Thursday, May 31, 2018

A Reader's Wishing for Wedding Bells... by Maggie K. Black

Reader’s letters matter so much to us authors. Sometimes they even give us new ideas for books!

A few weeks ago I got an email from a reader called Nancy who had just read Undercover Holiday Fiancée and The Littlest Target, which are the first of my two books about the Henry brothers. 

Nancy said, “I am eagerly looking forward to the next books that star the remaining Henry brothers. I am hoping that Trent and Chloe will have their wedding in one of them, plus that the Henry team will apprehend their sister’s killer. I kind of get carried away with the friends I find in the books I read.”

I know just how she feels! One of my all time favorite authors is Madeleine L’Engle who had characters that often crisscrossed between books. Once I was so eager to discover what had happened to one character who’d disappeared from her stories that I read some of her rough drafts, which her family had generously donated to Wheaton College, to find out what had happened to him. 

Now, thanks to Nancy’s email Trent and Chloe’s wedding is very much on my mind! Although I’m not sure when their big day is going to happen. Knowing them they might have a long engagement. I’ll keep you posted, Nancy!

My next book is Standing Fast. It’s the fourth book in the Military K-9 Unit series following on from the first thrilling three books by Terri Reed, Valerie Hansen and Dana Mentink. It was my first book starring characters that appeared in other author’s books. Single dad Chase McLear is suspected of helping a serial killer. Preschool teacher Maisy Lockwood is the daughter of one of the killer’s victims and suspects Chase might’ve been framed. It’s up to trainee K-9 dog Queenie to help sniff out the truth before it’s too late.

Are there any main characters you love that have reappeared in other books? Or characters from old books you wish you could catch up on?

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Oops - and hello there!

So here I sat, wondering what to do next and...

I got an email from Terri Reed. She was wondering if I knew it was my day to post. NOPE! Not a clue. But that's all right. I have no trouble rambling on for your pleasure and possible amusement.

Actually my week so far has been great. I learned last week that Bound By Duty was on the USA Today bestseller list and this morning I took a notion to look on Amazon and found it at #33 for Kindle. When the other authors and I - Terri Reed, Dana Mentink, Maggie Black, Lenora Worth, Lynette Eason, Laura Scott, Shirlee McCoy, and then novellas by Laura Scott and me again - came to the end of writing that Military K-9 Unit series we felt a lot like the picture above. At least I did. :)

It's a good thing we all love what we do because that series was a real killer. I, for instance, had to give myself a crash course (no pun intended) in the US Air Force. Whew! But we were thrilled at the result and I'm sure readers will be, too. We did interviews with service members, of course, as well as reading and boning up on protocol. At least I now know who to salute!
 The one thing I haven't been able to convince my NY editor to buy is a story about a special K-9 poodle. Yes, I have one of those, although her tracking skills are limited to tiny bits of kibble and whatever I may have forgotten in my pocket.  She reads, you know. I had to buy a second copy of one of Lenora's K-9 books when my darling Hope helped herself to it and wasn't careful enough turning the pages.
I went out to see a movie a while back and reached in my jacket pocket to see if I had a mint stashed there. Nope. All I had was dog treats! And nobody wanted to share. What killjoys.
I and my fellow authors hope you enjoy our K-9 books as well as all the others. Next time I'll try to be on time for this blog. Just don't be too disappointed if it slips my mind while I'm "living" other lives of chaos, romance and danger.  God Bless, Val

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Holiday Joys

            Good morning – Lorraine Beatty here. I hope everyone had a fun and or relaxing holiday shared with family and food and lots of sunshine. Growing up, my holidays were like that. The grandparents and aunts and uncles would get together at a local park and grill burgers, play ball and take hikes through the park trails. But these days my hubby and are living our retirement years and our holidays are more quiet. We live in Mississippi but our families live in Ohio. Our sons and their families live in Louisiana and Tennessee - a little too far to come for a three day weekend.

            This year however we had a really wonderful holiday weekend. We just had it the week before Memorial Day. This past February my husband and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. Our sons gave us the gift of a family weekend in Panama City Beach. We all love staying at the Gulf Beaches so it was the perfect place to get together, and better than a huge party that some people get. We had one on one time with the grandchildren, lots of morning coffee talk with our sons and daughters-in-law and each evening we went out to eat. This mom was in high cotton all weekend and supremely grateful for her sweet family.

            Holidays are special, whether it’s an anniversary celebration or a birthday or Mother’s Day. I like including special days in my books whenever possible. Christmas of course is the most popular  holiday featured in the Love Inspired books. But the editors are also eager for us to incorporate other holidays as well.

