Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Wedded Bliss by Laura Scott

Wedded Bliss - by Laura Scott

Good morning! I spent the weekend celebrating my daughter's wedding so please bear with me as I gush a moment. My daughter Nicole married Michael and they were so adorable! As the Mother of The Bride I was seated in the front row and watched as Michael's eyes teared up the moment he caught his first glimpse of his bride. I know I'm biased but she was so beautiful. Then at one point he whispered "I love you" right in the middle of the ceremony. They wrote their own vows and Nicole recited hers perfectly. Poor Michael was so flummoxed he had to pull out his phone to read them, totally cracked us up! They are so obviously in love and the entire ceremony was like something out of our romance novels.

Which is exactly why I write romance in the first place. I know this picture isn't very clear but here they are coming in for the reception. I won't have the photographer photos for a while yet.

This is another picture of Nicole with her God-Parents.

Okay, gush fest over!

I'm thrilled to announce I'm launching a new series: The McNallys. To Love is the first book in the series and is available for $0.99 Until Sunday Sept. 9th. After that the book will return to it's regular price of $3.99. The second book in the series is To Cherish and will be available November 1st.

Thanks for allowing me to share our wonderful wedding weekend!

Yours in faith, Laura Scott

Monday, August 27, 2018

When Belle and Jolene met. A story of Friendship.

Belle Calhoune and Jolene Navarro checking in from...well Belle is up in Connecticut and Jolene is sitting on her porch in the Texas Hill Country.  Isn't technology amazing?

Jolene: When I was first asked if there was someone I wanted to pair up with to share a blog space I eagerly asked Belle if she wanted to be my partner.  Belle was the first Love Inspired author that reached out to me personally when my first book came out in October of 2013 (Lone Star Holiday).  I responded right away because I had just read her first book from June of 2013 (Reunited with the Sheriff).  The hero's name is Tate.  That's one of my sons' names, so I knew she had good taste right off the bat.  We both write for the contemporary Love Inspired line and work with the same editor.  It's become a great long-distance friendship.  It's fun to find out the things we have in common and our differences.  What do you think Belle?

Belle: I remember reaching out to you once I realized there was a new Love Inspired author in the line. My first book came out only a few months before yours debuted.  I quickly realized you were an art teacher from Texas.  It doesn't get any cooler than that, does it? Before I became a writer I wasn't employed in a creative profession.  I was a federal investigator.  So that's a big difference between us!  Jolene writes Texas cowboys while I write Alaskan cowboys lol.  Jolene is an introvert whereas I am an extrovert.  Although I must add that Jolene is a very extroverted introvert.

Jolene: Ha.  I had to develop social skills to make my dreams happen, so I'm a great faker in public, plus I do kind of like being in control of my environment.  That's the introvert in me.

Belle: You do a good job of it.  When we were in San Diego at the RWA conference, Jolene flagged down iconic romance author Jayne Krentz and asked if we could take a picture with her.  It was especially funny because Krentz appeared slightly annoyed.  But we took the picture anyway.  

Jolene: Now that's not fair.  You said you loved her and I asked if you wanted a picture with her.  She was in a hurry, but I don't think she was annoyed.  She was in a hurry and we were fast.  What do you think? Does she look annoyed?

Belle: I think she was probably stopped a million times at that conference, so I thought she was very cool and gracious to say yes to our request.  She's a legend! So, another thing we have in common is that we're both married to our college sweethearts. 

Jolene: Fred and I have been together since 1986.  I was a freshman and he was a senior.  How long have you and Randy been together?

Belle: Randy and I met in 1988, so right after the two of you  met.  We were both juniors at Syracuse University.  We've been together ever since! Yikes. That's a long time.  But we are romance writers.  We need our heroes!  We've done romance writing panels together.  

We support each other through the triumphs and the not so triumphant moments (yes they happen). 

Jolene: Ugh.  Some of those were tough. Tears and everything. But if you want to be a writer you keep writing, through the doubts and fears. It's the writer friends you develop along the way that make this such a fun journey.

