Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Blessings and Book Ideas

Rhonda Gibson here:

You know that moment when you know you are truly blessed? Well, today I feel that way. I love that Love Inspired publishes historical romances. The month of June is when Pony Express Hero comes out. And, I'm blessed to share the bookshelves with these other three books.

I've had the pleasure of reading other books by Janet, Karen and Lily and know their books are great! So I'll be buying all three when they show up at my Walmart. It is a blessing to be in such great company.

I'm also blessed that I come across such interesting things that bring about the ideas for my books. The idea for Pony Express Hero came when I read an article about a hugh Texas ranch and how the owner died leaving his daughter in charge of the ranch. The author of the article jokingly wrote, "I wonder if she had a hard time finding an honest husband?" That question got my brain to thinking and soon Pony Express Hero was born.

If you are a writer/author, how did you come up with the basic idea for your current book?
If you are a reader, have you come across any ideas that you'd like to see as the basic idea in one of our books? Inquiring minds want to know.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Craftie Ladies Love Inspired Contemporary Romance June 2016 Releases

Below are the new releases from our talented Love Inspired Contemporary Romance writers here at the Craftie Ladies of Romance. To buy any of these wonderful books, just click the book cover. And to learn more about the authors, click on their names.


http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0373719612/ref=s9_simh_gw_g14_i1_r?ie=UTF8&fpl=fresh&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=desktop-1&pf_rd_r=0E69QYQA6C9D52PB6J94&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=2437869742&pf_rd_i=desktopThe Cowboy Meets His Match 
by Leann Harris

Sawyer Jensen is ready to grab life—and his new job—by the horns. The tall, hazel-eyed cowboy has been brought in to revive Quay/Harding Bi-County faltering rodeo, but his biggest challenge may be taking on Erin Delong. The beautiful rodeo rider was in the running for Sawyer’s job, and she’s not walking away without a fight. Sawyer is no stranger to conflict, but the feelings Erin is stirring in him are brand-new. Her independence spirit both intrigues and scares him. As it turns out, Sawyer’s biggest project will be repairing his own wounded heart—and Erin may be just the perfect person for the job.

RODEO HEROES: Only love can tame these cowboys.

Falling for the Hometown Hero
by Mindy Obenhaus

After returning home wounded from an IED attack, former soldier Kaleb Palmer is hailed as a hero. But survivor's guilt makes him feel like a fraud. He hopes setting up a business in Ouray, Colorado, will give him a purpose and help him forget. But his new office manager has her own plans. Grace McAllen brings light and hope wherever she goes, and she's getting Kaleb to open up. As she helps him make Mountain View Jeep Tours a success, Kaleb realizes a happy ending is in reach, if he can convince Grace to stay in town—and his life—forever.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

FEATURED BOOK AND INTERVIEW: Truth and Consequences by Lenora Worth

Honoring a promise to a fallen comrade, former army medic David Evans heads to Arizona to check up on the soldier's sister. But as his train pulls into Desert Valley, David witnesses a drug run gone wrong and narrowly avoids the bullets flying his way. And when the police show up, he discovers the investigating officer is the woman he's supposed to look after. With a fiercely protective K-9 partner and a new badge, Whitney Godwin insists she can take care of herself and her infant daughter. But the criminals want both David and Whitney permanently silenced, so David will stop at nothing to protect the family he yearns to join. 
Rookie K-9 Unit: These lawmen solve the toughest cases with the help of their brave canine partners

Today we're welcoming K-9 Officer Hunter one of the heroes in Truth and Consequences written by Lenora Worth, a May release by Love Inspired Suspense

Wow, you've just had quite an adventure.   
1.  Tell us a little about yourself and how you came to be in the midst of such suspense. Woof! I was born and raised right here in Desert Valley, in what the humans call the K-9 Training Center. My brothers and sisters are scattered all over this state, but I’m here for now. I’m a working dog. I’m a K-9 Officer. Well, technically I’m still a rookie. Woof! Woof!

