Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Gift of Family Interview

How exciting to have Cole Prescott, the hero from The Gift of Family (Smoky Mountain Christmas) written by Karen Kirst, an October 2012 release from Love Inspired Romance.

1.     Cole, tell me the most interesting thing about you.

If you ask the folks of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, they’d likely say I’m not interesting.  They’d say I’m trouble.  All because my father stole church funds and hightailed it outta town.  They think that because I look like him, I must be like him so most everyone keeps their distance.

2.     What do you do for fun?

I don’t really do fun.  But I do get satisfaction from building things.  Guess that’s why I volunteered to make the props for this year’s Christmas pageant.  Oh, and to help my estranged wife Rachel out.

3.     What do you put off doing because you dread it?

Growing up an outsider, I learned to bury my emotions.  To keep people at a distance.  So I don’t like to examine my growing emotions for my wife.

4.     What are you afraid of most in life?

Now that I know about my daughter, Abby, I’m most afraid of losing my chance to be a father to her.  My wife and I had a forced marriage, and when she started to matter too much, I bolted.  I’m afraid Rachel won’t give me another chance.  I’m also concerned about the unidentified men who are trying to run me outta town.  I will do anything to protect my family.

5.     What do you want out of life?

I want another chance with my family.

6.     What is the most important thing to you?

My wife and daughter’s happiness.  I want to have good standing in this town so that they won’t be ostracized like me.

7.     If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

I would go back to the night I left and, instead of running, stay and face my feelings.  I would have the courage to open my heart.  By running away, I missed out on the birth of my daughter. 

8.     Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?

No pets, but little Abby already has me wrapped around her finger.  When she gets a little older, I’ll get her a kitten.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Ask Elnora--About The End??? Lenora Worth

There are two little words that Elnora loves. (Besides "Shoe Sale"). Those two words are "The End." Yes, I have reached the end of another work-in-progress for Love Inspired Suspense. Normally, I'm not this gleeful when I finish a contracted book, but this year has been a long one. Work-wise, it was a great year. I think I wrote about four books. I've lost count. I had a seven book contract and my editors graciously threw in a continuity story that was hard to refuse. (K-9 story!!! With three K-9 dogs in it!!!! I mean, Elnora loves me some K-9 officer dogs!) So that's eight books in about a year and a half. Seven down, one to go. I think I'm happy about this one being done because I had to push it back in order to write the continuity. Not complaining, just explaining. I will make my deadline (Monday) by the skin of my teeth. Oh, and I need to write three chapters for the next proposal by then, too. I am going undeground this weekend to do that.
Okay, all right, I'm not really going to a cave with my little friend Boudreaux but I will have to buckle in and write three chapters. I only tell you this to show just some of the fun writers have. Especially writers of commercial fiction. Commercial fiction is fast-paced and well ... commercial. We write a lot of books because we have a lot of impatient but lovable readers. This is not about a ten year literary event. This is about a love story that involves two people--that would be me and my computer. But it also involves telling a fast-paced, interesting story with a happy ending and then ... we get to do it all over again. I ask you, could there be a better job on earth? (Besides working in a shoe store that has a huge employee discount?) I think not. So for me, my little literary giants, the end is really about the beginning. When I finish a book, I take about a day to frolic and then I rub my hands together in glee and ... start all over again with the next one. (My frolic today--I got to run errands and have lunch with Big Daddy.) Could life be any better??? This begs the question--what to you love to do? If you had your dream job, what would it be? Let's discuss!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sharing a Milestone!

My Badge of Honor!
Hey everyone! Patty Smith Hall here and I'm over the moon to share a major milestone in my world with you today. I am happy to announce that I have officially worn out my favorite pair of walking shoes!

Now, for some of you exercise fanatics, that may not seem like such a big deal but just a year ago, I could  barely stand, much less walk. Most of my days were spent flat on the couch, working on the edits for Hearts in Hiding and wondering if I'd ever get back to normal, which for most people include walking, sitting and standing without being in pain.

Anyone who's ever lived with pain knows what a blessing it is to experience a day free of pain. So today, six months post spinal fusion, I'm celebrating holes in my shoes! Praise the Lord!  

I'm blessed to live next door to a lovely park that has several different walking trails. Mornings are the best time. The day is still refreshingly cool and the park is quiet, perfect for spending time with the Lord, or thinking through a new project or listening to books on my iPod. There's just something about a good book and a beautiful day that makes time slip away. Since April, I've walked over 250 miles. That's the distance from Atlanta to Nashville! 