Belle: And we love meeting up at the Romance Writers of America conferences.  New York, San Diego and Orlando.  We have had such good times at the Harlequin author parties. There's always great food, amazing music and an opportunity to party with our fellow authors. 

Belle: Jolene recently made this for me to celebrate my making the RWA Honor Roll.  Isn't she sweet?  

Jolene: And Belle created a celebration post for me when she heard I made the Publisher's Weekly Mass Market list.  Having writer friends to celebrate with makes it so much sweeter.  But even better than that - she has been known to post a picture of Hugh Jackman on my birthday. I'm a huge fan of him and his wife. Did you know that Belle has attended parties with them? This may be the real reason I call her a friend - she's met the Jackmans. On another positive note, this week Belle has an Amazon Bestseller out with three other authors. Faithful Women: Legacies of Grace.

Belle: I'm excited about "Forever and a Day" (Book 5 in my Pelican Bay series) and some other fun
projects I've been working on this summer.
Jolene: I'm looking forward to two releases.  Lone Star Christmas, Book 3 in the Bergmann series will release mid-October to November 1st. Also, the Christmas classic Lone Star Holiday is releasing as a two in one book mid-September through October 1st. 


        Do you have any special friendships where you might not see the person all the time but still manage to stay connected?

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sunday Scripture

 Secondo Pia's negative of his photo of the Shroud of Turin.
The cloth is thought to have covered Christ in the Tomb.
Many Christian believe the image is the face of Jesus.

Many of Jesus' disciples who were listening said,
"This saying is hard; who can accept it?"
Since Jesus knew that his disciples were murmuring about this,
he said to them, "Does this shock you?
What if you were to see the Son of Man ascending
to where he was before? 
It is the spirit that gives life,
while the flesh is of no avail.
The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life.
But there are some of you who do not believe."
Jesus knew from the beginning the ones who would not believe
and the one who would betray him. 
And he said,
"For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me
unless it is granted him by my Father."

As a result of this,
many of his disciples returned to their former way of life
and no longer accompanied him.
Jesus then said to the Twelve, "Do you also want to leave?" 
Simon Peter answered him, "Master, to whom shall we go? 
You have the words of eternal life. 
We have come to believe
and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God."
John 6:60-69

If you have any prayer needs, please mention them in the comments section so we can join you in prayer. You do not need to include specific names or situations of a private nature, just say that you have a prayer request. The Lord knows your heart and the needs you have. It is a privilege and honor to pray with you and for you.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

New for September from Our Love Inspired Contemporary Authors

Jean C. Gordon here with three new must buys from our Love Inspired Contemporary authors. Just click on the cover or retailer links to purchase it. And to learn more about Leigh, Laurel, and Allie, click on their names.

Runaway Amish Bride
by Leigh Bale 

His Amish bride arrives…but he never proposed!
Surprises await in Colorado Amish Courtships

Widower Jakob Fisher isn’t interested in remarrying, even to pretty Abigail Miller. But thanks to his daed’s meddling, Abby’s sitting in his Colorado farmhouse, expecting to be wed. While Jakob can’t offer marriage, he can give Abby a job caring for his young children. But when he starts to fall for her, could Abby make Jakob’s family happy and whole once again?
Amazon | B&N | Harlequin | Kobo | Google Play | iBooks

A Baby for the Minister
by Laurel Blount 

A minister with a heart of gold…
and a pregnant bride with no groom!

Jilted at the altar, Natalie Davis has no one she can turn to—until Jacob Stone steps in. The single minister’s drawn to the beautiful mommy-to-be and wants to help…even if it goes against his congregation’s wishes and could cost him his job. But when she refuses to accept charity, can he convince her she’s more than a ministry project?
Amazon | B&N | Harlequin | Kobo | Google Play | iBooks

Snowbound with the Best Man
by Allie Pleiter 

Do their matchmaking daughters have the right idea?
A Matrimony Valley novel

Snowed in with the best man at a wedding weekend, florist Kelly Nelson can’t help but notice that the handsome widower seems overwhelmed raising his young daughter. So Kelly is delighted when her own daughter befriends the girl. But when the little matchmakers target Kelly and Bruce with an adorable Valentine’s Day plot, will the reluctant single parents give love a second chance?
Amazon | B&N | Harlequin | Kobo | Google Play | iBooks

Friday, August 24, 2018

New Beginnings

Hello Readers, Katy Lee here. Today I dropped my oldest daughter off at her college dorm. It's been a mixed emotion kind of day for all, but as Mom I did my best to set the atmosphere as positive and upbeat.

