Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thursday Sisterhood with Allie Pleiter

Family Status: married with one child just out of college and another child just going in 

What Is Your Favorite Beverage: Coffee, followed closely by the SteakNShake Mocha milkshake

What Is Your Favorite Food: Now that my doctors asked me to cut back on the chocolate, Im really into French macarons and lemon meringue pie (but I still love chocolate).

What Is Your Favorite Thing to do During Free Time: Knit!  Im an avid knitter.  I even write a knitting blog called DestiKNITions.

Who Has Been the Most Influential Person in Your Life: I cant really identify one person.  I had wonderful high school English and drama teachers who gave me my love of the written and spoken word, but many people in my life now have been great influences as well.

First Book You Fell in Love With: Believe it or not, it was John Garders Grendel in high school.  I love old epic poetry, and that book turned my perspective on its head by taking the Beowulf story and telling it from the monsters point of view.  It changed how I viewed the possibilities of story.

A Book You Wish Youd Written: Erin Morgensterns The Night Circus.  So imaginative and enthralling!

First Book Published: My first non-fiction was Becoming A Chief Home Officer from Zondervan.  My first inspirational novel was Bad Heiress Day from Steeple Hill Cafe.

Most Recent Book: The Lawmans Oklahoma Sweetheart - the finale of the Bridegroom Brothers multi-author continuity series

Out Next: A Heart to Heal, book four in my Gordon Falls series

How Many Have You Written: 23

What Do You Know Now That You Wish Youd Known Then: Your path is unique to you.  Everyone will craft their careers differently, and if you want staying power than you need to be smart but also true to yourself.  You can learn from the author next to you, but you cant imitate her.

What is Your Favorite Bible Story: JosephIve directed too many versions of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat not to love that great comeback story.

What is Your Favorite Bible Verse: For I know the plans I have for you,declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.(Jeremiah 29:11)

What is Your Favorite Hymn: O Come O Come Emanuel

What is an Ongoing Prayer Request You Have: For my two children to find their unique, happy paths as one enters college and the other enters the real world.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day Memories

Today we honor and remember those who've died while serving this country.  
Thank you for giving your life for our freedom.

We all know that Memorial Day is a day set aside to honor American military members who have died, whether in battle or after returning home. (Veterans' Day, November 11, honors the living who have served.) We also know that without our brave military, from the Minutemen of the American Revolution to the Navy Seals of today, we would not have great nation that is the United States, a beacon of freedom to the entire world. So this weekend let's be sure to take time and remember and honor those who have died. But don't mourn these fallen military men and women.

Thank God that such heroes lived.

Here's a picture of my father, William Douglas Jacobs, who served in the U. S. Navy at the end of World War I and in the Merchant Marines during World War II. Born in 1903, he died in 1990, and his ashes were scattered on Puget Sound by the Navy. I still miss you, Dad. You weren't just brave in the Navy, you were brave all through life. Louise M. (Jacobs) Gouge

 Both parents were in the Army, medical corp during Korean War. Mom 2nd Lt., Dad a private.  From Leann Harris

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday Sisterhood with Margaret Daley

Family Status: Married

What Is Your Favorite Beverage: Tea--all kinds

What Is Your Favorite Food: Alaskan King Crab

What Is Your Favorite Thing to do During Free Time: go to the movie with a friend

Who Has Been the Most Influential Person in Your Life: my mother

First Book You Fell in Love With: Gone With the Wind

A Book You Wish You’d Written: Amazonia by James Rollins

First Book Published: Second Chance on Love, Silhouette Romance

Most Recent Book: Bodyguard Reunion, Love Inspired Suspense in May

Out Next: Her Hometown Hero, Love Inspired in September

How Many Have You Written: over 90

What Do You Know Now That You Wish You’d Known Then: How challenging writing and publishing a book is

What is Your Favorite Bible Story: I love both equally the Story of Ruth and Esther

What is Your Favorite Bible Verse: All things are possible through the Lord.

What is Your Favorite Hymn: Amazing Grace (I cry when I hear it.)

What is an Ongoing Prayer Request You Have: Show me what You want me to do—Your plan.

                    BTW, Margaret was one of the six original Craftie Ladies: center, row one

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Family Tree by Leann Harris

out in the country airing the pillows
When I got married, I discovered my husband's sister had worked on the family tree. She had a big box and a couple of notebooks filled with interview with family members. Now she did these interview long before came along. My daughter has taken up the mantle as keeper of the family tree info. And she's uncovered lots of information on my husband's family. We've wandered around a lot of rural graveyards in east Texas, Alabama, and Mississippi. One of my husband's ancestors name was Belshazar. When my daughter texted me that little tidbit of information, my response was it her father's side of the family, not her mother's.
In the picture above there are two girls. Can you guess which one?

