Thursday, April 21, 2016

What Goes into a Cover?

Do you judge a book by its cover?
Have you ever read a good book with a bad cover?

I can only speak for Love Inspired books, but bringing a cover to fruition takes teamwork. First, the author has a idea of what he/she wants. Actually we have to come up with three different ideas and then we have to convey those ideas to our editor via photographs and whatever means necessary. Once the editor narrows things down, they teleconference with Harlequin's art and marketing department to determine which cover concept will most appeal to readers.

After that, it's all up to the art department. If people are on the cover, a photo shoot is scheduled.

For my June 2016 release, Falling for the Hometown Hero, I wanted to incorporate one of the scenes in the book that takes place at Cascade Falls in Ouray, Colorado. I supplied my editor with pictures and a brief description of how I envisioned the scene. That my hero and heroine were sitting on a large boulder near the falls.
Cascade Falls, Ouray, Colorado

Cascade Falls, Ouray, Colorado
And after the art department worked their magic, they came up with this.

They captured the essence of what I saw in my mind to a tee. Right down to my hero's straightened left leg.

Now it's your turn, do you judge a book by its cover?


  1. Mindy, I confess, I do judge a book by its cover. If the cover catches my eye, I'm more likely to read the back of the book.

    Speaking of covers, I love your new one.

  2. Mary, I think most of us do just that. The cover is the first thing that captures our attention. Perhaps the only thing more powerful is word-of-mouth.

  3. These pictures are amazing! I would love to visit Ouray!

  4. That's a great cover. I'm so glad they listened to your suggestions. What's your secret?

  5. Congratulations on the great cover, Mindy! The art department really grasped your vision, didn't they? I'm impressed with the job they do in producing sixteen covers a month of the Love Inspired lines and making them all look so good.

  6. No secrets, Merrillee. But if I figure any out, I'll let you know. :)

  7. I'm with you, Keli. The art department does a fantastic job, though I failed to consider how many LI covers they were doing a month. Now I'm even more impressed!

  8. Oh, Oh, been there. I love it! But, then, I love Ouray.

  9. LOVE your cover, Mindy! And Ouray looks like a beautiful place (of course, anywhere in Colorado must be beautiful, I figure!). :)
    I admit I do often choose a book based on the cover (especially if I'm not really familiar with the author).
    Thanks for sharing this, and I look forward to ordering and reading your next book.
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  10. Like I told Mary, Patti Jo, I think most of us are guilty of such judging. I hope you enjoy the book.

  11. This is a great cover! I like the straightened left leg, too. :)


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