Thursday, February 25, 2016

MANUSCRIPT MATCH with Harlequin Love Inspired editor Elizabeth Mazer

Deb Kastner here. I'm happy to have with me today my Love Inspired editor Elizabeth Mazer, who'd like to share with you all an exciting opportunity to get your historical manuscript in front of the Love Inspired editors. Now please welcome Elizabeth to the blog:

Do you write inspirational historical romance? If so, then we have a fabulous opportunity for you! Right now, the Love Inspired Historical team is holding a pitch contest called Manuscript Matchmakers (more information here:, and we’re hoping it will help you find the perfect editor match for your story.
Which editor is right for you? Well, to help us decide, we’ve divided up the contest into teams, with each team focused on a different theme or plot that’s particularly popular with our readers. The teams are:
1. Team Amish
2. Team Mail Order Bride
3. Team Babies/Children
4. Team Cowboy/Rancher
5. Team Marriage of Convenience
6. Team Reunion Romance
If your story doesn’t quite match any of these hooks but you still think it would be a great fit for Love Inspired Historical, then that’s fine, too—go for:
7. Team Choose Your Own Hook
The first step is easy. “Proper introductions” begin when you fill out a matchmaking profile card to give us info on your story, and send it to us along with the first page of your manuscript. (Instructions on filling out the card, along with examples, can be found here: If you’re chosen to continue to the next round, then we move on to the “courtship” where we review your full synopsis and first three chapters. And if you’re chosen to advance to the final round then we get to the “betrothal”: you’ll send in your full manuscript to be reviewed. From there? Happily ever after, of course! We hope to sign lots of new authors for LIH, but at the very least we promise the entrants in the final round that they will receive a speedy turnaround and editorial feedback on their manuscripts.
But why wait until the final round? If you’ve got an already finished manuscript that’s suitable for LIH, join in our special Pony Express fast track and send it in early—you’ll get your feedback, and maybe even your contract, all the sooner.
We love our pitch contests at Love Inspired, and we’re very proud of our record of bringing in tons of new authors every year. Check out our success stories here where we list all of the authors acquired through previous pitch contests, and give them a chance to talk about their experiences. You’ll see what the pitch contest experience meant to them, and how much they were able to learn. Throughout the contest, the editors will be on the community forum pages all the time—answering questions, giving advice, and making sure you have all the guidance and information you need to make your story shine. Maybe next year, one of our success stories will be you!

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity—and don’t delay! The contest closes to new entries after March 2. Make today the day you sign up, and see if Love Inspired Historical can find the perfect match for your manuscript and you!


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