What are some of the odd things you've found out about your ancestors?.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday Sisterhood with Lenora Worth

Family Status: Married with two grown children

What Is Your Favorite Beverage: Coffee and the occasional glass of reisling

What Is Your Favorite Food: anything chocolate and anything cheesecake

What Is Your Favorite Thing to do During Free Time: walk on the beach

Who Has Been the Most Influential Person in Your Life: My deceased sister Glenda

First Book You Fell in Love With: Practically Seventeen by Rosamond Neal Du Jarding

A Book You Wish You�d Written:  Gone With the Wind

First Book Published: River's Call (Avalon)

Most Recent Book: That Wild Cowboy (Superromance) and An April Wedding (Zondervan) Both out in April 2014

Out Next: Forced Alliance (June 2014)

How Many Have You Written: Sixty

What Do You Know Now That You Wish You�d Known Then:  That this is not an easy job and that the business side of writing commercial fiction is just as important as writing commercial fiction.

What is Your Favorite Bible Story: The Prodigal Son

What is Your Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 40:8 "The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of God stands forever."

What is Your Favorite Hymn:  Come Thou Fount

What is an Ongoing Prayer Request You Have:  unspoken but family related :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Change of Scene

Hi. I'm Louise M. Gouge, and I’ve been writing for Harlequin’s Love Inspired Historical imprint since 2008. My first title, published in 2009, was set during the American Revolution. I love that era because that’s when our country was “born,” so I wrote two more stories in that series. Of the three, two take place in America and one takes place in England. My next series takes place in the Regency era, so of course it’s set entirely in England. Now I’ve come back home.

My upcoming Four Stones Ranch series is set in the Wild West. (Hence the “ranch” part of the series title. You’ll have to read the books to learn about the name Four Stones.) The first book, Cowboy to the Rescue, will be released in September 2014. I do wish I could show you the cover, but it’s not ready to be revealed. Click on the title for a hot link, where you can learn more about the story.

So why do you suppose I’ve hopped all over the place with my books? Before writing for LIH, I wrote two historical series set in the United States during the 1800s. I love that time period. I also greatly enjoy reading and writing about historical England. I even wrote a novel about my daughter’s missionary adventures in Africa in 1991!

However, no setting brings me quite the satisfaction as writing about a place I know well and love: the San Luis Valley of Colorado. I moved there when I was in high school, and after meeting and marrying my husband in Denver (married 49 years this June), we lived in the Valley. Our four beautiful children were born there, and even though we moved to Florida thirty-four years ago, we all have fond memories of that special area of Colorado.

For the historical writer, the San Luis Valley is loaded with historical places of interest to spark story ideas. I have pictures my husband and a friend of mine took of the following landmarks: the Great Sand Dunes National Monument (left), with Medano Creek running below,

the headwaters of Rio Grande del Norte (this picture is farther downstream from Creede, where the Rio Grande truly begins), 

the Narrow Gauge Railroad between Chama, New Mexico, and Antonito, Colorado, 

Mount Blanca (at right) and many others. 

Another impressive site is La Garita Natural Arch in the Rio Grande National Forest (I don’t have permission to post a picture of this lovely arch, so please check it out at .

If you’re ever planning a trip to Colorado, don’t just think of Denver, Vail, Breckenridge, or other points north. The San Luis Valley is a gorgeous area with countless attractions. And if you’re unable to travel there, visit through my upcoming book, Cowboy to the Rescue, in September 2014.

Florida author Louise M. Gouge writes historical fiction for Harlequin's Love Inspired Historical Imprint. Her latest release is A Lady of Quality (July 2013), a Regency romance set in 1814 London. Check out her other historical novels with these hot links: Escape from Kikwit! Ahab's Bride, Hannah Rose, Son of Perdition, Then Came Faith, Then Came Hope and visit her blog at

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Writing and Research go hand in hand

Terri Reed here.  I'm waist deep in a book that is due in June for a new continuity series for Love Inspired Suspense that will be released in April of 2015.  The Capitol K-9 series will feature the men and women of an elite K-9 unit set in Washington DC.   The other authors in the series are Shirlee McCoy, Lynette Eason, Margaret Daley, Val Hansen and Lenora Worth.  I respect and admire these ladies and am so glad to be working with them.  

The current continuity series from Love Inspired Suspense wraps up this June with my book Undercover Marriage.

An illegal adoption ring—using kidnapped babies—has to be stopped. To gather the necessary evidence, U.S. marshal Serena Summers goes undercover—as a married woman desperate for a baby. Her "husband" is her own partner, U.S. marshal Josh McCall, whom Serena blames for her brother's death. How can she act like a loving wife when she has to constantly fight her feelings for a man she isn't sure she can trust? The closer they get to unraveling the dark web of deceit, though, the more being Josh's undercover wife means putting her life—and future—in his hands. 
Witness Protection: Hiding in plain sight

I'll be doing a Goodreads giveaway starting May 20th for five autographed books.

As a person who's never been in law enforcement I look to others for help in researching and verifying information for my books.

Here are two places that I thought I'd share with you in case you too wanted to know more about the fascinating world of law enforcement.

Lee Lofland does a great blog that covers many different aspects of law enforcement.  Plus he does a review of the popular tv show Castle.  I love this show as well as the characters and have to giggle sometimes when I read Lees's take on the show.

