Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Amish Words of Wisdom + A Giveaway!

with Meghan Carver

One of the most loved books of the Bible is Proverbs. It’s full of little gold nuggets of wisdom ~ wisdom that could fill many, many books but is condensed into a handful of easy-to-remember pithy sayings.

The beauty of proverbs, or sayings, is that they tell us more about the values of those people who value those particular sayings. 

The language of the Amish is Pennsylvania German, an oral language. It does not have written words. It seems to me that this makes their cherished proverbs even more valuable since they are handed down through the generations as part of an oral tradition. This oral tradition then helps to maintain the cohesiveness of the community.

In my research on the Amish, I found a wonderful little book by Suzanne Woods Fisher ~ Amish Proverbs: Words of Wisdom from the Simple Life.  

The chapters are organized by virtues and include Time, Money, Faith, In Word & Deed, Work Ethic, Handling Adversity, Education, Community, Character, and Just for Fun.

Here’s a sampling ~~~

“To stay youthful, stay useful.” (p. 20)
“One thing you can learn by watching the clock is that it passes time by keeping its hands busy.” (p. 21)
“Things that steal our time are usually the easiest to do.” (p. 25)
“The debt that is paid is best.” (p. 31)
“An industrious wife is the best savings account.” (p. 32)
“Walk softly, speak tenderly, and pray fervently.” (p. 44)
“Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are not willing to move your feet.” (p. 47)
“The right temperature at home is maintained by warm hearts, not hot heads.” (p. 60)
“An unkind remark is like a killing frost—no matter how much it warms up, the damage is already done.” (p. 67)
“The soundness of your ideas is more important than the sound of your words.” (p. 81)
“The trouble with doing nothing is it’s too hard to tell when you’re finished.” (p. 85)
“You’re never too old to learn.” (p. 108)
“If you won’t admit you’ve been wrong, you love yourself more than truth.” (p. 121)
“Apple butter, just like relationships, takes time to boil, time to cool, and time to turn out wonderfully.” (p. 122)
“Good character like good soup is usually homemade.” (p. 125)

“An honest cook serves her food with the burnt side up.” (p. 135)

There is so much wisdom in these sayings that I’ll be thinking on them for quite some time.

Which is your favorite?

Let’s end today’s post with a giveaway ~ one signed copy of my September release, Amish Country Amnesia!

Please leave a comment to be entered. US winners only. A winner will be chosen after midnight tonight.

Best wishes and many blessings!

~ Meghan

UPDATED: And the winner is...LELA W! Congratulations! Lela, please contact me at MeghanCCarver@gmail.com with your address, and I'll get your book to you right away. Thank you, everyone, for the comments!


  1. I like "Things that steal our time are usually the easiest to do." I've been battling a certain game on my tablet and spending way too much time :)

    1. I appreciate your honesty! That one struck a nerve with me as well...social media. :-)

  2. Replies
    1. And there are so many more that I just didn't have room for.... :-)

  3. This looks good. I can't wait to read it! Thanks for a chance to win for me and my mom.

    1. Thank you so much for commenting, Lela! Best wishes and many blessings! :-)

  4. Great post, Meghan! I love the one about the clock hands. So true!

  5. There are so many good ones, it hard to choose. I thought I had this book but I don't, so I'm here for the chance to win a copy and adding it to my wish list. Thank you for the chance.

    1. OOPS! Just saw it hasn't been released yet. That's why I don't have it, but it is in my Amazon wish list.

  6. “The soundness of your ideas is more important than the sound of your words.” This one is new to me but I love it!

  7. Love the Amish sayings, Meghan, especially, “Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are not willing to move your feet.”

    I also love your cover! Can't wait until the book releases!

  8. So many of them are truly convicting if you think on them. Many of them struck a chord with me, but this one probably the most:

    “The soundness of your ideas is more important than the sound of your words.”

    I may not be interpreting this correctly, but regardless it spoke to me. I have had to learn how important it is to have a filter with your words. When I was younger, I thought it didn't matter what I said if it was honest. Let me tell you, I'm a talker so a filter was a lesson in self-control. I think this one resonated with me the most, because now I have a 19 year old daughter who speaks her mind fluently and often without regards to how it might come across to others. She is a mirror of my younger self and we often talk about our words and that so-called filter.

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