            My June release – Her Fresh Start Family – has a child’s birthday theme running through it. Single dad Bret’s youngest daughter, Georgie is very clear about what she wants for her birthday. A princess dress, a book about bugs and a puppy. I chose the party as one of my suggested scenes for the cover and I was thrilled when I first saw the cover. You can see for yourself that all her requests are granted – the heroine is holding the gift that contains the bug book.

            Celebrations, especially family ones give a sense of reality to the stories for me. No matter what’s happening in the character’s lives – death, loss, change, emotional upheaval - the holidays and birthdays and anniversaries still come around and allow us to take a step away from our troubles and remind ourselves of what’s really important. Sometimes our characters need to be reminded as well. We give them so much angst and turmoil to deal with in our books it’s nice to let them take a deep breath and enjoy a few happy moments.

            Both my characters in this books are dealing with multiple issues of loss, regret and guilt some of which overlap with each other and when it comes to light they both will need to rely on the Lords strength and guidance to cope and overcome.

            Do you like reading about celebrations in the Love Inspired books?  One thing I don’t recall seeing often is a birthday celebration for the hero. Hum. Maybe I’ll put one in a book soon. What holidays would you like to see in a Love Inspired book?

You can reach me at:

Facebook – Lorraine Beatty, Author

Monday, May 28, 2018

New for June from Our Love Inspired Contemporary Authors

Jean C. Gordon here with five new must buys from our Love Inspired Contemporary authors. Just click on a cover to purchase it. And to learn more about Lorraine, Jo Ann, Deb, Jill, and Allie, click on their names.
Her Fresh Start Family
by Lorraine Beatty 

A new life. A new love.
But will secrets tear them apart?

Struggling with a tragic loss, widow Nina Johnson seeks a fresh start in a small Southern town. Then she meets handsome veteran Brad Sinclair and his sweet daughters. Bret’s no stranger to loss, and his companionship is the solace Nina’s been searching for. Until a dark secret from Bret’s past is exposed, threatening to break apart these Mississippi Hearts.
The Amish Suiter
by Jo Ann Brown 

A Family Comes Courting…
The Amish Spinster Club series begins!

With his orphaned nephew depending on him, Amish carpenter Eli Troyer moves to Harmony Creek Hollow to start over. And when schoolteacher Miriam Hartz offers to teach Eli, who is hard of hearing, how to read lips, he can’t refuse. Spending time with Miriam forges a bond between them. Can two wounded hearts overcome their pasts to make a family together?
And Cowboy Makes Three
by Deb Kastner 

She fled their wedding years ago
Now she’s back…with a baby!

Coming home with a baby and no wedding ring was just what everyone in Cowboy Country expected from bad girl Angelica Carmichael. But she’ll brave their scorn to fulfill Granny Frances’s dying wishes, even if it means ranching with Rowdy Masterson…her jilted ex-groom. Rowdy’s still bitter but this new, softer Angelica—paired with a precious baby—might be too loveable to resist!
His Surprise Son
by Allie Pleiter 

Mayor with a past
Faced with her son’s father!

Mayor Jean Matrim’s plan to turn Matrimony Valley into a wedding destination is going swimmingly for the town—and disastrously for Jean. Their first bride’s stepbrother is Jean’s ex-fiancé…and the father of her son. Hiding Jonah’s existence from Josh Tyler wasn’t something Jean chose lightly. More stands between them now than ever before. Will the little boy be enough to bring them together at last?
Reunited with the Bull Rider
by Jill Kemerer 

Goodbye rodeo, hello hometown
But is this Wyoming Cowboy ready to face his past?

Amy Deerson wanted to mentor a child. Her plan did not include former bull rider Nash Bolton—the little girl’s brother and guardian. It’s been a decade since Nash left town without a word, breaking Amy’s young heart. Now they must put their painful past aside to help fragile, traumatized Ruby. If only getting over their first love were that simple.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Sunday Scripture

Trinity Sunday

The Great Commission, stained glass window,
Cathedral Parish of Saint Patrick in El Paso, Texas.
[GNU Free Documentation License]

The eleven disciples went to Galilee,
to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them.
When they all saw him, they worshiped, but they doubted.
Then Jesus approached and said to them,
"All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."
Matthew 28:16-20

On this Memorial Day Weekend, we give
thanks for our fallen military heroes. 
God bless them for their 
sacrifice and courage
and provide comfort and peace 
to their friends and families.