Change is always scary, and I could see the fear in my daughter's eyes as I said goodbye and walked away. I had hoped she didn't see the same look in mine. I'm sure it was there.

Fear of the unknown is real, but dreams come true on the other side of fear. Her dreams for herself, and my dreams for her. As a parent, all we can do is encourage them to push through the fear. As a writer, I hope I have shown her how to do it.

My children have watched their mom go after her dreams of being a writer and have seen what putting myself out there looks like. They've seen the fear. They've seen the hard work. And they've seen the dreams come true on the other side.

I know my daughter will push through her fear, and I look forward to the next time I see her when I will see how her courage had turned into dreams come true.

But for tonight, I will smile through a few tears.

Question: Have you had to push through a fear to achieve your dreams?

Thank you for stopping by!

Katy Lee

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Chasing Bubbles and Other Moments of Joy

I love to blow bubbles. And it is so fun to watch the look of wonder on children's faces as they run to catch them.

I think if everyone made it a daily practice to either blow bubbles or crayon color in a coloring book, we would all be less stressed and more happy. What do you think?

To me, bubbles are like brief, ephemeral moments of joy. Blowing bubbles are essentially deep breathing exercises—inhale, exhale. I've spent my summer chasing bubbles.

My oldest daughter graduated from college. We took maybe our last whole family trip together. My daughter got a real job, a great job. Only problem—it meant she had to move an hour away.

So we quickly shopped for an apartment, bought furniture—I adore buying furniture—and offered those last bits of adulting advice. In the months since, there has been a great deal of joy in seeing her spread her wings and fly into her new life.

I spent a week dancing and singing and praising God with the preschool crowd at my church during Vacation Bible School. I spent a week with our partner church in Latin America—leading worship in Spanish and teaching (not in Spanish).

Writing is like chasing bubbles. There is a lot hard work, tears and ephemeral moments of joy. In my latest Love Inspired, Hometown Reunion, early in the book the heroine bonds with the widowed hero and his little son by—you guessed it—blowing and chasing bubbles. A longer romantic suspense novel, A Vast and Gracious Tide, released mid-June. Both of these novels are great summer beach reads, btw.

This summer I also wrote the first book in a new Love Inspired series set in a small town in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. It is in production now and will release in 2019. I'm in the last stretches of writing another longer romantic suspense novel entitled The Sound of Falling Leaves. I hope you will be on the lookout for them.

Just last week, my husband and I moved our youngest daughter back to college. It was bittersweet. We've had so much fun this summer—laughing, hanging out, watching a lot of American Ninja Warrior—in other words, chasing bubbles.

How have you chased bubbles this summer? What has brought you joy this summer?

A single dad starting over.
Is this his second chance at love?

Widowed former Green Beret Jaxon Pruitt comes home to face his toughest battle: reconnecting with his toddler son. He also makes an unwitting enemy of childhood friend Darcy Parks when he takes over the kayak shop Darcy hoped to buy! For little Brody’s sake, she’ll stay until summer’s end. But could a growing connection turn their temporary truce into an unexpected forever?


Lisa Carter is the bestselling author of seven romantic suspense novels, four historical novellas and a contemporary Coast Guard series. The Stronghold won the 2017 Daphne du Maurier. Under a Turquoise Sky won the 2015 Carol Award for Romantic Suspense. Beyond the Cherokee Trail was a 4 1/2 star Romantic Times Top Pick. As a Southern romantic suspense writer--Sweet Tea with a Slice of Murder--Lisa Carter has definite opinions on serious issues like barbeque, ACC basketball and the whole Pepsi vs. Coke controversy. She and her husband have two daughters and make their home in North Carolina. When she isn't writing, Lisa enjoys traveling to romantic locales. She also enjoys quilting and researching her next exotic adventure.

