Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Inspire me! by Tracey J Lyons

I am on a daily search for inspiration, in my work and in my life.  I love to read inspirational quotes. All those little memes on social media bring light to my day. My new favorite one is on a little wooden sign I found at a local shop. I have this posted on the shelf right below my bathroom mirror so every day it's the first thing I see.

I also find inspiration in things in my own backyard. Like my pond. One of the reasons we purchased this house was because of the pond. The only problem; I can't see the pond from anywhere in the house. I keep telling my husband we need to find a spot to put in a window so I can take in the view from inside the house. Here's a recent picture of the morning fog over our pond. 

With my writing I often draw inspiration from places I visit for my research. On my latest research trip for my soon to be released LI Amish romance, A Love For Lizzie, I came upon this lovely church. I actually have this as the wallpaper shot on my laptop screen, so it's the first thing I see every time I open my laptop. 

And of course I find inspiration in my family. Our sons with their wives and that passel of grandkids bring me not only inspiration, but keep me smiling. 

I'd love to hear what or who inspires you! I welcome you to share your thoughts in the comments section. 


  1. Tracey, I love those inspirational sayings as well. Its amazing where you can find inspiration. Sometimes it cam be in the littlest of things like a smile or a sunrise. It's all around us.

  2. Such a cool blog. Thank you! I'm inspired when I see an act of kindness.. random or not. Life can be tough. Inspiration keeps us hopeful and going on!

    1. Hey Christine,
      I so love acts of Kindness. Even something as simple as holding the door open for someone can bring a smile.

  3. I'm inspired by the diverse beauty God created in nature, which is why I've positioned my writing chair so I can look out the window at trees, birds, squirrels, and the occasional deer or raccoon roaming through the yard.

    And I love your sign about God handling all your problems for the day--such a needed reminder!

    1. Hi Myra,
      I, too, have a small view from my office. It's nice to be able to look out and watch nature go by, while pondering that next scene! LOL!

  4. Great wooden plaque. Love that saying. Great pictures. So fun to see your family photo.

  5. I loved the pictures. Thanks for sharing them!
    Now I want a house with a pond. :)


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