If you have prayer needs, please mention them in the comments section so we can join you in prayer. You do not need to include specific names or situations of a private nature, just say that you have a prayer request. The Lord knows your heart and the needs you have. It is a privilege and honor to pray with you and for you.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

When Characters Surprise You by Heather Woodhaven

Did you know that today is Scavenger Hunt Day? I love celebrating fun holidays and this seemed particularly relevant as I’ve been running around searching for various items for my daughter’s wedding, happening in twenty-five days! 

In Protected Secrets (click here), my main character, Deputy Marshal Delaney Patton, probably wouldn’t appreciate the holiday since her handsome witness, Bruce Walker, and his adorable daughter, Winnie, are the ones being hunted by a dangerous criminal organization.

My heroine struggles to accept that God would want to bless and heal her situation after she’s made so many mistakes. As a writer who has her own control issues, I can see the error in her faulty thinking, but in my day-to-day life I think I continually need the big picture reminder that He’s already paid the ultimate price for all our mistakes to give us the best blessing of all. And, often, I think my eyes are blind to the many blessings he gives me daily. 

Just this morning, I had just taken the kids to school and was about to start my workday. I started to pray, “Lord I could really use some encouragement today—” when a gentle knock sounded at the door. 

A friend I hadn’t seen in ages stood on my patio. “I can’t stay.” She handed me a card and a bar of chocolate and took off. 

After marveling at such a sweet gesture out of the blue, I texted her a thank you. But, she’d recently changed numbers, so I ended up texting it a stranger. Took me about ten minutes to realize it and send a second message. Hope I didn't cause a fight for someone!
After writing down similar situations as future fodder for a novel, I went back to finish my prayer when I realized he had literally just answered it. I'd almost been too focused on my own stress and tasks to realize it. 

As a writer, when my characters teach or remind me of things I had no intention of learning, I get annoyed…and eventually grateful. What about you? As a reader (or writer), are you ever taken off guard when a character’s struggles apply to your own life? 

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Under the Weather

Hi Everyone, Danica Favorite here, and I am SO SORRY for being late with my post today. As my title and graphic indicate, I am really sick with a virus right now and I am forgetting everything. I got an email from the lovely Pamela Tracy today, reminding me, and I told her I'd get right on it, and then my computer crashed. I guess I'm not the only one with a virus. Kidding, I don't have a computer virus, I just had a bunch of overdue updates, and then... well, here I am.

Since it's a virus, there's nothing for me to do but wait it out to get better. I'm a big believer in alternative therapies, so I've been using my essential oils, taking my herbs and supplements, and doing all the other natural remedies I can think of to hopefully make my symptoms go away faster.

And, I've got books to write! I have so much on my plate right now that I don't have time to be sick! Isn't that how it always happens, though? You never get sick when you have a bunch of spare time floating around. :)

But in happy news, I found out that my first book with Love Inspired after my move from Love Inspired Historical will be out in February 2019, and it looks like the title will be Her Cowboy Inheritance. I'm really looking forward to giving you all a peek at it when I have more information.

So tell me your favorite ways to feel better when you have a virus! I'll draw a winner for a book from my backlist. Next time you hear from me, I'll be my normal chipper self.

About Danica Favorite:

A self-professed crazy chicken lady, Danica Favorite loves the adventure of living a creative life. She and her family recently moved in to their dream home in the mountains above Denver, Colorado.  Danica loves to explore the depths of human nature and follow people on the journey to happily ever after. Though the journey is often bumpy, those bumps are what refine imperfect characters as they live the life God created them for. Oops, that just spoiled the ending of all of Danica’s stories. Then again, getting there is all the fun.
You can connect with Danica at the following places:

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Lessons to Be Learned and Thanks to Be Given by Jo Ann Brown