Connect with Lisa:




For more information on her other bookshttp://lisacarterauthor.com/


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Animal Antics

By Carol J. Post

I’ve been a major animal lover all my life. From my earliest childhood, I can’t remember ever not having at least one pet. Over the years, the Post place has been home to a variety of four-legged friends—cats, dogs, rabbits, even an iguana.

After losing our 16-year-old long-haired dachshund last fall, we now only have two cats, both solid black. I live in Florida and North Carolina, driving back and forth almost every month. Midnight and Zorro love to travel, so I always take them with me. Regardless of where I’m going, they try to make sure they’re not going to get left. 

"If we're packed in your suitcase,
that means we're going, right?"
My cats are great company when I write, although they can sometimes be stinkers. Last week, my husband and I went to dinner with friends. When we got home, I found Midnight on the dining room table. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to close my laptop. While I was enjoying dinner, he was making changes to my current manuscript. He added several lines of gibberish, deleted some of the stuff I had written, moved chunks of text around, then did a “save as” (F12), naming the file “kkk.” (I’m pretty sure that stands for “kitty-kitty-kitty.”) Apparently, he thought my work needed some help. Fortunately, I had track changes turned on, so I was able to reject everything the cat had done.

Hmmm, misplaced modifier, shallow
characterization, unnecessary backstory…
Still needs some work.”

Since I love animals so much, they often find their way into my books. My hero, Bryce, in Lethal Legacy has a black lab that he rescued from neglect. When he wants to loan him to the heroine as a guard dog, he’s pretty sure he’ll behave. But getting to that point has involved some hard work and a whole lot of patience. In Bryce’s words, “Six months ago, you’d have rather taken your chances with an ax murderer than share a house with him.” Fortunately, my two are pretty good. As long as I keep them away from the computer.

What about you? Do you have any furry friends who don’t always behave? I’d love to hear about them. And I hope you’ll look for Lethal Legacy, coming out September 1.

Someone wants her family secrets buried 
He's her only chance to survive

Andrea Wheaton thought her parents’ tragic deaths were accidental—until she’s attacked during a burglary at their home. Now she’s also being targeted. Her ex-sweetheart Sheriff Deputy Bryce Caldwell insists on protecting her, though she refuses to trust him again. But with a killer closing in, can she and Bryce uncover her family’s secrets before it’s too late for them both?



Connect with Carol on:

Check out her other books: www.caroljpost.com/my-books/

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

I Can't Believe I'm here!

It's a dream come true being new to the Harlequin Publishing family and the Love Inspired line. So, I thought I'd do a top ten list of things you might want to know about me as a way of introducing myself to this fabulous group! So here goes....

10. I was born and raised in Columbia County, NY, an area in upstate New York, about 120 north of New York city.

9. I married my high school sweetheart 38 years ago...and that sounds like a really, really long time ago! LOL! And when we renewed our wedding vows our first time, (yes, we did it twice, and Elvis officiated in Vegas) my husband did a top ten list of why he loved me. Not a dry eye in the church!

8. I love to cook, but cleaning up the mess I make....not so much.

7. I always wanted to be an actress, but never got over my stage fright. My degree is in Theater Arts and I loved creating so much that I decided to write instead...and later in my life I realized I wanted to be a NASCAR driver. I'm still trying to figure out a way to make that happen.

6. I sold my first book on 9/9/99 at 1:30 pm. I was watching my favorite daytime soap, Days of Our Lives when Amy Garvey from Kensington Publishing called to make an offer for my novel, Adirondack Jewel which was published as Mountain Jewel.

5.  I love history and happy endings, which is probably why my first love as an author was to write historical romances.
A field in Clymer, NY the setting for A Love For Lizzie 

4. I love binge watching TV shows, like The Gilmore Girls, The Hart of Dixie, and When Calls The Heart.

3. I'm a country girl at heart.

2. I adore my family, which consists of our two married sons and five grandkids. Who knew having grandchildren could be so much fun?

