Linda Goodnight here. It’s that time of year again. Spring has come to Oklahoma, and I have a yearning to be out in the
garden playing in the dirt. Below is a photo I took near our pond, an old "home place" where flowers grow untended. Can anyone tell me what that white bush is?

Writing a book is a lot like growing a garden. It takes perseverance-from plowing the fertile ground of the imagination to the seed of an idea
that, with careful tending, can take root on the page.
Once the story seed blooms, I must dig out the pesky weeds of too much back
story, overused adverbs and stilted dialogue. Yes, writing a book takes lots of
work, but like the garden harvest, the end result is worth all the sweat and
effort.(Remind me I said this in August when it’s 100 degrees!)
you planting a garden this spring? Have you ever? And please somebody, identify that white bush!
Linda Goodnight’s latest writing “fruit” is The Rain Sparrow, available now anywhere
books are sold.
The Library Journal says:
Tender, haunting, and soul-satisfying, this story of
hope, redemption, and justice skillfully blends romances in two separate time
Writing is a lot like a garden! :)
ReplyDeleteI can't tell what the bush is. Can't see it well enough. Good luck finding out!
Linda it looks a bit like Babys breath to me.
ReplyDeleteLinda, I love your analogy of gardening and writing a book. So true.
ReplyDeleteIt'll be months yet before I can plant my gardens. Usually between Memorial Day and Father's Day. It's too cold before that. I love the analogy and the beautiful photo. Wish I could help you identify the bush, but we don't have anything like that in the spring where we live. Spirea (bridal veil) blooms much later.
ReplyDeleteLinda, if the blooms were yellow I'd say forsythia.
ReplyDeleteI went to a gardener's site and found 3 possibilities: Lantana, Chokeberry, and Mayhaw.
Of course, it's likely none of these, LOL, because I couldn't see it closely enough in the photo. But I was curious too, so if you DO find out please let us know!
Hugs, Patti Jo