can you believe that the vivid colors in photo are in stained glass made   in the 1200's?  If you click on the photo you can see it in better detail.

We also made it to some Broadway musical comedies, because Emily figured out the ticket lottery and rush tickets, which made them more affordable. The Gentlemen's Guide to Love & Murder was wonderful, and Something Rotten was even more so.

"Rotten" was about a young man who lived during Shakespeare's time and longed to become a writer as famous as Shakespeare. The talent was incredible--the lyrics often hilarious. But, I'll have to admit it was a bit off-color.  I wish I could see it again someday!

But beyond the New York experience, attending RWA is an uplifting and inspiring experience no matter where its held.  Spending time with other writers, since this job is a very isolating experience,  and seeing many friends receive awards made the time even more special.

Do you have certain conferences you really like to attend?  Certain cities or parts of the country?

Have you done any traveling this summer?

Wishing you all my best,
Roxanne Rustand

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Up, Up and Away by Merrillee Whren

Does this look like fun? This is a photo of the one and only hot air balloon ride I took with my husband more years ago than I want to count. While I was writing my second book in the Village of Hope series, NURSING THE SOLDIER'S HEART, I wanted a unique date for my hero and heroine. Then I recalled the exciting experience we had when we took this balloon ride over Napa Valley and thought I could use that. I remembered what we saw on our balloon ride, but my characters live in Georgia, so I didn't know what one would look like there. Enter You Tube and a search for balloon rides in Georgia. If you'd like to get a little taste of a balloon ride in the Atlanta, Georgia, area click on the video.

You can read about Kirsten and Brady's date in NURSING THE SOLDIER'S HEART, which is available now. You can read an excerpt if you click the book title.

I will be giving away copies of the first book in the Village of Hope series, SECOND CHANCE REUNION. If you would like a copy, make a comment and leave your email in the comment.

What is the most exciting adventure you have had?

Merrillee Whren is the winner of the 2003Golden Heart Award presented by Romance Writers of American. She is married to her own personal hero, her husband of  thirty-five plus years, and has two grown daughters. Her latest book, Nursing the Soldier's Heart, is available at all major book retailers. You can find the buy links at her website. Connect with her on her Facebook page.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

FEATURED BOOK AND INTERVIEW: Cowgirl for Keeps by Louise M. Gouge

Lassoing the Cowgirl 
Rosamond Northam's plans of building a high school take an unexpected turn when her father informs her she'll be overseeing construction of a new hotel instead—with Englishman Garrick Wakefield. The newly arrived aristocrat seems to turn his nose up at all she loves about her Colorado hometown. The man is entirely insufferable…yet undoubtedly handsome. 
Garrick wants nothing more than to prove himself to his uncle, who has backed the building of this hotel. But he finds himself ever at odds with his pretty cowgirl partner over the plans. The American West is so different from his British home, but with Rosamond showing him the ropes, maybe he'll commit to Western life…and a Western lass. 

Four Stones Ranch: Love finds a home out West


How exciting to have Garrick Wakefield, the hero from Cowgirl for Keeps, written by Louise M. Gouge and a July 2015 release from Love Inspired Historical Romance.

1.  Garrick Wakefield, tell me the most interesting thing about you.
            Perhaps you Americans will find it interesting that I am a bona fide English aristocrat. Of course that does not mean much because I have neither title (titled aristocrats are call nobility) nor wealth (all the wealth of my uncle, Lord Westbourne, goes to his eldest son). Alas, I now must (shudder) take up a trade. My uncle has done his best to help my future by arranging for me to build a hotel in the American West (another shudder).

2.  What do you do for fun?
            I used to play polo, attend concerts in a Covent Garden theatre, and spend time at White’s, my London club. Now that my uncle has sent me to the American West, goodness knows what paltry amusements might be found. I certainly have no interest in anything cowboys (shudder again) might find amusing.

3.  What do you put off doing because you dread it?
            While I am grateful to Uncle, that is, Lord Westbourne, I cannot imagine why he expects to make money from this hotel venture. Who would actually want to visit this vast Colorado wilderness? Further, having to work with a stubborn, albeit beautiful young lady in this project makes it all the more difficult for me. I would love to procrastinate, but that would lead to failure. See next question.

4.  What are you afraid of most in life?
            No question about it, I fear the failure I just mentioned. When I lost all my expectations, I knew life would be difficult. Let me explain below.