1. My first Love Inspired book, A Love for Lizzie, (A New York state set Amish story) will be releasing in 2019.

Thank you so much for indulging me. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you. In the comment section tell me one thing about yourself! There will be a drawing! One lucky winner (USA only) will be given an autographed print copy of A Changed Agent, Waterfall Press, book one, The Adirondack Pinkertons series.

I invite you to join me on Facebook 
visit my website 

Monday, August 20, 2018

A New Day, A New Genre, Writing Suspense with Sherri Shackelford

In May of 2017, I was waiting to get my nails done at a very noisy, very crowded salon. Like most of the other folks, I was scrolling through my phone to kill time when a subject line caught my eye.

The email announced that my publisher was closing several book lines. I was writing for Love Inspired Historical at the time. Harlequin was ending the Love Inspired Historical Line. Uh oh and stuff. 

I took my name off the waiting list and drove home. I was, after all, an unemployed author!

Adding to the confusion, my editor was out of town. It was another month before I learned what was going to happen. The historical book I was currently writing would release as scheduled. I had one more historical 'orphan' book on my contract that could be written - although the publisher wasn't certain as to the release details. 

While I was sad the historical line was closing, I immediately focused on a new challenge. I'm a professional writer--and professional writers write! I spoke with both my agent and my editor about how and where to pivot. I ate chocolate. I watched some Netflix. 

Then I whipped up a proposal and managed to change my 'orphan' book from a historical to suspense. I had fun writing.  I liked this new gig. A lot.

This business is all about 'hurry up and wait', and once I had written one suspense book, I had the bug. I was eager to write more. I rebranded. I updated my website. I changed my bio. Because writing in a new genre means starting over in a lot of ways. 

The truth is, stuff like this happens to authors all the time. Lines fold. Lines stop selling. When I started writing, I wanted to write Regency Romance. I loved the category Regency books with their sweet stories and witty dialogue. These days, they're hard to find. I have to raid the bargain bins at the used bookstore for my favorite old category Regencies. 

Learning to write suspense was a challenge. I had to change my pacing, my process, and my writing personality. I had to catch up with technology! No more horses and buggies. My characters had cell phones and running water. Shorter books meant dropping secondary storylines. Learning something new is never easy--especially when you're old and set in your ways.

I also had to consider that --for all intents and purposes--I was starting over. I don't know yet how many readers that enjoyed my historicals will make the jump to suspense. (A lot, I hope!) I'm treating this like a debut book. 

Even though my first suspense doesn't release until January, I'm happy to say that I've contracted more books, and I'm back at work. I hope to bring my readers along on this new adventure, and even attract some new readers.

*Tell me about a new beginning in your life for a chance to win an advanced review copy of my first suspense! 

*Books should arrive on or before October

Coming in January of 2019, (Available for Pre-Order!) No Safe Place

He lives by the law.

She’s running for her life.

After forensic accountant Beth Greenwood uncovers a money-laundering scheme tying her company to the organization that murdered her mentor, she knows she needs to go into hiding. With ruthless killers in pursuit, she’s forced to rely on homeland security agent Corbin Ross’s protection—even as his investigation suggests Beth is complicit in embezzlement. Can their uneasy alliance develop into something deeper—and keep them alive?

For now, I gotta go. I gotta go get my nails done...

A former naval reservist with a top-secret security clearance, Sherri Shackelford writes rapid-fire suspense featuring captivating characters and heart-pounding romance. She's authored more than a dozen novels, including both contemporary suspense and historical romance. Visit her at sherrishackelford.com or sherri@sherrishackelford.com.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sunday Scripture

The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci, 1495-1498, Santa Maria delle Grazie.

Jesus said to the crowds:
"I am the living bread that came down from heaven;
whoever eats this bread will live forever;
and the bread that I will give
is my flesh for the life of the world."