D.P. Lyle, MD's blog delves into the forensic side of law enforcement.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Hi, this is Margaret Daley here. I spent a nice yesterday with my family celebrating Mother's Day. It was a quiet day talking and enjoying good food. But in the midst of it, I missed my own mother who died years ago. I took the time to reflect on my mother who was a compassionate Christian woman. Most of her life she was a nurse and loved to help others.

The above is a picture of my son and his two daughters in my backyard. What kind of Mother's Day did you have? I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Tell me about your Mother's Day.

Love Inspired Author Celebrate Mothers

Margaret Daley

My mother was such an inspiration to me and important to whom I am today.

The picture is four generations in the Daley family.


Sandra Orchard

 Here’s a pic of my Mom and eldest daughter from many, many years ago, since my daughter now has a daughter of her own.

We lost Mom to cancer soon after and still miss her very much. She was an amazing woman whose patient endurance continues to be a true inspiration.

Terri Reed

Here is my mom and me on my wedding day. This is one of my favorite pictures of us together.

My mom sacrificed a lot for me as I was growing up. Of course as a kid/teen/young adult I didn't see it. Now I do. Currently my mom lives with my younger brother, which is where she wants to be. She has an inoperable brain tumor. Her speech and her memories have been effected as well as her personality. But she's being well cared for and is content for the most part. Happy Mother's day. Remember to tell your mom, grandmothers, aunts, friends who are mothers that they are special and loved. 

Merrillee Whren

Every day and on Mother’s Day especially, I miss my mother who passed away over thirty years ago, but I know part of her lives on in my beautiful daughters and granddaughters.

Pamela Tracy

This is not the mother who gave me life.
This is Rosemary Tracy the mother who made me her life.
Mom and me, Easter, I was six

My mother's been gone for almost twenty years.
Every day I wish for the chance to tell her what a great mom she was,
and how I wish I'd appreciated her more.


Sherri Shackleford


It's the toughest job you'll ever love.


Leann Harris

Here's 4 generations of my family.

 Of course, my mom is going to go crazy. I don't look so hot with my perm.

Missy Tippens 

Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mother!

 Here's a photo of me with my own children. I'm so thankful to be their mom! They are the best part of me.


Teri Wilson

This is me with my son Cameron, at his college graduation last year,
which fell on Mother's Day.

 I love this boy so much!


Deb Kastner

 I couldn't find a single photo of me and my girls, and I don't think I've ever had one of my mother, which I thoroughly intend to rectify immediately.

I'm still celebrating Mother's Day...I'm just a little bit older. ;)

Jean C. Gordon

Remembering my mom, Mary Jean Chelikowsky, for her love of children and unfailing ability to see the best in everyone.

Excuse the disheveled/bad pix. It's the only one I could find with both of us. Apparently, Mom and I were always the ones taking the pictures.


Debra Clopton 

Happy Mothers Day mom!

 Love you always. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

FEATURED BOOK AND INTERVIEW: Her Unlikely Cowboy by Debra Clopton

A New Life 
Suzie Kent will do anything for her troubled teen son. Even if it means turning to her late husband's best friend for help. Rancher Tucker McDermott is convinced that the fresh air and hard work of Sunrise Ranch will do Abe and Suzie a world of good. But Suzie's not so sure that the man she blames for her husband's death knows best. Soon, spending time with the strong, handsome cowboy revives Suzie's spirits—and her heart. Can they heal their past sorrows and build a future as a family together?

How exciting to have Morgan McDermott the hero from HER UNFORGETTABLE COWBOY written by Debra Clopton a May 2013 release from Love Inspired Romance. Book 1 of her new Cowboys of Sunrise Ranch Series.

1.     Morgan tell me the most interesting thing about you.
I help run Sunrise Ranch, it’s our families 10,000 acre working cattle ranch and also home to 16 foster boys at a time. I love it. The boys keep us on our toes though. 
2.     What do you do for fun? With 16 boys ranging from 7 to 18 we have every kind of fun you can imagine. From seeing who can flip a calf the quickest to crazy fishing tournaments.
3.     What do you put off doing because you dread it? Looking for love…it hasn’t worked out so well for me in the past. I’ve gotten used to being alone. I’ll probably stay single. Getting practically left at the altar twice will do that to a man.
4.     What are you afraid of most in life? Letting someone get close to me again.
5.     What is the most important thing to you? Being a good role model for these boys and carrying on my mother’s legacy (this ranch was her dream before she passed away.)
6.     Do you read books? If so, what is your favorite type of book? I enjoy a good mystery.
7.     If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I don’t really know—I guess I’d have a tougher heart if that were possible.
8.     Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet? My horse. He’s useful and a must have in the ranch business. I love horses and especially love foaling season. The boys hear at the ranch enjoy seeing the new foals running around too.
9.     If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why? I’d go back to the day Jolie handed me her engagement ring and chose her career as a competitive kayaker over life with me on the ranch. I’d try to figure out how to stop her from leaving.

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