If it's been a while since you visited a local park, Fall is the perfect time to spend a day enjoying the changing colors and slight chill in the air with family and friends.

Hearts in Hiding

Engineer Edie Michaels loves her life—she has a good job, close friends, even a chance at romance with former soldier Beau Daniels. But she could lose everything if her secret comes out…that she's the German daughter of a devoted Nazi.

And when her father sends spies to force her loyalty, everything Edie values is at risk.

Time in a Nazi POW camp changed army medic Beau Daniels. When he discovers a letter of Edie's written in German, he can't help his suspicions. Is she truly the woman he's started to love? Or has she been the enemy all along? With Nazis on Edie's trail, the pair must fight for truth, for survival—and for love.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

American Christian Fiction Writers Conference 2012

Love Inspired Authors with Editors Melissa Endlich
and Tina James.

By Debby Giusti

ACFW 2012 was great! Thanks to all who worked so hard to make it happen.  I loved seeing everyone and wanted to share some pictures.

The Seekers meet on WED shortly after arriving at the hotel.
Debby Giusti (L) and Missy Tippens (R) enjoyed
Nancy Kress' (Middle) Early Bird Session Thursday morning.
Debby (L) and Janet Dean (R) chat with T. Davis Bunn
following his excellent workshop.
LI authors and editors shuttle to dinner Friday night, joined by
Publishers Weekly's Barbara Vey (front left).
LI authors and editors looks so pretty for the
Awards Ceremony SAT night.

After all the fun, I need to get back to work.  Hope to see everyone at the conference next year!

Happy writing! Happy reading!

Wishing you abundant blessings,
Debby Giusti

Monday, September 24, 2012

Linda Goodnight here, basking in the afterglow of The ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers’)conference. Yesterday at breakfast someone asked for each person to share her/his highlight of the conference. I had many! But the best, by far, was the daily morning worship service. Wow! What a fantastic way to start each busy, busy day. Author Rachel Houck brings a worship band and her incredible anointing. I feel as if I meet with Jesus every single morning. So I ask myself:  How can I repeat this joyous worship every day even when I’m not at conference?  With the hustle and bustle of life, it’s hard, but I’m determined to start each new day with some worship music on my phone and some quiet time with Jesus.

What about you? How do you find extra time to spend those tone-setting, all important moments with Him?
Some of your favorite LI authors having dinner. Lacy Williams, Janet Dean, Janet Lee Barton, and Lenora Worth aka Elnora, along with their hubbies.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tea anyone?

Terri Reed here.  Most of my cohorts on this blog are at the ACFW's conference this weekend.  I so wish I was too but September is always busy with the beginning of school and all that entails.  So, I'm home enjoying a beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest.  Mild temps, sunny, not a cloud in the sky.  A perfect Saturday.

Yesterday was a different story, it rained!  I was praising God for the raining.  We need it.  Though personally, I love the rain.

Rainy weather is writing weather!  I love to listen to the pitter patter of rain hitting the window as I type away at my keyboard.

 Rainy weather is also tea weather.  I love tea.  Black, green, herbal, fruity, vanilla, Earl Grey, Irish or English Breakfast.  Teas of all types.  A few weeks ago I was in England and had tea at Highclere Castle.

English Breakfast with a flapjack, an oat cake with golden honey.   It was tasty.  And nothing like the flapjacks we have here in the US.
Are you a tea toteler?  What is your favorite tea?  I'm always looking for new flavors to try.

In just over a week my new book releases!  Didn't the art department do a fabulous job!  That's Chicago in the background.  I was so excited when I saw this because it matched my vision for the cover so closely.

Do No Harm

As a trauma surgeon, Dr. Brenda Storm saves lives every day. But someone wants her dead.  It starts with the anonymous delivery of poisoned cupcakes.  Now the hospital has hired a bodyguard to protect her 24/7.  At first, Brenda doesn’t think too-handsome Kyle Martin is the right man for the job.  Then she discovers his harrowing background—and that Kyle will do anything to keep her safe.  With every attempt on her life, she’s more drawn to the strong and silent man who risks his life for hers.  But their growing feelings could put them both in harm’s way.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Ask Elnora--About ACFW 2012? Lenora Worth