The Jews quarreled among themselves, saying,
"How can this man give us his flesh to eat?" 
Jesus said to them,
"Amen, amen, I say to you,
unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood,
you do not have life within you. 
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood
has eternal life,
and I will raise him on the last day. 
For my flesh is true food,
and my blood is true drink. 
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood
remains in me and I in him. 
Just as the living Father sent me
and I have life because of the Father,
so also the one who feeds on me
will have life because of me. 
This is the bread that came down from heaven. 
Unlike your ancestors who ate and still died,
whoever eats this bread will live forever."
John 6:51-58

If you have any prayer needs, please mention them in the comments section so we can join you in prayer. You do not need to include specific names or situations of a private nature, just say that you have a prayer request. The Lord knows your heart and the needs you have. It is a privilege and honor to pray with you and for you.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Another Side to the Ladies of Love Inspired Romance

Many of the Ladies of Love Inspired Romance write more than their Love Inspired Books. Here are some of this month's other new releases. Just click on the covers or buy links to purchase them. And to learn more about the authors, click on their names.

by Mary Alford, Virginia Vaughan, and five other authors

After a terrorist attack claims the life of her partner, CIA Agent Erin Sandoval would not have survived Blake's death without the help of fellow agent, Jax Murphy. When Erin's unit is deployed to Afghanistan to find the elusive terrorist the CIA believes responsible for taking Blake's life, the mission proves to be a setup, wiping out almost the entire team. As the only survivors of the attack, Erin and Jax must cut through a wealth of lies and misdirections to uncover the killer's identity. Yet nothing prepares them for the truth, and the biggest threat to their survival might prove to be their growing feelings for each other. When you're running for your life, the most dangerous place to fall is in love.

Amy Sullivan left everything familiar to meet an aunt she didn't know she had. She's searching for a family connection, yet gets much more when she's named sole heir to her aunt's fortune. But someone in this sleepy, southern town doesn't want Amy to live long enough to collect that inheritance. Deputy Tate Mitchell is determined to discover who wants the money for themselves--and who is willing to kill Amy to get it.

A Christian Romantic Suspense Boxed Set Book Bundle Collection

Buy: Amazon 

Amish Christmas Wishes
by Mary Alford

In the shadow of the Mission Mountains of Montana, a nightmare is about to come to life.

Facing her first Christmas since her father’s passing, Hannah Christianson must put aside the desires of her heart to one day have a family of her own in order to take care of her younger brother and sister. Yet when an unexpected stranger comes into her life, he possesses the power to rekindle all those longings.

Mason Lambright is the grown up version of the boy who has haunted Hannah’s dreams since she was a little girl. From the moment Mason stops in at her family’s café, Hannah feels a connection to him.

Banned Amish dairy farmer Mason Lambright is running from allegations that brand him a murderer. Desperate to reclaim his place in the Plain world once again, he ends up at the Mission Valley Community searching for a new beginning. But Mason’s unexpected appearance brings with it a hint of something far darker when another man arrives in the valley shortly after Mason. Everything about the intimidating stranger makes Hannah fearful. Who is this man, and why has he come to her peaceful Mission Valley community? The answer will be far more deadly than anything she could have imagined.

Haunted by a recent the fire that took the life of his mother, Mason recalls a similar one when he was a young boy. The little girl with silver hair that he saved from that fire. The mysterious man running away who warned Mason to keep his mouth shut. The feeling that something evil lurked nearby waiting to pounce.

Mason is struck by how much Hannah reminds him of that young girl from childhood. He is convinced their lives are connected in spite of the impossible. Hannah has never lived anywhere but Mission Valley.

With Christmas just days away, will Hannah and Mason unravel the secrets from their joined past and find the love they’ve both been searching for? Or will their dangerous history take away their chance at happiness…along with their lives?

Buy: Amazon 
Faithful Women: Legacies of Grace
by Belle Calhoune, Cate Nolan, Leah Atwood, and Christina Lorenzen

Four Christian romance novellas inspired by legendary Biblical women.
Eve: Eve Douglass has worked hard to recover from opioid addiction. In doing so, she's reinvented her life in Bay Shore, Cape Cod and held fast to her dream of one day opening her own bakery. When she meets handsome veterinarian, Flynn Samuels, Eve finds herself struggling with her attraction to him. Ever since the tragic death of her ex-boyfriend, Adam, Eve has steered clear of relationships. But Eve knows God wouldn't want her to walk through life alone. As she and Flynn begin a relationship, Eve struggles with the knowledge that she still needs to make amends to those she's wronged.