5.  What do you want out of life?
            When I was a child, I was my childless uncle’s heir. But in his old age, his countess died and he married a new young countess. They were blessed with three darling boys. I adore my young cousins, but their births assured that I would never become Lord Westbourne (heir and a spare and another spare). Nor will I inherit any wealth. Nevertheless, my faith in God assures me that He has a plan for my life. I am uncertain of exactly what I shall be doing, but if I please Him, that is all I hope for.

6.  What is the most important thing to you?
            In spite of what may come across as arrogance to you Americans, I am not a pompous windbag. I have a heart that is daily growing fonder of Miss Rosamond Northam, with whom I am building Uncle’s hotel. While she annoys me beyond words for her headstrong ways, she also intrigues me. I now realize that the young ladies at home are far too compliant. Miss Northam challenges me to be a better man, and I believe I am up to that challenge.

7.  If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
            If I could be more like my jolly cousin Percy, I would be happy. Percy is related to me on my mother’s side of the family, so he has no connection to Lord Westbourne. He never aspired to title or social position, and he easily finds amusement in whatever situation he finds himself. As such, he is as carefree as any man can be. I can only wish for such a carefree attitude toward life.

8.  Can you tell us a little interesting tidbit about the time period you live in?
This is a time of many great inventions. Candles and whale oil lamps have given way to gaslights to illuminate streets and homes. Communication has become faster than one could ever hope for due to the telegraph. Even travel has become so fast that it shocks the imagination as trains are replacing coaches and carriages all over the civilized world.

I would love to give away a print copy of Cowgirl for Keeps to a U. S. resident.

Florida author Louise M. Gouge writes historical fiction for Harlequin's Love Inspired Historicals. She received the prestigious Inspirational Readers’ Choice Award in 2005 and placed in 2011; and place in the Laurel Wreath in 2012. Her indie novel Then Came Love is a finalist for the 2015 IRCA. When she isn't writing or teaching her college classes, she and David, her husband of fifty years, enjoy visiting historical sites and museums. Please visit her Web site at

Friday, July 24, 2015

Meet RITA finalist Jennifer Beckstrand and her book Huckleberry Summer

Today we welcome Jennifer and her Rita Finalist novel :)

Describe the call: On the specified day in March, it was in the back of my head that it was the day to find out if I'd finaled in the RITA. A call from an unknown number in Oregon came through on my home phone, and I didn't answer it because it wasn't from Texas. I was sure it was a salesman. But immediately after my home phone stopped ringing, my cell phone rang downstairs. It occurred to me that it might be the call I'd been hoping for. I booked it down the stairs and answered my phone before the caller could hang up. Laaaa! (heavenly choirs of angels) I was in shock when she told me I was a RITA finalist. It is something I've work toward for a long time.

After finding out you were a finalist, who did you call first and tell? I first called my husband because he has been incredibly supportive of my writing career--even on the days when he gets ignored because his wife is at the computer. :)    

What other cool things have happened now that you’re a RITA finalist? The RWA makes you feel so special when you're a RITA finalist. There really is something special about it. I guess it's an affirmation of sorts that I am a good writer. It makes all those hard days so much easier.

Short bio: I am the bestselling Amish romance author of The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill series for Kensington Books. Huckleberry Summer has been nominated for the 2015 RWA RITA Award and was a finalist for the 2015 RT Book Reviews Reviewer's Choice Award. Huckleberry Hill won the 2014 LIME Award for Inspirational fiction. Both Huckleberry Hill and Huckleberry Christmas appeared in list of top ten inspirational books for 2014. 

​I have​  always been drawn to the strong faith and the enduring family ties of the Plain people and love writing about the antics of Anna and Felty Helmuth.  ​I have​  a degree in mathematics and a background in editing. ​ Me and  my ​husband have been married for thirty years, and ​I have​ four daughters, two sons, and four adorable grandchildren, whom
​ I​ spoil rotten.

How many books have you written? I have 8 books in print and one more Huckleberry Hill book coming out in November. My new three book series, The Honeybee Sisters, comes out in 2016. It's going to be really fun.   

One piece of advice you have for other authors: I think it was Thomas Edison who said, "Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration." Even if you have a brilliant idea for a novel, the words won't jump onto the page by themselves. Above all else, writing is really hard work. Even when you're tired, even when you'd rather watch Gilmore Girls on Netflix, even when you can't think of anything to say, you've got to get in that chair and write. You don't have to feel bad that it's not fun all the time. You will be successful if you are willing to work hard.

