Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Missing Flight 370

A plane goes missing.  227 passengers and 12 crew members vanished in the dark of night.  An ocean to search and the whole world on edge.  Was this a hijacking? Suicide or an elaborate murder plot?  How could an Boeing 777 aircraft disappear without a trace?  Are we witnessing a real live LOST?

Terri Reed here.  I'm sure I'm not the only one waiting, wondering and praying for some revelation that will solve the mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.  I pray the passengers and the crew are found alive and well, that their families have the answers to the questions plaguing them.  


  1. we have a few Aussies on board including a New Zealander married to an aussie with 2 small children.
    I would love to think it was a highjack and the people are alive being held and going to be used for ransom. In reality I doubt they will still be alive but really hope they are found asap.

  2. You know my husband and I just keep saying the whole scenario sounds like some sort of fiction novel! So horrendous for the poor families. :(

  3. Jenny I hope so too.
    Dana, I was thinking if I pitched this scenario I doubt it would fly. Sometimes life is stranger than fiction.
    I know God is in control. If I didn't believe that I can't imagine how miserable I'd be and how scared. I pray for peace for those who have a loved one in the flight and for some word as what happened.

  4. This past weekend I attended the Tucson Festival of Books, and one of the other attendees went to a workshop in which Valerie Plame, former CIA operative, spoke at a workshop. She also said if someone had proposed such a scenario for a book, it would surely have been turned down as implausible.

  5. Definitely prayers are needed for the passengers and families of the passengers. The story is unfolding like a thriller novel. Terri and Merrillee, how fascinating that this scenario probably wouldn't sell. Too outlandish? Unfortunately in this day, nothing seems beyond reach. I hope answers are found and that the families do find comfort in our Lord.

  6. Oh, Merrillee, I'm so jealous you got in ;)

    Yes, we're watching, too, and wishing there's a happy ending. Hard to imagine in today's era, but wouldn't it be grand.

  7. The more I hear each day makes me think it is terrorist type hijacking but still cannot believe that a large plane or debris from it have not been found yet.
    Paula O

  8. I'm praying too - - it's such a sad, strange mystery. I keep thinking of the anguish all those families of missing passengers are going through. Will keep praying.

  9. It definitely gives you a sense of how small we are on the planet.

    I want to write the story of the aftermath. What if your father was one of the pilots, and everyone assumed he was a terrorist? What are the consequences for the family?

  10. Maybe it's because I'm a historical writer, but I keep thinking of Amelia Earhart's disappearance and all the theories that have been floated over the decades. I pray the answer is found to this disappearance.

  11. Christine, I've always been fascinated with Amelia's disappearance. Things like this make me realize how big the world is even when sometimes it feels so small.


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