2.  So, during the book you met David Evans and Whitney Godwin.  Tell us a bit about him/her.  What was your first impression?  When did you know it was love? Growl. I fell in love with Whitney the first time I met her. I knew we were destined to be partners for a long time. And little Shelby, her baby girl. What red-blooded dog wouldn’t love that cutie. I’ll protect her with my life. David? I’m still not sure about him but he seems mighty determined to protect those two, same as me. I’ll figure out his story sooner or later. I don’t detect any danger with him, which is good. I’d hate to bite the man.
3.  What strengths/skills do you have?  What is your greatest weakness?  My strength is that I’m good at finding illegal drugs and man, do we have something going on with the trains moving through here. They try to hide drugs from me but I can sniff through just about anything and smell heroin or cocaine. Bad stuff.        
4.  What scares you? I don’t get too scared but I do get pretty aggressive if those I love are being threatened. I’m trained to work on command and I only ask for chew toys and food as my reward. But don’t mess with my humans. I’ll take you down.

5. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I wish I could tell my humans how much I love them. I try with my eyes and my ears and my wagging tail. But I hope they know I’m willing to do anything to protect and serve.

6.  Where are you in your faith at the start of your story? I’m pretty sure there is a Big Guy in the sky. He gave me Whitney and Shelby, so I’m thankful for that.
7.  Where are you in your faith at the end of the story? Even stronger. Now I have David, too. He’s so good to my two girls. He loves them as much as I do. Thank you, Big Guy in the Sky.
8. You've got a scripture at the beginning of the story.  Tell us why this scripture is significant.   “For where envying and contention is, there is inconstancy, and every evil work.” This means that bad men will do anything in their power to try and control the world around them. But I have seen what that kind of evil can do. My human partner and I aim to stop that.

9. If you could be a dessert what would you be and why? I’d be a doggy treat, of course. ‘Cause I love me some doggie treats!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Blast From The Past – Guess the author

It's that time when we glimpse into the past of one of our Craftie Ladies. The first reader to correctly guess this month's author will receive either a copy of her latest release or any of her Love Inspired backlist books.
Here we go…


From an early age I've had a connection with the sea. First my grandfather brought my brother and I boating. Then my husband and I sailed the Great Lakes on our little 26-foot sailboat that was as old as me. Here I am manning the tiller as we come out of port. That was always my job, and I usually figured out left from right. A tiller works opposite a steering wheel, so the brain doesn't always want to turn the correct way. My husband handled the sails. He probably figured I would slip and fall overboard, and he might have been right!

My books often have some adventure in them, and I try to sneak in a sea voyage when possible.

Do you know who this is?  Well, here's one more hint. Her latest release begins on a passenger steamboat.

Leave your guess in the comments to be entered in the contest. And be sure to look for more clues in the comment section throughout the day.

Good luck!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Exercise by Leann Harris

A couple of months ago, my husband and I received gym memberships from our health insurer. We could go to any of the listed gyms for free, join the silver sneakers classes (that hurt). The card came at the right time since I wanted to go back to the gym. My legs have gotten mushy and suddenly my balance went rocky. Years ago, I hired a trainer and surprised myself by loving it. I felt so much better and my sessions at the gym helped my creativity. I worked out all sorts of plot problems and let my characters talk to me. I plan to do it all over again. Trainer, exercise, equipment. Besides regaining my strength and toning my limbs (the sagging biceps) I want to boost my creativity. I've had more ah-ha moments on the treadmill than I can tell you.
Do you like to exercise? If so, what you like to do?
This is the cover of my June book where Sawyer and Erin want to reorganize the rodeo in her hometown. They clash, but they also discover how working together will make the job easier.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A Poem

Pamela Tracy here.

Recently, some friends and I did posts on what we were doing at age 24.  I was in college.  That's me at 24.

Interestingly enough, I'm in college again.  Don't ask my age.

This morning, instead of writing my blog in a timely manner, I was doing homework.  I had to write a poem (I don't even like poems, not really, unless they're long)

So, here's my poem.  The topic I was given was City

Since I live in the greater Phoenix area and commute to work (which greatly affects my writing time), I wrote about traffic, which I then equated to life.

The Center of the World

Men in long sleeves, dirty orange shirts
One has his arm resting atop the door
Tomas’s Lawn Service Truck: serviceable
That’s the steady business in front me at fifteen minutes after two.

