Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Celebrating with Friends!

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the launch party for not one, but TWO of my friends who are celebrating their first published books!

Ane signing a copy of her book for her waiting fans!
Many in Christian publishing know Ane Mulligan; her exuberant spirit, her keen sense of fun and her inability to say ‘no’ to any job, large or small. Ane came into my life five years ago when she invited me to join a small group called the Seedwriters. Since my arrival back in Georgia, we’ve talked story and structure, brainstormed more books than either of us could ever possibly write and become the dearest of friends. She’s my sounding board when I need to bounce ideas off of, and my partner in crime. Seeing her book, Chapel Springs Revival get published and the overwhelming response it’s received has blessed me clean down to my arthritic toes!

Jim meeting his fans!
I’d never met anyone with honest-to-goodness ties to the Mafia until I met Jim Hall. The lone male in our Seedwriters hen house, Jim is a gentle man with a ready smile and a heart completely sold out to Jesus. When he speaks, it’s will a conviction for those most people would steer clear of. Jim bravely shares his story of life in the Mafia--from standing trial in front of a federal judge he and others in the organization had plotted to murder to the soul changing events which led him into full time ministry and to writing his story, Connected; From Godfather to God the Father. Jim has encouraged and challenged me, both as a writer and as a person. But best of all, he’s read and posted reviews of my books on Amazon--now that’s a real friend!

Congratulations to Ane and Jim on a successful book launch!

Hearts Rekindled

"I'm Here to See My Daughter."

She never thought she'd see John Davenport again. Merrilee Daniels Davenport's former husband has returned to their small Georgia town after fighting in the Pacific. And now the soldier is bearing a letter from the little girl he didn't know he had. Merrilee wishes that she and her daughter could lean on John's able shoulders, but her new assignment as a homeland informant won't allow it.

Twelve years have only made Merrilee more beautiful in John's eyes. Back then, he was the proud fool who walked away. Now all he wants is to prove he can be the husband she deserves, and the daddy his daughter needs.


  1. How fun to celebrate this moment with two friends. Congratulations to Ane and Jim, and thank you for sharing a bit of their stories.

  2. Patty, thanks for sharing this. I had a fun time a few years ago having lunch with Ane and sharing a plane ride after an ACFW conference.

  3. cool to celebrate the launches. Jims story sounds interesting and I have seen Ane at Seekerville. Your book also sounds intriguing.

  4. Thanks for sharing with your readers, Patty!

    Thank you, Christine!

    Merrillee, I remember our lunch and place ride. :)

    Thank you, Jenny!.

  5. Congrats to Ane!

    Yes, she's a delightful woman! Always so warm and welcoming. I'm thrilled about her debut.

    Jim's book sounds intriguing. Love his title.

    Patty, thanks for sharing pictures of such a special launch party!

  6. Great post, Patty, now I have 3 more books I'm eager to read!

  7. I just got Ane's book today and can't wait to read it!!!


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