Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Where were you?

Terri Reed here.  Today is 9/11/2012.  A day I'm sure we all know the significance of.
A day to remember.  A day to say,  "We will never forget".

When I was young my grandparents talked about where they were when they heard the news that Pearl Harbor had been attacked.  My mother would talk about where she was when she heard the news that JFK was assassinated.  One day I will tell my grandchildren where I was the day the twin towers came down.
I was at home with my then three year old son getting him ready for his first day of preschool.  My husband called me and told me to turn on the news.  I watched in horror, along with rest of the world, as the images flashed across the screen.  I remember sinking to my knees with tears streaming down my face and praying.  
Even now I find myself with tears in my eyes...remembering.


  1. I was home, watching tv as it was night. the West wing had started (and it was a tuesday also) and I was on a forum. someone said a plane flew into the twin towers. Then I saw it sign flash on the screen about it and we found out it was an attack. It was around 9.30pm my time.

  2. I was home...home schooling my children as a crew worked on my roof outside. My dad dropped in and told me to turn on the news. He'd lived through WWII and I remember the somberness with which he said, I'm afraid this will mean war. Then the roofing crew came in to watch, too.

  3. I was sitting in my Algebra class as a freshman in high school. A classmate ran into the room and turned the TV on in time to see the second plane fly into the second tower.

  4. I was eating breakfast, getting ready to go to a Bible Study for young moms. My 2 year old was playing with his Duplos. I was newly pregnant with number 2.

    I had the TV on and saw the tower smoking and them talking about a plane hitting it. I watched in horror as the second plane hit.

    Terri, I have the same progression in my family--my grandma talks about where she was when she heard about Pearl Harbor and my mom talks about where she was when she heard about JFK. Only difference is that they were younger in their memories (Grandma was a teen and mom a pre-teen) and I was an adult. But we all still remember.

  5. I was on the way home from the park with my then 9 month old son and heard it on the radio. At that point they were saying it was an accident. By the time I got home and turned on the TV, the second plane had hit. I sat in front of the TV for weeks after that watching the coverage.

  6. I had just left church. Folks in the parking lot were talking together with worried faces. I hurried to the nearby nursing home to visit my aunt and walked in to find her pointing at the television screen.

    So many folks gathered at church this morning. After 11 years, we were once again remembering and praying.

  7. I was teaching. My students were in PE and since it was my conference period I was on the phone with a parent. The teacher in the class next to me screamed. I dropped the phone and ran to her room. We watched in horror as the second plane hit. Somehow I managed to finish my conversation with the parent. As the day went on, I watched my students being picked up one by one. By the end of the day, I had about 7 kids left in class. Three teachers combined their classes and let the kids watch movies and we had the news on and graded papers. We were supposed to have a faculty meeting that afternoon, but the principal told all of us to go home. I got home in time to see the towers collapse.

  8. I had just finished cleaning up the kitchen and sat down to watch CNBC and get the latest news on the stock market. They reported that a plane had hit one of the twin towers, but nobody at that time knew it was a terror attack. They didn't even know it was a huge jet. There was speculation that it was an accident, but there were lots of questions because it was a clear and sunny day. Then you could see the second plane slamming into the other tower. At that moment, everyone knew it was a terror attack. I ran upstairs to tell my husband who was at work in his office. It was a horrible day.

  9. I was in my cubicle working in a call center scheduling appointments or on that day it was canceling appointments. Two of our doctors were in New York and our patients were afraid so they were canceling appointments left and right. I was in a gas station that night and they raised our gas prices twice while I was waiting from under 2 dollars to over 3. It was one of the most difficult weeks I have ever lived and I still pray for those who lost loved ones.

  10. Thank you ladies for sharing your stories.

  11. I had just started a new job and the owner told everyone. It was too hard to believe.

    I recently watched the movie "Remeber Me" not knowing it was a movie dealing with 9/11. Has anyone seen it? It took me by surprise and of course left me crying.

  12. My late mother called me from FL and told me to turn on the TV. We talked on the phone as I watched the 2nd plane hit.
    I remember JFK too and it was the same feeling of reality. I recall coming home from church that weekend to be told that Lee Harvey Oswald had been killed while I was at church.
    I recall the feeling of not being able to concentrate.
    I just saw Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. I recommend it highly. It wasn't a tear-jerker but was filled with profound human emotion.
    God bless America.

  13. I was at home alone, about to exercise while I watched "Good Morning America". When the first one hit, I gasped and stopped exercising. I sank down on a chair. Then the second one hit and I knew this was no accident. I cried and cried and prayed that my husband, my son and my daughter were all safe. Don called me and we talked quietly about it while I cried. My daughter was okay at her job downtown. When my son got home from school, he walked in and said, "Did you hear?" I said yes and we talked about it for a while. I think my husband and I wound up going to church later that day or maybe the next day, where we all cried and prayed. Even now, it's hard to grasp the magnitude of that awful day.


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