Tell us a little about this book: Huckleberry Summer is a contemporary Amish romance with lots  of humor sprinkled in. Anna and Felty Helmuth's thirteen children are grown and moved away, and these feisty eighty-year-olds feel it is their responsibility to see to it that all their grandchildren find suitable mates, whether the grandchildren are willing or not. Who would ever suspect two elderly Amish folks of mischief? Anna knits potholders and cooks dishes like green bean and lentil cheese soup to lure unsuspecting suitors into her home.

​In Huckleberry Summer​, ​cautious ​Lily Eicher strives to live up to her dat’s high standards. She’s certainly not the kind of proper Amish girl who would make time for someone as impetuous as the Helmuths’ grandson, Aden–even if his lively spirit and caring ways are showing her just how wonderful following her heart can be.

Recklessly doing the right thing ​once ​got Aden into big trouble. A fresh start at his grandparents’ is just what he needs. And shy, pretty Lily is turning his world upside down and making him want to prove he can do good within the rules. But now both must find enough faith and understanding to risk pursuing their dreams–together​. 
Huckleberry Summer features a very large and naughty dog, plenty of hand sanitizer, and Mammi Anna's harder-than-golf-ball ginger snaps. Huckleberry Hill could turn out to the be the most romantic spot in Wisconsin. ​

Publisher: Kensington
​ ​

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Meet RITA finalist Rose Ross Zediker and her book The Widow's Suitor

Today we're featuring Rose Ross Zediker and her Rita final.  Settle back, enjoy, and discover the magic of a well-written story.

Describe the call
I'd been at my day job for about an hour when my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number and almost let it go to voice mail. When I said hello, the person on the other end asked me if I was Rose. I said yes and she said her name (which I can't remember) and that she was an RWA board member. At that point, I said "Oh my God" because it dawned on me it was the day the RITA nominees were announced. My heart started pounding and my knees went weak. I almost missed which book (I'd entered two) was a finalist. I think I actually repeated the title to her! I said she made my day and she laughed, wished me luck ,and said good-bye. I stood in the break room stunned with tear moistened eyes. It was such a surreal moment for me. I was so glad I didn't let the call go to my voicemail.
After finding out you were a finalist, who did you call first and tell? 
I actually texted the news to my husband and son. At the end of the text, I told them that this was a big deal and to be appropriately impressed! They both sent congratulations texts back. I also texted the news to my sister. She texted her congratulations and asked which book.  When I replied The Widow's Suitor, she told me she wasn't surprised because it was a good book. Aren't sisters great?

What other cool things have happened now that you’re a RITA finalist? 
I had already registered for the RWA conference with plans to sightsee, but my schedule is filling up fast with special events so I don't know how much sightseeing I'll actually do. Harlequin sent me a congratulations gift - a box of Godiva truffles. Yum! The local newspaper wants to do an article on the RITA event when I return.

Short bio: 
Rose Ross Zediker writes contemporary and historical inspirational romance and has hundreds of publishing credits in the Christian magazine genre for adults and children. Rose is a RITA, National Readers Choice, Book Sellers Best, Book Buyers Best awards finalist.
How many books have you written? 
Ten. One non-fiction book for children. Eight inspirational romances for the Heartsong Presents line and one novella in a multi-author anthology set to release in January 2016.

What other kudos have you earned? 
My book, Wedding on the Rocks, was a finalist in the Book Buyers Best and Book Sellers Best awards in 2014.  The Widow's Suitor is also a finalist in the National Readers Choice Awards this year.  

One piece of advice you have for other authors 
Target your genre and read the recently published books. Read writing books aimed at your chosen genre. Read blogs written by writers of your chosen genre. Read blogs written by editors in your chosen genre. Reading = Learning! It's best way to find success with your writing.
Tell us a little about this book?
Genre: Historical inspirational romance
Publisher: Harlequin
The young widow is just trying to make a life on the prairie for herself and her newborn son. When handsome newcomer Luke Dow shows up at her cabin door, she soon relies on the man's help with her homestead…and dares to dream of the future. 
Luke came to the small South Dakota town to build a hotel and make his fortune. But he never expected to care for anyone, let alone the beautiful Cora and her baby boy. When Cora's land claim is challenged by a neighbor, Luke will do all he can to protect her and her home—and claim her heart.

