Monday, March 22, 2010

The Big and the Small of It

Hi -- Janet Tronstad here. I am excited because I just signed a contract for another two-in-one book with Debra Clopton. You may remember we wrote our Small-Town Brides two-in-one for this past June. Now, we're signed up for a Mother's Day book for 2011! I'm jazzed because I have always liked novellas. Maybe because they're short enough that I can start and finish one while I'm getting ready for sleep at night. Over the years, the size of book I prefer to read has changed. When I was in high school, I liked long, long books (probably because I was living on our family farm and trips to the book mobile didn't come soon enough for me so I loved long books that would last for a while). Then I liked medium length ones. Finally, I've come to prefer a selection of short ones (novellas). How about you? Do you have a preferred book length? Tell us why.


  1. Hi Janet

    Congrats on signing your contract! That's great news. :-)

    I agree with you about tending to prefer shorter length books. I enjoy reading novellas as you often get a range of stories in one book, allowing you to try out new authors and sample a range of stories.

    I also like regular length Love Inspired books. I find them about the perfect length for story development and getting to know (and love) the characters.

    Best wishes,

  2. Congrats on the two-in-one!! I loved your last one!


  3. Thanks Nicola and Missy -- And, I forgot to mention, that if you like short snippets of story just stay tuned to this blog for tomorrow! I won't say more :))

    Thanks again, Janet --

  4. I'm excited too Janet! We had a lot of fun writing the last books together :)


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