Rush hour begins at five, I want to say
Lips press together
No words make the traffic go away

Businessman in suit, no ties in this state
Cell phone to his ear
Silver Audi to my left: plaything
That’s the man, edging in front of me, who should have changed lanes last year

School ends at three, I want to say
Lips press together
Late to pick up my son, not okay

Young women, short sleeves smile on their faces
Singing to the music about love and fate
Ford 350, bright red: power
That’s the diesel behind me, dreaming of the future, three truck payments late

Husband home at four, I want to say
Lips press together
No chance I’ll be home first today

Old man, short sleeves, baggy shorts
No place to go but an urgent need to roam
Old Chevy, to my right, silver: like his hair
That’s the history slowing me trying to find his way home

Supper begins at six, I want to say
Lips press together
Again, there will be a delay

Wife, mother, daughter, wearing jeans and tennis shoe
Knowing she needs to pay the bills
Knowing her husband will bring work home
Knowing her children are out with friends 
Knowing her dad is hoping for a visit, at least a phone call
Through it all, I am the glue

Brake lights flare, end, vehicles accelerate, move, and finally the interstate, again, allows the tired, steady ride of life  

Monday, May 23, 2016

Craftie Ladies Love Inspired Suspense May 2016 Releases

Below are the new releases from our talented Love Inspired Suspense writers here at the Craftie Ladies of Romance. To buy any of these wonderful books, just click the book cover. And to learn more about the authors, click on their names.


Truth and Consequences 
by Lenora Worth

When Honoring a promise to a fallen comrade, former army medic David Evans heads to Arizona to check up on the soldier's sister. But as his train pulls into Desert Valley, David witnesses a drug run gone wrong and narrowly avoids the bullets flying his way. And when the police show up, he discovers the investigating officer is the woman he's supposed to look after. With a fiercely protective K-9 partner and a new badge, Whitney Godwin insists she can take care of herself and her infant daughter. But the criminals want both David and Whitney permanently silenced, so David will stop at nothing to protect the family he yearns to join.

http://www.amazon.com/Seaside-Secrets-Pacific-Coast-Private-ebook/dp/B015W8IXOE/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1462198138&sr=8-2&keywords=Seaside+secretsSeaside Secrets
by Dana Mentink 

Navy chaplain Angela Gallagher wants to put the past behind her, but she's still haunted by the wartime death of her assistant. So when his brother claims he's in danger and pleads for her to use her family's private detective company's resources to help him stay alive, she can't turn him down. But someone will stop at nothing—even murder—to keep her from revealing their secrets. She'll have to depend on a military colleague to keep her head above water. Dr. Dan Blackwell was in the field with her when her assistant died, and he's determined to keep her safe. Can they sift through the web of lies to find the truth without losing their lives?

Thursday, May 19, 2016

What We Are Writing

What We Are Writing
By Margaret Daley

Author: Pamela Tracy
Title: TBA, book 1 of the 2017 continuity series.  I'm calling it An Unlikely Hero
Hero and Heroine: Shelley Brubaker, victim of a con and broke; Oscar Guzman, police officer whose family was conned by Shelley's ex-husband.
Line: Harlequin Heartwarming
One paragraph from the page you are currently on: “I am your daughter Shelley.  I’m here visiting you, Dad.  I brought you some Snickers for you candy bowl.”  She’d spent money she didn’t have for candy he shouldn’t have.  Because... because she had to leave, disappear, figure out how to keep her children safe from their father. And in the process she’d lose contact with her own father when he needed her most.
Due date: July 8
Word Count goal today: 2000
Something cool learned recently from research: Small town police officers often work 12 hour shifts

Author:  Jean C. Gordon
Title: Reclaiming His Family
Hero and Heroine: Rhys Maddox and Renee Delacroix
Line:  Love Inspired Romance
One paragraph from the page you are currently on:  “I have a clean T-shirt that should fit you. It’s from a promotion the experimental farm where Claire works ran. She had some left over.” Renee clamped her mouth shut. He didn’t need the shirt’s life history. “I’ll leave it here in the hall.”
Due date:  July 25
Word count goal today: 1,000
Something cool learned recently from research: The sound a car makes when the alternator is shot.

Author:  Patricia Johns
Title: The Triplets' Cowboy Daddy
Hero and Heroine: Easton Ross and Nora Carpenter
Line:  Western Romance
One paragraph from the page you are currently on: 
Nora had only had the babies in her charge for a day, but she was already attached. They were so sweet, and so different from each other. Rosie was the quietest of the three, and Riley couldn’t abide a wet diaper. Bo Bo seemed to have the strongest personality, though, and Nora could already imagine their sisterly dynamic as they grew.
Due date:  October 2016--I'm getting it done early!
Word count goal today: 1500-2000 words
Something cool learned recently from research: 
I'm researching how moms deal with three newborns. How do you feed them all at once? How do you take them places? This is definitely fun!