When inspiration struck while doing some research for another story, the Amish Spinster Club books were born. Deciding on the location was simple. I would set it in my hometown, not far from where an actual Amish settlement has recently set down roots. I decided to let the last book in my Amish Hearts series serve as a transition by moving one of the Stoltzfus siblings to a farm along a creek not far from Salem, New York.
But now it was time to start creating the characters for the new series, especially the four members of the Harmony Creek Spinsters’ Club. These young women, who were past the usual marrying age, didn’t want to hang out with teens any longer, but wanted to have get-togethers and frolics and outings. I knew the heroes they deserved would come along as the stories developed.
But who were my heroines? I chose Miriam Hartz as the heroine of the first book because she was already intriguing to me. She’d come to the new settlement with her brother whose idea it was to create it in the first place. What sort of person was she?
In this case, the answer came quickly. Miriam was someone who brought out the best in others by being there for them, supporting her friends and community, stepping up when there was a task to be done, inspiring others to doing better than they’d thought they could. She had a heart-deep reason not to want to be around children, so of course, her brother asks her to be the temporary teacher for the settlement. To me it seemed obvious, because I see teachers as those who support and inspire.
I had some extraordinary teachers. We were a small school, covering five townships/villages, with 650 kids in K-12. We knew each other and everyone’s siblings and parents, and our teachers were part of that extended family. Some teachers had been there long enough to teach our parents. One of those was Miss Barkley, my third grade teacher. We were her 65th class (yep, you read that right – she’d been teaching for sixty-five years), and she believed in inspiring students by making learning fun. As a result of her skills, we were through our year’s syllabus before Thanksgiving. The rest of the year, we kept learning and were far ahead of where we were supposed to be in math and language arts by the end of the school year. She inspired me with a love for words and books and daring to do things I couldn’t have imagined until I met her.
On the other hand, Mrs. Musser, my freshman and sophomore English teacher, was fresh out of college, and she believed in inspiring students by challenging them. I’d been coasting along in school on my creative writing...doing enough to get by while I worked on my own stories at home. My first homework assignment came back with a C+ instead the usual A. I was shocked and heartbroken...and I realized I was going to have to learn more if I wanted to be an author as I dreamed. So, after wiping away the tears (the only time I ever cried over a grade), I promised myself right then and there, I was going to prove to her that I was a good writer. That was our last assignment for freshman year, but I was ready the year. The first creative writing project meant thinking about exactly which words I wanted to use to convey the mood of what I was trying to create in those three pages. It was returned to me with a grade of B+ and a note that said (and I remember it all these years later): What happened to you over the summer? I was walking on air, so happy that I’d dared to show her what I really wanted to do rather than hiding my dream in my heart. Years later, when I was a newly published author, I did a presentation for her freshman class...and told that story to the delight of every student there. I hope I inspired at least one as she’d inspired me. Though she didn’t remember the circumstances.
For almost thirty years, I’ve been teaching creative writing. Every time I get in front of a class, I think of those two teachers and how inspiration was their most important teaching tool.
That’s why I chose for Miriam to be a teacher, not just in the classroom, but in her life. I hope all of you have such teachers in your lives, too. They’re a true gift we’re blessed to have light our way. Thanks to each and every one of you.
Check out Miriam's story in The Amish Suitor, the first book in the Amish Spinster Club quartet. It's available in print today May 22, 2018. The ebook will be for sale on June 1, 2018.

Monday, May 21, 2018

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Sit Back and Read with the Love Inspired Reader Service

Choose two FREE books from any inspirational series.

Join contemporary and historical Christian characters as they experience the challenges of life, the promise of hope and the wonder of romance.

Read a FREE excerpt. Decide which series you like best. Choose Regular or Larger Print. Love Inspired will send your two free books plus two mystery gifts (approximate retail value of $10) directly to your door. Once you're a member, all you have to do is sit back and read.

Sign up today!

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Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sunday Scripture

Pentecost, Jean II Restout, 1732. [PD-US]

On the evening of that first day of the week,
when the doors were locked, where the disciples were,
for fear of the Jews,
Jesus came and stood in their midst
and said to them, "Peace be with you."
When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side.
The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.
Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you.
As the Father has sent me, so I send you."
And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them,
"Receive the Holy Spirit.
Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them,
and whose sins you retain are retained."
John 20:19-23

If you have prayer needs, please mention them in the comments section so we can join you in prayer. You do not need to include specific names or situations of a private nature, just say that you have a prayer request. The Lord knows your heart and the needs you have. It is a privilege and honor to pray with you and for you.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Family Mystery

Hi y’all! Virginia Vaughan here!

When I was growing up, I was sure I had to be adopted! I was so different from my brothers and sister. I was the shy, introverted, preferring to read and make up stories in my head as my siblings and cousins raced around like mad men type. I definitely did not fit in. My parents assured me again and again (yes, I was persistent in my belief) that it was not true and I finally had no choice but to believe them. After all, they had all those cute stories about my birth and the photos to back them up.


