Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday Sisterhood with Vickie Mcdonough

Family Status: Married, four grown sons, but two still live at home 
What Is Your Favorite Beverage: Coke
What Is Your Favorite Food: Just one? Being honest--French silk pie
What Is Your Favorite Thing to do During Free Time: Read
Who Has Been the Most Influential Person in Your Life: My dad
First Book You Fell in Love With: A Gown of Spanish Lace by Janette Oke
A Book You Wish You’d Written: Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
First Book Published: My first published work was a novella in a collection called A Stitch in Time. First actual book was Sooner or Later
Most Recent Book: Call of the Prairie, book 2 in my Pioneer Promises series
Out Next: Song of the Prairiebook 3 in my Pioneer Promises series
How Many Have You Written: 34 
What Do You Know Now That You Wish You’d Known Then: The skills of writing
What is Your Favorite Bible Story: The story of Jesus
What is Your Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11
What is Your Favorite Hymn: He Lives 
What is an Ongoing Prayer Request You Have: That my sons who are not walking with God would turn back to Him


  1. Vickie,
    It's great getting to know you :) Four sons, I'm so jealous. I just have one. Who needs girls LOL

  2. Hey, Vickie! Always fun to learn more about you wonderful ladies. French silk pie is killer. :)

  3. Nice to meet you, Vickie! I agree about the French silk pie. Yum!

  4. Nice to meet you, Vickie. I'm really enjoying these Friday Sisterhood blogs.

  5. What a cutie. Your grandson? I've never heard of French silk pie so I had to google it. It looks like what we'd call in Canada a chocolate cream pie. Yummy.

  6. I enjoyed getting to know more about you, Vickie. Dads play such a big part in our lives. Sounds like your dad made a huge impression on you. I'd be interested in hearing more about that if you care to share. Did he offer words of encouragement, teach you valuable lessons, etc?

  7. Good to get to know more about you.

  8. Four sons. Sounds like a super-active household. :-)

  9. Vickie, it was great getting to know more about you!

  10. Thanks for sharing yourself with us.

  11. Thanks, everybody for welcoming me today. I didn't know when I signed up for the interview that I'd be traveling today. My husband and I just drove 10 1/2 hours from Tulsa, OK to Nashville. I'm glad to be settled in our hotel room.

    Pamela, I joke about God giving me four boys to raise so I'd know how to deal with my one grand-daughter. :)

    Hi Mindy! Yep. French Silk Pie is to die for. Mmmm...

    Christine, you must be a kindred spirit if you love FSP.

    Hi Jean. I'm glad you're enjoying getting to know the Craftie Ladies!

    Hi Sandra. That is my grand-daughter, Hailey. You're really missing out by not having any French Silk PIe. It's yummy!

    Keli, You know, I can't remember my dad ever sitting me down and teaching me any lessons. He was a big marshmallow. Mom was the disciplinarian. With Dad, you just want to make him happy. I couldn't stand disappointing him.

    Thank, Leann!

    Carolyn, Yes, our house was active when the boys were young. What's ironic is that I married a marshmallow like my dad, and I ended up being the disciplinarian.

    Thanks, Missy!

  12. Great interview, Vickie! So fun to get to know more about you!


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