Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday Sisterhood with Margaret Daley

Family Status: Married

What Is Your Favorite Beverage: Tea--all kinds

What Is Your Favorite Food: Alaskan King Crab

What Is Your Favorite Thing to do During Free Time: go to the movie with a friend

Who Has Been the Most Influential Person in Your Life: my mother

First Book You Fell in Love With: Gone With the Wind

A Book You Wish You’d Written: Amazonia by James Rollins

First Book Published: Second Chance on Love, Silhouette Romance

Most Recent Book: Bodyguard Reunion, Love Inspired Suspense in May

Out Next: Her Hometown Hero, Love Inspired in September

How Many Have You Written: over 90

What Do You Know Now That You Wish You’d Known Then: How challenging writing and publishing a book is

What is Your Favorite Bible Story: I love both equally the Story of Ruth and Esther

What is Your Favorite Bible Verse: All things are possible through the Lord.

What is Your Favorite Hymn: Amazing Grace (I cry when I hear it.)

What is an Ongoing Prayer Request You Have: Show me what You want me to do—Your plan.

                    BTW, Margaret was one of the six original Craftie Ladies: center, row one


  1. Hi Margaret!

    Loved seeing that picture of the first Craftie Ladies. In a way, it seems like only yesterday when we gathered for the photo!

    90 books! So proud of you!

    Congrats, Margaret!

  2. Margaret, you have to explain that photo that looks like rock climbing!

    Congratulations on over 90 books. Wow! What an accomplishment.

    Has anyone else noticed the high percentage of Craftie authors who list Gone With the Wind as the first book they fell in love with or the book they wished they'd written? Interesting.

  3. 90 books, amazing! When you get to 100, let's throw a Craftie party :)

  4. Wow! Over 90 books. That's awesome. You're an inspiration.

  5. I absolutely agree. A party for Margaret when she reaches 100.

    LOL, sounds funny, eh?

  6. Congrats, Margaret. And I love the picture of the original Craftie Ladies.

  7. My mind was boggled by Lenora's 60 books. But 90? Consider my mind officially blown.

    Another tea drinker. We really need to find a tea room near our conference sites and take a group. :)

  8. 90 Books! Wow! Congratulations, Margaret! Great interview and great to get to know even more about you!

  9. Margaret, you know I love and admire you so much. You not only have written 90 wonderful books, but ladies, she was a teacher for many years, too. I treasure you and I'm so glad to call you a friend :)

  10. Enjoyed your interview, Margaret. I was so blessed to meet you at my very first ACFW Conference in MN - - you were such a sweetheart (and still are!).
    Congratulations on writing over 90 books - - AMAZING!
    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  11. 90 books! I am speechless.

    Do invite me to your centenary book party.

    I am blessed to know all you wonderful goal-getters on this blog.

    One other common thing about you all: things you wished you'd known. The answers are exact words for all of you.

    Please, do not scare 'wanna-bes' like me.

  12. Thanks you all. I hope I can reach 100 books. That's my goal.

    Christine, that picture was taken at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. I'm lodged between two rocks.

  13. 90 books and...most of that time you were working, too and volunteering and...and...

    You're my hero...uh...ine. :)


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