Friday, September 7, 2012

Ask Elnora--About Fall???Lenora Worth

Elnora is back at the bay today. This morning while I sat out on our deck with Big Daddy and Boston Bob (one of our new neighbors), I saw four dolphins, about a dozen pelicans, several jumping fish, a few seagulls and something else ... something we all look forward to this time of year. Fall. Fall is in the air, even though it's still very muggy and humid by the bay. But I felt that little nip, that something extra. It was like a contented sigh rising out over the water. It glistened in the first morning rays coming across the sky. It laughed in the breeze tickling the trees. I saw a few yellowed leaves drifting down to the water. Yes, fall is definitely in the air in the South, in the USA. I know some of you live far away in other places so you might not have the same kind of fall as we do, or it might be a completely different season for you.
But having a new season in life is certainly noteworthy and nice! Fall means turning over a new leaf, letting go of the last of summer, getting in a new mood, shifting to a cozy pace that involves warm socks, boots and maybe a nice, worn sweater. So that is the question of the day. What does fall mean to you? Is it a time to change and shift gears, or do you get even more busy in the fall (football, school events, getting ready for the holiday season). Why do we love fall? Let's discuss!


  1. Being raised in Colorado, Autumn was my favorite time of year. The colors and wonderful smells. Houston has none of that, so I love going North to see the color.

  2. I love fall. Since I live in a forest, we will be surrounded with color soon.
    My favorite morning is to wake to the lake as still as glass and mirroring the colorful fall trees onto the water.
    I loved hearing about your morning on your deck. But shouldn't Boston Bob stay home till 11 a.m.?

  3. Summer is my favorite month, so fall means the end of summer. :( But I do like fall for one reason.--FOOTBALL. I know girls aren't supposed to like football, but I do. I love both the college and professional game. I haven't been to a high school game since our kids were out of school, but I would probably even like that. :)

  4. Autumn is such a beautful time of the year. Here in Florida, we don't get as many of the turning leaves--lots of palm trees and our lovely magnolias and live oaks, or course. Merrillee, you probably have those too, right? Lyn, here I've learned to never go out on the deck in my jammies. Neighbors tend to wander up so Elnora has to dress accordingly. Leann, Colorado is beautiful any time of year. I so enjoyed our trip there a few years ago.Houston, not so much! It's hot and humid there, just like here. Lyn, our bay gets all glassy and still each morning before the tide turns. I love watching the water when it is that quiet. It amazes me how this water shifts and changes each day. We have a few leaves turning here and there, but not enough to reflect on the water. Your place sounds wonderful!

  5. Here in Glendale, Arizona, Autumn is a hopeful time - we hope for the end to triple digit temperatures and high air conditioning bills. It helps us get through September and October. Because fall doesn't really begin, in my opinion, until October 31st - when it usually starts to cool off. It's rainy today. What a blessing!

  6. Dana, beat me to it.

    I'm in Gilbert, AZ about 45 minutes away from Glendale and 30 minues from Phoenix and we won't be seeing true Autumn weather here until the end of October-right around Halloween. Phoenicians have at least another 60 days of heat :)

    Those who live in cooler surroundings, ENJOY! :D

  7. Fall here in the heart of Texas--or is that the Heat of Texas is still near 100 until around late October. But there is a slight change in the mornings and they have a coolness to them until the mid day sun burns it off. lol I love summer so I'm fine with that. Sadly to me, fall means winter is coming :( I am not a cold weather fan except that it makes me enjoy my springs and summers that much more. I do have to say that God put me in Texas for a reason because our Fall does tend to last longer than our winter and so for that reason, I can enjoy the beauty of the leaves changing and the fun of wearing boots and sweaters. lol I love how God made seasons, He gives us all a time we favor. He is amazing.

  8. Yes, Debbie, so true. I don't think I'd enjoy living where the seasons don't change. I love the mystery around the corner. God sure did a fine job with making each season so special!

  9. You Arizona women get a whole different kind of season. Love your state, too. It's beautiful, but in a different kind of way. And I do love the dryness! After being in this humidity all my life, I enjoyed your climate for a while. Until my nose got dry and my moisturizer didn't seem to work. But beautiful country out there!

  10. You know what I love most about fall? its 6 months away!
    Ok Im an Aussie loving that its now spring even if the past few days have been wet, and wetter.
    Did I mention I love Spring.
    Autumn I do love the colours of the leaves when they fall. the trees look wonderful. I remember the colours when I was in Canada 4 years ago they were beautiful.

  11. Good to hear from you in any season,Aus Jenny!! I would love to visit Australia and experience your seasons!

  12. I'm like Merrillee. As much as I love fall weather, it reminds me that cold weather in on the way. And I obviously don't like cold weather. :)

    Your description of the morning was beautiful, Lenora!


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