So, imagine my surprise when, as a naïve eleven-year-old, I finally learned the big dark family secret. No, I wasn’t adopted…but my father was.
Image may contain: 1 person
My dad holding my youngest

I used my best Nancy Drew investigative skills (and a little math) to piece together the truth about this mystery after seeing a sign on my grandparent’s front door that read, “The Williamsons since 1943”. Even at that young age, I knew my father had been born in the year 1941.

I had my very own mystery to solve!

My grandmother was the one to finally fill me in on the big family secret. She’d been married before and her first husband was my dad’s biological father. This first husband left her soon after my dad was born and she then married the man I know as my grandfather. He adopted my dad and they became a family. End of story.

Yet my curious mind wouldn’t let it go. Who was this mysterious man who had bailed on my dad? I pondered this mystery for years (hey, it was pre-internet so what else was I going to do), wondering about this man every so often and if he had other kids and grand kids that might be like me on those continuing times when I realized I was the odd one out in my family. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I talked to my father about this mystery man. To my surprise, he’d never wanted to meet him, never felt the need to look him up and demand answers. Instead, he’d lived his life the best he could believing that if that person wanted to know him, he would have tried.

I put that part of our family history to rest. I was adult by then with kids of my own and family responsibilities. 

But when I started writing my upcoming release, Cold Case Cover-Up, I couldn't help but think of him again. You see, my heroine, Dana Lang, learns about her adoption when her mom dies. Her job as an investigative journalist spurs her to start searching for answers about her true family…only to learn that they’d been murdered thirty years prior…and so was she. 

Determined to uncover the truth about this unsolved cold case, her only ally is Quinn Dawson, the grandson of the man she believes faked her death. But when it becomes clear someone in town wants this story to remain hidden, she starts to believe Quinn’s grandfather rescued her from the hands of a killer who got away with murder.

This story releases in August 2018 and kicks off my brand new LIS series titled Covert Operatives.

Pre-order your copy here

But while you’re waiting for Cold Case Cover-Up to arrive, have you checked out my Rangers Under Fire series? You can find out more about the first book in the series, Yuletide Abduction here, or check out my Amazon Author Page.

Maybe one day, I’ll learn the truth about what happened to this mystery grandfather I never knew. Truthfully, it’s not a priority in my life but more like a fun fact. 

So how about you? Have you ever found a long-lost father/mother/sibling? And was it the joyous family reunion you hoped for? I’m giving away a copy of Cold Case Cover-Up before it releases to one lucky person who comments. **GIVEAWAY CLOSED**


Find out more about my life, my family and my upcoming releases by signing up for my email list at I’m giving away an Amazon gift card each month to one of my subscribers!  Or follow me at Facebook , Twitter, and Instagram

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Let Me Introduce... by Christina Rich

Shortly after I joined the Crafty Ladies, the Love Inspired Historical authors received word that the line was closing. That was about a year ago, and I just realized that I've never really introduced myself or my books. Outside of my call story I don't think I've talked about my Love Inspired books at all. Partly because when I signed on as a blogger I fully expected to be writing about upcoming historical releases. Unfortunately, that never happened. Maybe one day (yes, I pray the market will scream for historicals once again) until then I intend on working toward submitting to the suspense line.

Anyway, here are my Love Inspired Historical releases.


A Kingdom in Jeopardy

An evil queen and her royal guards will stop at nothing to find—and kill—the rightful heir to the throne of Judah. When their pursuit leads them to Mira’s village, only her father’s bond servant, Ari, a man shrouded in secrets, can keep Mira safe.

Abandoning his life as a temple guard and becoming an indentured servant was the only way Ari could protect young Joash, the true King of Judah, from Queen Athaliah. But his sacred duty prevents him from confessing his feelings for his master’s daughter. With the future of their nation on the line, Ari and Mira will risk everything to save their people.


He Was Hers to Command

Swept away from her home and into the desert, Abigail is as much a prisoner as she is a princess. A ruthlessly ambitious captain of the palace guard intends to force her into marriage and rule Judah through her. Yet the badly beaten soldier Abigail rescues offers another choice—if she dares trust him.

She is royalty, yet Jesse is surprised by the gentle compassion Abigail shows him as he heals. In return, he will help her escape to Jerusalem, protecting her life with his own. But Abigail’s rank and Jesse’s deadly past makes any future impossible, unless forgiveness forged by love can triumph over all.


 Captain of Her Heart

Sold into slavery by her jealous sisters, Ada finds herself captive on the ship of a Greek merchant. Expecting a harsh new master, she’s surprised to find the captain compassionate—and attractive. Yet she can’t fall for the man who owns her—not when she watched her enslaved mother pine after her unyielding father.