Anything else you’d like to share?  
Since The Widow's Suitor was released in February 2014 and category romance has a short shelf life, ebook is the only format the story is available.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

FEATURED BOOK: The Cowboy's Surprise Baby by Deb Kastner

Hi! Deb Kastner here. You know that old saying that life happens while you're busy making plans?

Yes. That one.

Today I'm thoroughly exhausted, with a book deadline sitting behind me (turned it in on time, thank our good Lord, after a 36 straight hour race to the finish line) a stack of photos, Q&A's and blog tour topics on my left for my publicity campaign through Harlequin's PR company, and an empty suitcase on my right that has to be filled (I hope) with everything I need for a quick trip to New York City next week to receive an award for writing my 25th book for Harlequin.

Directly in front of me looms anxiety and concern about my oldest daughter's upcoming surgery next Tuesday. She's only 25 and has already had three major abdominal surgeries. This one will be the largest by far, and I'll be honest when I say that's the biggest weight on my mind (prayer, please!!)

So in lieu of a clever blog post, which I wouldn't be able to write anyway, I'm just going to leave you with a short excerpt from The Cowboy's Surprise Baby, which is out now. This comes just after they meet and realize they will have to work together:

"Cole, wait."

Even through the cotton of his T-shirt, her palm felt blistering hot, and he wanted to jerk away. It was only a final, slim shred of dignity and pride that held him back. Or at least that was what he kept telling himself. In truth, he wasn't certain he could have moved if he tried.

It should have been easy for him to keep walking. Tessa was a little wisp of a thing, and even had she given it her best shot, she could not have physically held him back. But when their gazes locked, no matter how loud his mind screamed for him to keep moving, his body refused to cooperate.

He couldn't catch a breath. His chest ached and his throat burned. His pulse roared and thundered in his ears.

From the corner of his eye, Cole saw Griff come out from behind the desk and take his wife's elbow. Clearly Alexis had schooled Griff on Cole and Tessa's rocky past. "Why don't we let these two have a moment alone together?"

It was more of a statement than a question, and although Alexis looked ready to argue, she wasn't allowed the opportunity to do so. Griff herded her through the door, shooting an apologetic grin over his shoulder.

"Take as much time as you need." Griff closed the office door behind him.

Cole winced. He didn't need any time at all. Not one single second. He had nothing to say to Tessa. They might have had something to say to each other years ago, but now there was nothing.

Still, there was no sense standing in front of the closed door. He used his free hand to pry her palm from his chest, feeling as if it were glued there. He removed his hat and tossed it onto the desk, eyeing the chair Griff had vacated. At least that would put some distance between them—distance he desperately needed right now.

He'd thought all it would take to put Tessa behind him was time. Time and the distraction of serving on a United States Navy aircraft carrier.

But looking into her eyes, he might as well have been in high school all over again. His gut flipped and his head spun, just as they had when he'd been a foolish teenager who'd imagined himself in love.

What was wrong with him?

Tessa had caught him off guard, that's what it was. And then she'd gone and cornered him in this office. It was no wonder his thoughts were bouncing around like a loose racquetball in a closed court.

What did she expect him to say now that she had him penned in here?

Hey, how are you? What's been happening since we last saw each other?

He scoffed. He had nothing—nothing—to say to her.

He crossed his arms, rocked back on the heels of his boots and waited.

And waited.

Tessa looked equally uncomfortable, shifting her weight from foot to foot as her gaze darted everywhere except him. Tension mounted between them, the strain thick and palpable and tight as a wire.

He shook his head. She looked as if she didn't want to be here, and he most certainly did not. One of them was going to have to break the silence, and if she wasn't going to do it, then he would. Better to get this unexpected confrontation out of the way. He had much more important things to do than stand here waiting for her to collect her thoughts.

He narrowed his gaze, growling the question that was highest on his list.

"What do you want, Red?"

Hometown Reunion 
After years away serving his country, Cole Bishop finally returns home—with a newborn baby in tow. As a single dad, Cole needs help. But the last thing he expects to encounter at his new job is his high school sweetheart—all grown up and more beautiful than ever. Tessa Applewhite might have broken Cole's heart years before, but she's never forgotten him. And he can wrangle her heart like no one else ever has. But Tessa rejected him when the stakes weren't nearly as high. Can Cole trust her again—and in the process, form a forever family?

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