Author: Mindy Obenhaus
Title:  The Widow Next Door
Hero and Heroine:  Andrew and Carly
Line:  Love Inspired
One paragraph from the page you are currently on:  The outpouring of support had Carly feeling overwhelmed. She was blessed to have such wonderful friends. But as small arms worked their way around her waist and she gazed down into her daughter’s troubled blue eyes, Carly couldn’t help worrying. While Megan had been able to laugh with the girls, now that they’d gone home, reality had again taken center stage. A reality once more marred by tragedy, thanks to Carly. One that could very well change Megan’s life forever.
Due date:  July 15
Word count goal today: 1500
Something cool learned recently from research:  Fire restoration companies do some pretty amazing work. J

Author: Danica Favorite
Title: TBD: Working title Gentleman in Disguise
Hero and Heroine: Flora Montgomery and George Baxter
Line:  Love Inspired Historical
One paragraph from the page you are currently on:
Stark raving mad. If Flora Montgomery had to describe herself in this latest scheme, that’s what she would say she was. Oh, she’d done some crazy things in the past. Horrible things. But nothing so insane as agreeing to spend the summer in a mining camp helping the less fortunate.
 Due date:  ASAP, hoping within the month. This is a new proposal, so I don’t have a firm deadline.
Word count goal today: None, I am writing the proposal, so since I am in the middle of the synopsis, word count is fluid.

Author: Jill Kemerer
Title: Wedding for the Rancher
Hero and Heroine: Clint Romine and Brooke Stafford
Line:  Love Inspired
One paragraph from the page you are currently on:  
“Wait right there.” Brooke bellowed. She scampered next to him, placing her hand on his arm. “Don’t leave. You don’t have to tell me a thing. I trust you.”
Her words landed in his gut with a thud. When had he last heard those words? It had been a long time. Too long.
He didn’t even trust himself anymore.
Due date:  Not contracted yet
Word count goal today: None, since I'm working on final edits for a different book.
Something cool learned recently from research: Almost half of Wyoming is owned by the Federal government.

Author: Jolene Navarro
Title: Bergmann Sister #1; Nikki & the Cowboy Dad
Hero and Heroine: Adrian De La Cruz & Nikki Bergmann
Line:  Love Inspired
One paragraph from the page you are currently on:  
The breeze gently stirred her lose stands against his skin. Turning, she buried her face between his shoulder and neck. She didn't make a sound, but his shirt was wet. His heart broke. Birds flew from tree to tree, the horses munched on the green grass, the river moved around the rocks and over roots as he held her.
 Due date: June 1
Word count goal today: In editing mode.
Something cool learned recently from research: Not sure how cool, but I've been reading several stories of the bio mom's story of adoption. True love and sometimes heartbreak.

Author: Terri Reed
Title: TBA, book 1 of the 2017 Classified K-9 Unit continuity series
Hero and Heroine: FBI K-9 Agent Leo Gallagher and school teacher/widow/mom Alicia Duncan
Line: Love Inspired Suspense
One paragraph from the page you are currently on: They walked in silence. Alicia struggled to come up with something to say. Questions about Leo’s life peppered her mind but she held back. He obviously didn’t want to discuss his childhood. She had the feeling something bad had happened. Something that had taken him away from his family. And the thought made her heart to hurt.
Due date: July 1
Word Count goal today: 2000
Something cool learned recently from research: Water detection dogs will detect the gaseous molecules rising to the surface of a body of water from a drowned and decomposing human body.

Author: Louise M. Gouge
Title: Cowgirl under the Mistletoe
Hero and Heroine: Pastor Micah Thomas and Deputy Grace Eberly
Line:  Harlequin's Love Inspired Historical
One paragraph from the page you are currently on:
She'd known she'd never marry because of the way men saw her--gawky, too tall, plain. But now, the one man who treated her just right and changed her mind about romance was marrying somebody else.
Due date:  March 15, 2016 (turned in on time, yea!)
Release date: December 2016
Word count goal today: Working on copyedits now.
Something cool learned recently from research:  When a cowboy "fans" his pistol in a shootout, it may look like fancy shooting, but it messes up his aim and can damage the shooting mechanism.

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