Nicolaus only wants to rescue the beautiful, mistreated woman from the auction block. He plans to free Ada, just as soon as he secures his inheritance. Which means racing the ship back to his homeland to best his brother. If he loses, all his cargo will be forfeited—including Ada. But as perilous storms reveal her courage and grace, the question becomes, can his heart stand to let her go?


A Business Arrangement 

When the railroad pushes to buy her land, orphaned Cameron Sims will do anything to keep the only home she and her sisters have ever known. Even if she must marry a stranger. But she’s determined her agreement with the mysterious, dashing man—who’s unlike anything the Kansas railroad town has ever seen—will remain simply business.

Duncan Murray doesn’t want a wife. He wants Sims Creek, a sanctuary that can help him forget a troubled childhood. But his reluctant, and captivating, bride-to-be is key to making his dreams a reality. And despite their business arrangement, Camy and Duncan might be signing on the dotted line for true love…

 My first three books are set in Ancient Judah. The last is set in a fictional town based off a little community a few miles from my home. After having written in different eras I find that I love them all. However, I think Ancient Judah owns the bigger piece of my heart.

For you historical readers, what is your favorite era?

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Life Can Change in a Moment by Deb Kastner

...And so can blog posts.

I had intended to do a character interview with Angelica May Carmichael, the heroine for my June Love Inspired contemporary And Cowboy Makes Three. She’s a particularly interesting heroine because I’ve turned the alpha man trope on its head. In this case, Angelica is the town bad girl and hero Rowdy Masterson is a stand-up fellow whom everyone loves.

Angelica skipped town on the eve of her wedding to Rowdy without so much as an explanation, so when she turns back up in Serendipity, Texas with her Down syndrome baby Toby and no wedding ring, no one is really surprised.

She’s only in town to settle her late grandmother’s will, but Granny has something else in mind, sending both Angelica and Rowdy on the ride of their lives.

That's what I intended to write about.

But mid-morning two days ago, my fifteen-year-old terrier mix Missy went out to do her business in our large back yard and then we couldn’t find her. Now, she’s deaf as a post, so I didn’t immediately worry, but my hubby Joe said he felt in his gut something was wrong. He didn’t even bother putting his shoes on, nor use his cane, though he is physically disabled. He rushed down the porch stairs as fast as he could and found Missy up next to the wall of the house, on her back, covered with mud and her legs twitching in the air as she tried in vain to rise to her feet.

She had suffered a stroke and the whole right side of her body was paralyzed. And when I looked into her frightened eyes, I knew. It was time for her to cross over the Rainbow Bridge.

I’ve had two other dogs that have passed during my adult years, but they did so on their own time, falling asleep peacefully at home. But Missy was suffering and the damage was permanent. It was up to me to be strong enough to be there for her in her last moments to make her passing peaceful and loving.

The vet tech cried along with me as she gave Missy a sedative that would calm her down and take away her pain. The vet came in, I whispered, “I love you,” and “Goodbye,” and Missy was gone.

Gone from this world, perhaps, but not gone from my heart. Grief is weighing me down and all I want to do is cry and sleep and dream of a place and time she is still with me.

Life does change in a moment. Sometimes for the good. Sometimes it breaks your heart. Both Rowdy and Angelica experience those moments, and I hope you’ll pick up And Cowboy Makes Three to find out how they overcome.

As for me, if it’s all right with you, I think I’m going to wipe away my tears and go take a nap.

RIP Missy. Run and play over the Rainbow Bridge.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day & Sunday Scripture

The Ascension of the Lord

Christ's Ascension,
Fresken von Gebhard Fugel, 1893/1894,
Ravensburg, Germany. [PD-US}

Jesus said to his disciples:
“Go into the whole world
and proclaim the gospel to every creature.
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved;
whoever does not believe will be condemned.
These signs will accompany those who believe:
in my name they will drive out demons,
they will speak new languages.
They will pick up serpents with their hands,
and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them.
They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

So then the Lord Jesus, after he spoke to them,
was taken up into heaven
and took his seat at the right hand of God.
But they went forth and preached everywhere,
while the Lord worked with them
and confirmed the word through accompanying signs.
Mark 16: 15-20

Happy Mother's Day!
Blessings to all the Moms and
to all those with a Mother's heart!

If you have prayer needs, please mention them in the comments section so we can join you in prayer. You do not need to include specific names or situations of a private nature, just say that you have a prayer request. The Lord knows your heart and the needs you have. It is a privilege and honor to pray with you and for you.

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