It's Third Friday Writing Day !!! Darlings, I am here at the lovely hotel enjoying the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference. We had a busy first day yesterday. Michael Hyatt talked to us about how right now is the best of times for writers. If we embrace the changes in our industry it will be like skiing down a mountain. (You have to lean into the mountain.) I shall use that as my mantra from now on. Lean into the mountain. He said it's never been easier to get a book into print, to have a platform, to reach readers, etc. (There were five things but alas, Elnora seems to have lost her cool ACFW notebook already.) I did put my name in it so maybe I'll find it. But the bottom line--embrace the changes and take advantage of all the opportunities for writers these day. You can read all of his great advice at Oh,and he didn't say it's easy to be a writer these days. But it's much EASIER than ever if you work hard. Then it was on to all the Love Inspired events. Our editors are looking for a few good writers. They reported that the line is strong and sales are great--We are one of the top selling lines in all of Harlequin Land!!! Also, in October they are launching a Fast Track Submission Period. You can e-mail a first chapter and a short synopsis (no more than two pages) to You need to write a short query, too, telling the editors how much of the manuscript is complete. Do this between October 15 through 26 and you will hear back from the editors within one month. You can find the Love Inspired Suspense guidlines at So what are you waiting for--it's the best time to become a published writer (if you think positive). Also, our editors are really interested in Amish fiction. They love them some Amish fiction. Hey, how about an Amish Suspense???? I will report more during the day. Right now, I must get my beauty rest! To review--Fast Track Suspense, October 15-26. Mail one chapter and a two page synopsis, plus a query telling how much of the book is complete to They will get back to you within a month. Discuss the possibilities!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

ACFW and the Carol Awards

ACFW will be announcing this year's winners of the Carol Awards on Saturday at a gala banquet in Dallas at the Hyatt Regency. The finalists and winners are the top in their genres. The awards are judged by librarians, booksellers, readers and writers.

Each year I have seen the prestige for the Carol Awards grow. The finalists are announced in the summer at ICRS, an international trade show for the Christian market. ACFW is working to promote the Carol finalists and winners in the media and with bookstores. We send press releases out every year for the finalists and winners.

Below is the list of finalists. One in each category will be the winner on Saturday night.

Debut Novel:
Fairer Than Morning  by Rosslyn Elliott 
The Loom by Shella Gillus 
Give the Lady a Ride by Linda W. Yezak 
Long Contemporary:
Lost Melody by Lori Copeland/Virginia Smith 
The Search by Suzanne Woods Fisher 
Larkspur Cove by Lisa Wingate 
Long Contemporary Romance:
Save the Date by Jenny B. Jones 
Lilly’s Wedding Quilt by Kelly M. Long 
My Foolish Heart by Susan May Warren 
Long Historical:
Captive Trail by Susan Page Davis 
Fairer Than Morning  by Rosslyn Elliott 
Mine Is the Night by Liz Curtis Higgs 
Long Historical Romance:
The Maid of Fairbourne Hall by Julie Klassen 
Lilies in Moonlight by Allison Pittman 
To Win Her Heart by Karen Witemeyer 
Falling to Pieces: A Shipshewana Amish Mystery by Vannetta Chapman
Died in the Wool by Elizabeth Ludwig/Janelle Mowery 
Yesterday’s Secrets by Kelly Ann Riley 
An Accidental Christmas from A Biltmore Christmas by Diane T. Ashley/Aaron McCarver 

Reese: All Along from Smitten by Denise Hunter 
A Star in the Night from A Log Cabin Christmas by Liz Johnson 
Romantic Suspense:
Lonestar Angel by Colleen Coble 
Deadly Pursuit by Irene Hannon 
Wolfsbane by Ronie Kendig 
Short Contemporary:
The Protector by Shelley Shepard Gray 
Lakeside Reunion by Lisa Jordan 
Oklahoma Reunion by Tina Radcliffe 
Short Contemporary Suspense:
Double Identity by Diane Burke 
Nightwatch by Valerie Hansen 
A Deadly Game by Virginia Smith 
Short Historical (four finalists due to a tie):
Promise of Time by S. Dionne Moore 
Revealing Fire by Connie Stevens 
Light to My Path by Erica Vetsch 
The Deepest Waters by Dan Walsh 
Speculative Fiction:
The Story in the Stars by Yvonne Anderson 
The Chair by James L. Rubart 
Broken Sight by Steve Rzasa 
Over the Edge by Brandilyn Collins 
Fallen Angel by Major Jeff Struecker/Alton Gansky 
Freedom’s Stand by Jeanette (J.M.) Windle 
Women’s Fiction:
A Sound Among the Trees by Susan Meissner 
When Sparrows Fall by Meg Moseley 
Dandelion Summer by Lisa Wingate 
Young Adult:
Wreath by Judy Christie 
The Merchant’s Daughter by Melanie Dickerson 
There You’ll Find Me by Jenny B. Jones 

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