Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Greatest Romance

I recently received a request from a reader for story recommendations that would inspire hope in a Christian friend who’d given up hope of ever finding a life’s partner and was really depressed about that.

I know lots of great stories that I could’ve shared, yet, the first thought—the line of a song, actually—that popped into my head was that “sometimes blessings come through raindrops, healing comes through tears, and sometimes a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know He’s near.” (Blessings by Laura Story)

Romance novels tend to portray finding the perfect partner as the ultimate goal and blessing, something that will give us that elusive happiness we crave. What I appreciate about Christian romance is that we can show that our relationship with God should bring us our greatest fulfillment.

In my upcoming LIS, Perilous Waters (April 2014), I use the heroine’s unbelieving sister to remind the heroine that “there isn’t a man alive who can bring you happiness if you don’t know how to be happy on your own.”

My prayer for my fellow writers and our readers in 2014 is that the greatest desire of each one of us will be for a closer walk with the author and perfector of our faith that the world may see His love shine through us and know true joy in Him.

Sandra Orchard is an award-winning author of inspirational romantic suspense with Harlequin’s Love Inspired Suspense imprint, and Revell Publishing. A mother of three grown children, she lives in Niagara, Canada with her real-life-hero husband and writes full time…when not doting on her young grandchildren.  You can learn more about Sandra’s books and bonus features at www.SandraOrchard.com or connect at www.Facebook.com/SandraOrchard

Woman with umbrella photo courtesy of of stockimages / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


  1. Waoooh!True words. I pray for all our authors for more inspiration this year. May you, through your pens, draw the readers closer to their Maker, from whom they need no escape. Happy New Year!

  2. Thank you, Olufisayo, I deeply cherish your prayers.

  3. The prayer was needed. I need to remember this. Thank you.

  4. The prayer was needed. I need to remember this. Thank you.

  5. Amen, Sandra. And God surprises us when we're looking to Him, he sends us what we need.

  6. Love the prayer too.
    I feel for the lady and wonder is it the one who wrote was more worried for the single friend. I know many christians who seem to think singles need help or are not complete.
    If it is the single is discouraged most books wont give help. It is often a stage singles go through where they struggle with everyone being married and not finding someone but once you accept it its amazing how many find peace or even mr right. (I found peace).

  7. It's so good to hear from one who has walked in those shoes, Jenny. Thank you for sharing.


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