Hannah: Can God bring together what man has torn asunder?

Hannah and Kane Winthrop had it all—until the challenges of infertility drove a wedge between them and threatened their marriage.

Like her biblical namesake, Hannah is a woman of prayer, and she never stopped praying for a child.

Sometimes God answers our prayers in unexpected ways, and for Hannah that means a chance to be the guardian of two young children while their mother is deployed.

Will this opportunity give Hannah and Kane a chance to rebuild their marriage, or will it reinforce their differences and drive them apart forever?

Ruth: Ruth Baker has lost her husband. Unsure of what the future holds, she clings to her faith and her six-year-old daughter, Mara, when she travels to her grandmother’s beachside home in Pebble Shores.

Eli Hamill has felt the pull to put down roots. After years of buying and selling houses, he’s doing something he’s never done before – living temporarily in the beachside house he bought from an elderly widow. The last thing he’s looking for is an instant family.

Can an old house filled with loving memories and a sweet little girl show two lonely people what the future can hold?

Mari: A chance encounter in the aftermath of a storm takes Mari Armfield on a path of discovery that leads to a newfound faith in God. As her faith grows, she realizes that her life can’t stay the same. She has tough decisions to make, including the future of her relationship with her boyfriend Steve.

Steve doesn’t believe in God, but he’ll support Mari in her new walk. As her faith deepens, his concern grows. How can their relationship survive paths that aren't compatible?
Mari is a fictional novella inspired by the biblical woman at the well.

Buy: Amazon

A Match Made in Williamstown
by Jean C. Gordon

Ellie Alexander is In love. And the only thing sweeter would be if Libby, her unmarried, unattached granddaughter, could find the same happiness. Maybe with a little help from her and her beau Blake Parker …

Libby Schuyler has avoided dating since her break-up with college-sweetheart Jack Parker. Out of nowhere, Jack shows up claiming Ellie is swindling his grandfather, Blake, through a travel agency partnership they’ve formed. Libby and Jack team up to protect their grandparents and get to the bottom of Ellie and Blake’s business and romantic relationship. While Libby and Jack fight their reignited attraction, Ellie and Blake conspire to bring the two together.

Inspirational Romance Novella

Buy: Amazon | B&N Kobo | iBooks 

To Love
by Laura Scott

Eager for a fresh start, Jazz McNally throws herself into renovating her grandparents’ mansion in time for the grand opening of the McNally Bed and Breakfast. When vandals strike, she accepts help from drifter Dalton O’Brien. Dalton is willing to lend a hand, until it’s time to move on. But when danger escalates, Dalton soon realizes that protecting Jazz is a threat—to his heart.

Inspirational Romantic Suspense
The McNallys Book One 

Buy: Amazon | B&N Kobo | iBooks 

Runaway Princess Bride
by Lenora Worth

After making a serious misjudgment about the man she was about to marry, Cara escaped to the one place she always felt safe–her family’s ranch. She wants to evade the paparazzi and hide her near disastrous mistake from her family, while she tries to figure out what’s next.

In need of peace after a tumultuous year supervising the building of Castle’s first technology store, Aidan Castle escapes to the Double L Ranch. When he enters the den, he’s shocked to find a woman sleeping in a wedding dress. Worse, he recognizes her as the beautiful socialite he kissed at Castle’s costume ball. He’d felt that night was special and when Cara left, he’d lost a little piece of his heart.

Cara has no place to go, and Aidan’s not sure he wants to kick her out. When a winter storm traps them in, their attraction and bond become undeniable. Cara opens up and Aidan can’t resist playing white knight and offering to scrub all details of her secret love life to save grace with her powerful brother. But then, he discovers secrets that make him question everything. Can he trust her?

Sweet Romance
Castles of Dallas 

Buy:  Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iBooks | Google Play


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Write for Love Inspired Romance?
If you do and would like to join this blog, please contact either Margaret Daley or Pamela Tracy

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